Forward from: γ
So'zlashuv uchun yangi to'plamπ
π₯ Ask me another - Osonroq savol so'ra!
π₯ I don't care - Menga farqi yo'q
π₯ I have no idea - Bilmasam
π₯ I wish I knew - Qani edi bilsaydim!
π₯ It doesn't matter - farqi yo'q
π₯ It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani o'zgartira olmaydi
π₯ It's all the same to me - Hammasi baribir
π₯ It's beside the point - Bu mutloq boshqa narsa
π₯ It's up to you - Sizga bog'liq
π₯ Let's clear it up - Keling, aniqlab olamiz
π₯ Let's drop the subject - Keling shu mavzuni to'xtataylik
π₯ So what? - Nima bo'libdi(farqi nima)?
π₯ That's not the point - Buning aloqasi yo'q
π₯ That's very well, but - Ajoyib, lekin....
π₯ Use your own judgement - o'zingga qara
π₯ What are you driving at? - Nima demoqchisiz?
π₯ What are you talking about? - Nima deyapsiz?
π₯ What for? - Nima uchun?
π₯ What of it? - Xo'sh nima bo'libdi?
π₯ You can take it from me - Menga ishonishingiz mumkin
π₯ Ask me another - Osonroq savol so'ra!
π₯ I don't care - Menga farqi yo'q
π₯ I have no idea - Bilmasam
π₯ I wish I knew - Qani edi bilsaydim!
π₯ It doesn't matter - farqi yo'q
π₯ It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani o'zgartira olmaydi
π₯ It's all the same to me - Hammasi baribir
π₯ It's beside the point - Bu mutloq boshqa narsa
π₯ It's up to you - Sizga bog'liq
π₯ Let's clear it up - Keling, aniqlab olamiz
π₯ Let's drop the subject - Keling shu mavzuni to'xtataylik
π₯ So what? - Nima bo'libdi(farqi nima)?
π₯ That's not the point - Buning aloqasi yo'q
π₯ That's very well, but - Ajoyib, lekin....
π₯ Use your own judgement - o'zingga qara
π₯ What are you driving at? - Nima demoqchisiz?
π₯ What are you talking about? - Nima deyapsiz?
π₯ What for? - Nima uchun?
π₯ What of it? - Xo'sh nima bo'libdi?
π₯ You can take it from me - Menga ishonishingiz mumkin