Forward from: IT Park Uzbekistan
IT Park delegatsiyasi Ar-Riyodga tashrif buyurdi. Tashrifning asosiy maqsadi IT-xizmatlar eksportini koʻpaytirish, xalqaro IT va BPO bozorlarida Oʻzbekiston salohiyatini oshirish, shuningdek, mamlakatimizda IT sohasida faoliyat yuritish uchun yaratilgan qulay shart-sharoitlarni targʻib qilishdan iborat edi.
Tashrif doirasida 10 ta rezident kompaniya uchun koʻrgazma stendlari tashkil etildi, Saudiya Arabistonining yetakchi texnologiya kompaniyalari va investorlari bilan 80 dan ortiq uchrashuv oʻtkazildi.
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A delegation from IT Park undertook an official visit to Riyadh. The primary objective of this visit was to expand the export of IT services, enhance Uzbekistan’s potential in international IT and BPO markets, and promote the favorable business conditions established in Uzbekistan’s IT sector.
As part of the visit, exhibition stands were arranged for ten member companies, and over 80 meetings were conducted with leading technology firms and investors in Saudi Arabia.
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Tashrif doirasida 10 ta rezident kompaniya uchun koʻrgazma stendlari tashkil etildi, Saudiya Arabistonining yetakchi texnologiya kompaniyalari va investorlari bilan 80 dan ortiq uchrashuv oʻtkazildi.
📖 Batafsil ma’lumot:
A delegation from IT Park undertook an official visit to Riyadh. The primary objective of this visit was to expand the export of IT services, enhance Uzbekistan’s potential in international IT and BPO markets, and promote the favorable business conditions established in Uzbekistan’s IT sector.
As part of the visit, exhibition stands were arranged for ten member companies, and over 80 meetings were conducted with leading technology firms and investors in Saudi Arabia.
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