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Қориннинг қаппайиб туриши жонингизга тегдими?

🇹🇷 Туркиянинг оздирувчи майкалари орқали қоматингиз ихчам ва кўркам кўринишга эга бўлади!

Йиртилмайди, чўзилмайди. Кийимлар остида сезилмайди. Ортиқча ёғларни эритиб оздириш хусусиятига эга. Бир ой ичида яхши натижа олишингиз мумкин.

Эркакларники: 74.000 сўм

🧔🏻‍♂ Эркаклар учун:👇

🚛 EТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ МУТЛАҚО МАВЖУД. Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

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📝Writing Task 1

⏱You should spend about twenty minutes on this task❗️

The diagrams below are existing and proposed floor plans for the
redevelopment of an art gallery.

✍Write at least 150 words

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🇺🇿 Qarang, bugun havo juda ham issiq bo'lyapti 😰

🇷🇺 Знаете, сегодня очень жарко 😰

🇬🇧 You know, it's awfully hot today 😰

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Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.


Buyurtma berish👇👇

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⛅️ Ассалому алайкум! Сешанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲


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⛅️ СЕШАНБА тонги
  муборак булсин!

🌸🌺 Аллоҳимга шукр яна бир гўзал тонгни  соғ омонликда ғойибона бўлсада дийдор кўришиб қарши олишлик бахтини насиб этди!

🌸💐 Аллоҳдан қалбингиз сокинлигини,
Юзингиз табассуми ва нурини,
Танангиз соғлигини,
Хонадонингиз тинчлиги давомий бўлишини,

🌺🌸 Аллоҳ хар бир тонгни саодат ила қарши олишингизни насиб айласин🤲

🌸🌷Яхши кайфият сизни асло тарк этмасин!!🤲



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I Am Not Okay with This

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🇬🇧What are you doing?
🇷🇺Что вы делаете?
🇺🇿Nima qilyapsiz?

🇬🇧Are you going any-where?
🇷🇺Куда-нибудь собираетесь?
🇺🇿Qayergadir otlanyapsizmi?
🇬🇧I need some change to make a call.
🇷🇺Мне нужна мелочь, чтобы позвонить.
🇺🇿Qo'ng'iroq qilishim uchun menga mayda pul kerak.

🇬🇧Sorry to have troubled you.
🇷🇺Простите, что я вас побеспокоил.
🇺🇿Bezovta qilganim uchun uzr.

🇬🇧I couldn't get him on the telephone.
🇷🇺Я не мог к нему дозвониться.
🇺🇿Unga (o'g'il bola) qo'ng'iroq qilib tusholmadim.

🇬🇧The telephone is out of order.
🇷🇺Телефон не в порядке.
🇺🇿Telefon ishlamayapti.

🇬🇧Go ahead!
🇷🇺Вас соединили, говорите.
🇺🇿Gapiravering, ulandi.

🇬🇧Are you through?
🇷🇺Вас соединили?
🇺🇿Siz bog'landingizmi?

🇬🇧Have you finished?
🇷🇺Вы закончили разговор?
🇺🇿Gaplashib bo'ldingizmi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.

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Simsiz mini kamera - xavfsizligingiz garovi!

Telefon, kompyuter orqali onlayn kuzatish mumkin

Xotirasi to'lgan sari kameraning o'zi eski videolarni o'chira boshlaydi
HD sifatda oladi

Harakat bo'lganda signal beradi
Mikrofon va dinamiklari mavjud Tungi rejimi ham bor
❌Eski narxi 249.000❌
Narxi: 84.000 min


Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

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I Am Not Okay with This

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So'zlashuv uchun yangi to'plam🚀

