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👍IT Park Ventures xalqaro kompaniyalar bilan hamkorlikni kengaytirmoqda
O‘zbekiston delegatsiyasining Saudiya Arabistoniga amaliy tashrifi doirasida “IT Park Ventures” direktori Azamat Karamatov “ESG EQ Partners LLC” bilan muzokaralar olib bordi hamda “Google” va “StrategEast” tashkilotlari tomonidan “Google”ning Ar-Riyoddagi ofisida o‘tkazilgan tadbirda qatnashdi.
Ushbu uchrashuvlar natijasida “ESG EQ Partners LLC” bilan o‘zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi va yetakchi investitsiya hamda venchur fondlari bilan aloqalar o‘rnatildi.
Shuningdek, Azamat Karamatov Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligidagi IT Park vakolatxonasining rasmiy ochilish marosimida ishtirok etdi.
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👍 IT Park Ventures expands collaboration with international companies
During a business visit by Uzbekistan's delegation to Saudi Arabia, IT Park Ventures Director Azamat Karamatov held discussions with ESG EQ Partners LLC and participated in an event organized by Google and StrategEast at Google’s Riyadh office.
These engagements culminated in the signing of a memorandum of understanding with ESG EQ Partners LLC and the establishment of connections with leading investment and venture capital funds.
Additionally, Azamat Karamatov took part at the official opening ceremony of the IT Park Representative Office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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👍IT Park Ventures xalqaro kompaniyalar bilan hamkorlikni kengaytirmoqda
O‘zbekiston delegatsiyasining Saudiya Arabistoniga amaliy tashrifi doirasida “IT Park Ventures” direktori Azamat Karamatov “ESG EQ Partners LLC” bilan muzokaralar olib bordi hamda “Google” va “StrategEast” tashkilotlari tomonidan “Google”ning Ar-Riyoddagi ofisida o‘tkazilgan tadbirda qatnashdi.
Ushbu uchrashuvlar natijasida “ESG EQ Partners LLC” bilan o‘zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi va yetakchi investitsiya hamda venchur fondlari bilan aloqalar o‘rnatildi.
Shuningdek, Azamat Karamatov Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligidagi IT Park vakolatxonasining rasmiy ochilish marosimida ishtirok etdi.
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👍 IT Park Ventures expands collaboration with international companies
During a business visit by Uzbekistan's delegation to Saudi Arabia, IT Park Ventures Director Azamat Karamatov held discussions with ESG EQ Partners LLC and participated in an event organized by Google and StrategEast at Google’s Riyadh office.
These engagements culminated in the signing of a memorandum of understanding with ESG EQ Partners LLC and the establishment of connections with leading investment and venture capital funds.
Additionally, Azamat Karamatov took part at the official opening ceremony of the IT Park Representative Office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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