IT Park Ventures x DOMiNO Ventures: Startaplar va investorlar uchun maxsus uchrashuv!“IT Park Ventures” shuni mamnuniyat bilan ma’lum qiladiki, asosiy hamkorlarimizdan biri — “DOMiNO Ventures” O‘zbekistonga tashrif buyurib, startap va venchur ekotizimining muhim vakillari bilan uchrashadi! IT Park Uzbekistan va “IT Park Ventures”ning strategik hamkori sifatida “DOMiNO Ventures” innovatsiyalarni rivojlantirish va istiqbolli startaplarni qo‘llab-quvvatlashga alohida e’tibor qaratadi.
“DOMiNO Ventures” — Sharqiy Yevropa, Markaziy Osiyo va Kavkazda mustahkam o‘rin egallagan yuqori texnologiyali, sof raqamli va global miqyosda kengayishi mumkin bo‘lgan startaplarga ixtisoslashgan Niderlandiya venchur kapital fondidir. Fond global miqyosda faoliyat yuritib, Amsterdam, Istanbul, O‘zbekiston, Qozog‘iston, Ozarbayjon, Estoniya, Polsha va Gruziyada o‘z ofislariga ega.
Nega qatnashish kerak?✅ “DOMiNO Ventures”ning investitsiya strategiyasi va o‘zbek startaplari uchun imkoniyatlari haqida ma’lumot oling
✅ Muvaffaqiyatli mablag‘ yig‘ish va investorlarning kutilmalari haqida bilim orttiring
✅ “DOMiNO Ventures” tomonidan moliyalashtirilgan istiqbolli o‘zbek startapi — “Point AI” tajribasi bilan tanishing
✅ Venchur kapitali tendensiyalari bo‘yicha soha ekspertlari bilan savol-javob sessiyasida ishtirok eting
✅ Yetakchi investorlar, asoschillar va ekotizim rahbarlari bilan aloqa o‘rnating
Sana: 2025-yil 19-fevral
Vaqt: 16:30
Manzil: IT Park Toshkent🎟 Kirish bepul — o‘rinlar cheklangan! Hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting:🔗 “DOMiNO Ventures” haqida batafsil:—
T Park Ventures x DOMiNO Ventures: Exclusive Meetup for Startups & Investors!
IT Park Ventures is thrilled to share that one of our key partners, DOMiNO Ventures, will be visiting Uzbekistan to meet with key startup and venture ecosystem representatives! As a strategic partner of IT Park Ventures and IT Park Uzbekistan, DOMiNO Ventures is dedicated to fostering innovation and supporting high-potential startups.
DOMiNO Ventures is Netherland-based venture capital fund specializing in high-tech, pure-digital, and globally scalable startups with strong roots in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. With a global presence, the fund operates from offices in Amsterdam, Istanbul, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Poland, and Georgia.
Why Attend?
✅ Learn about DOMiNO Ventures’ investment strategy and opportunities for Uzbek startups
✅ Gain insights into fundraising success & investor expectations
✅ Discover Point AI’s journey—a rising Uzbek startup funded by DOMiNO Ventures
✅ Engage in a Q&A session with industry experts on venture capital trends
✅ Network with top investors, founders & ecosystem leaders
📅 Date: February 19, 2025
⏰ Time: 16:30
📍 Venue:
IT Park Tashkent 🎟 Free entry – limited spots! Register now:🔗 More about DOMiNO Ventures: