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Forward from: Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS
Xusanov gol urdi. Ertaga rostanam parkda osh 5 tonnali

better late than never

Doctors use anesthesia during the surgery in order to take the edge off the pain.

hard work pays off😎

consistency is the key

I participated in three-hours online lesson which is the last task of today. It time to hit the bed)

In recent times, it has become increasingly common for young people not engaging in sport activities, especially urban areas. While the are clear reasons associated with academic pressure and tight deadlines, I totally believe parents and teachers should take responsibilities to combat the problem.

Why nowadays younger generation do not spend their time on sports courses? The emergence of high educational standards and tight schedules, have create an environment where many youngers experience academic pressures as well as school assignments, standardized tests. Giving these circumstances, it comes as no surprise many youngers have no time for going to sport courses. A case in point is my home country Uzbekistan many younger generation encounter this kind of obstacles mentioned above when it comes to participate in sports courses.

To combat the issue, one viable solution could be make children’s assignments easier. What I mean by that when younger have limited school assignments they might have more spare time which can be spent to engage in sports,thereby teacher plays a crucial role in encouraging younger generation to sport.Moreover, parents should teach their children about the benefits of being in a sport courses in terms of staying in healthy and get fit.

In conclusion, although there is a decline in the number of younger generation who engage in sports activities due to availability of school-related tasks, by this problem can be solved through the intervention of the parents and teachers.

by me 06.02.2025

Fewer young people play sports these days.

Why is this?
What can be done to encourage young people to do sports.

one of the tree-friendly path of Gulistan

Rome was not built in a day, so make your plan for today

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of energy production in France in this years of 1985 and 2005.

Overall, both years coal and gas accounted for half of the energy production, the reverse was true for petro,nuclear and other source of energy.Petro was the only energy source which saw a decrease over the period given.

In 1985, the generation of coal and gas was 29.80 % and 29.63% respectively. By 2005, the coal production had increased by 1%. Likewise, the amount of energy generated by gas went up to 30.31% by the final year.

Despite beginning at just 29.27% yearly production, the petro generating went down to 19.55% in 2005. Unlike petro production, the use of nuclear energy rose to 10.10% in the last year. Other source of energy,on the other hand, accounted for 4.90 in the first year, but then this figure climbed to 9.10% in the second year.

by me 05.02.2025.


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Forward from: xiloliy
Yo‘ldagi yoqimsiz suhbatdosh, yo‘lni bosib o‘tishni qiyinlashtiradi.
Endi siz umrni tasavvur qilavering...


never stop studying, because ever page you read, every hour you invest and every challenge you overcome,brings you one step close to the life you've always dreamed of

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