💥 Ask me another - Osonroq savol so'ra!
💥 I don't care - Menga farqi yo'q
💥 I have no idea - Bilmasam
💥 I wish I knew - Qani edi bilsaydim!
💥 It doesn't matter - farqi yo'q
💥 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani o'zgartira olmaydi
💥 It's all the same to me - Hammasi baribir
💥 It's beside the point - Bu mutloq boshqa narsa
💥 It's up to you - Sizga bog'liq
💥 Let's clear it up - Keling, aniqlab olamiz
💥 Let's drop the subject - Keling shu mavzuni to'xtataylik
💥 So what? - Nima bo'libdi(farqi nima)?
💥 That's not the point - Buning aloqasi yo'q
💥 That's very well, but - Ajoyib, lekin....
💥 Use your own judgement - o'zingga qara
💥 What are you driving at? - Nima demoqchisiz?
💥 What are you talking about? - Nima deyapsiz?
💥 What for? - Nima uchun?
💥 What of it? - Xo'sh nima bo'libdi?
💥 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishingiz mumkin

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Avtomobil himoya g'ilofi (TENT)

Mahsulot haqida qisqacha:
Kechki payt yorug'lik aks ettiruvchi elemetlari mavjud
Yengil, mahsulotning og'irligi taxminan 2,6 kg
Avtomobil kuzovini tashqi ta'sirlardan himoya qiladi va lak-bo'yoq qoplamasini xizmat muddatini uzaytiradi
Ichida yumshoq astari borligi uchun avtomobilni har safar qirib tashlamaydi
Mustahkam va bardoshli, olovga chidamli, suv o'tkazmaydigan
Material: bardoshli poliesterdan tayyorlangan, ichki qismiga yumshoq astar tikilgan
Alyumin yorug'lik qaytaruvchi qoplama
Avto-tent avtomobilni uzoq muddat saqlaydi, yog'ingarchilikdan, jazirama quyoshdan, changdan.

💰 Chegirma narxi: 177000 ming so'm

✅ To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz

🚚 O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab yetkazib berish xizmati mavjud. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.
Buyurtma berish👇👇👇👇

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🌸 Ассалому алайкум!

Душанба тонги муборак бўлсин!

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин!

Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият асло тарк этмасин!


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🇬🇧It's Hobson's choice.
🇷🇺У меня нет выбора.
🇺🇿Menda tanlash imkoniyati yo'q.

🇬🇧I have no option but to agree to what you propose.
🇷🇺У меня нет иного выбора, как согласиться с тем, что вы предлагаете.
🇺🇿Sizning taklifingizga ko'nishdan boshqa ilojim yo'q.

🇬🇧There's no alternative but to fight.
🇷🇺Единственный выход - бороться.
🇺🇿Kurashishdan boshqa yo'l yo'q.

🇬🇧You'll have to do it.
🇷🇺Вам придется это сделать.
🇺🇿Siz shuni qilishga majbursiz.

🇬🇧It's all cut and dried.
🇷🇺Все уже заранее предрешено.
🇺🇿Hammasi oldindan hal qilingan.

🇬🇧It can't be helped.
🇷🇺Ничего не попишешь.
🇺🇿Hech narsani o'zgartirib bo'lmaydi.

🇬🇧There's nothing you can do about it.
🇷🇺Ничего вы тут не поделаете.
🇺🇿Qo'lingizdan hech narsa kelmaydi.

🇬🇧There's nothing for it but to do the thing.
🇷🇺Ничего не поделаешь - придется сделать это.
🇺🇿Shuni qilamiz - boshqa iloj yo'q.

☝️Yod o'ling va do'stlaringiz bilan suhbatlarda foydalaning.


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🔹 It is a difficult task — u qiyin vazifa

🔹 It is a boring lecture — u zerikarli leksiya

🔹 It is a well-paying job — u yaxshi maosh to'laydigan ish

🔹 He is a hard working person — u mehnatkash inson

🔹 She is a kind neighbor — u hushmuomalali qo'shni

🔹 We are close friends — biz yaqin do'stlarmiz

🔹 They are smart students — ular aqilli talabalar

🔹 Jake is an experienced driver — Jeyk mohir haydovchi

🔹 Anna is a talented doctor — Anna iqtidorli shifokor

🔹 Ross and Jill are polite kids — Ros va Jil odobli bolalar

🔹 My brothers are brave soldiers — mening akalarim qo'rmas harbiylar

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So'zlashuv uchun yangi to'plam🚀

💥 Ask me another - Osonroq savol so'ra!
💥 I don't care - Menga farqi yo'q
💥 I have no idea - Bilmasam
💥 I wish I knew - Qani edi bilsaydim!
💥 It doesn't matter - farqi yo'q
💥 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani o'zgartira olmaydi
💥 It's all the same to me - Hammasi baribir
💥 It's beside the point - Bu mutloq boshqa narsa
💥 It's up to you - Sizga bog'liq
💥 Let's clear it up - Keling, aniqlab olamiz
💥 Let's drop the subject - Keling shu mavzuni to'xtataylik
💥 So what? - Nima bo'libdi(farqi nima)?
💥 That's not the point - Buning aloqasi yo'q
💥 That's very well, but - Ajoyib, lekin....
💥 Use your own judgement - o'zingga qara
💥 What are you driving at? - Nima demoqchisiz?
💥 What are you talking about? - Nima deyapsiz?
💥 What for? - Nima uchun?
💥 What of it? - Xo'sh nima bo'libdi?
💥 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishingiz mumkin

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Andijon viloyati Baliqchi tumani Chinobod Shoʼr maxalla Guldiyor koʻchasi 14 uy

☎️ +998(94)5691151
☎️ +998(93)4132111
Bu raqamlarga tusholmisiz Xindistonda nomer ololganimiz yoʻq, faqat telegram ishlayapti
Nurmatova Nazokatxon Yuldashevna
10/09/1986 y



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"VITEK" келди шошилинг сони кам колмокда!

☀️Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун
- Хонани ҳавосини тозалаб беради
- Таймер бор
- Уч хил режимда ишлайди
- Пулт орқали бошкарилади
- 25, 30 квадратни иситади ва совутади
- 1, 2 кв (Экономический)
- Совутиши 16°
- Иситиши 40°
- Ҳажми ихчам

❌Олдинги нарх: 1.970.000 сўм❌
Акция нархи: 149.000 сум ✅

Батафсил👉 @Operatorchi


ЕТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ БЕПУЛ! Тўлов қўлингизга олганда қиласиз

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📌What’s your favorite hairstyle?

👉I don’t actually have a favorite hairstyle these days. But approximately 3 years ago, I used to be a big fan of the undercut style which was compatible with my round face. However, at the present, I don’t really care much, so I just let the barber do whatever he wants.

📌Do you care about hairstyles?

👉Definitely yes! As somebody who always keeps on top of fashion, I have to admit that my hair has to stay in immaculate condition as well as up-to-date in style and trend; that’s why it takes me quite long to sort myself out in the morning. Generally speaking, I like my hair to be stylish and trendy.

📌Do you always have that kind of hairstyle?

👉No, every now and again, I change my hairstyle to have a different look. I think it’s kind of dull if I have the same hairstyle all year round. Having a new hairstyle is refreshing and at the same time liberating.

📌Do you go to a barber’s shop or hair salon?

👉Oftentimes I have my haircut in a hair salon since there are various hairstylists in there who are really knowledgeable about styling my hair. They know what hairstyle is most suitable for me, not only that, they have other services such as hair coloring, hair rebonding, hair waving, and so on.They can suggest or give professional advice on how to make my hair look great.

📌Was there a time that you felt disappointed of your hairstyle?

👉Yes and that was so heartbreaking! I consider it as a nightmare. I remember I wanted to have a fringe since it was so trendy during my high school days but what I got was a hair disaster. I got an uneven fringe and it was shorter than what I wanted. I believe, that hairdresser was unprofessional.

📌How long have you had your current haircut?

👉Well, actually, I don’t change my hair that often. I believe that the last time was about four years ago. I tried a shorter look back then, but I eventually grew tired of it. Now I like to try a new hair color which is trendy these days, but I don’t think I have enough time for it.

📌How often do you have a haircut?

👉Well, let me see … my hair takes a little long time grow, so if I want to have some renovations, it should take about two or three months. I’ve just had it done earlier this month, and so far I’m quite satisfied with it because I got it permed, and I like it looking wavy.

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🇬🇧You're lucky.
🇷🇺Вам везет.

🇬🇧You're in luck.
🇷🇺Вам повезло.
🇺🇿Omadingiz keldi.

🇬🇧Lucky dog!

🇬🇧Lucky dog you are!
🇷🇺Ну и везет же тебе!
🇺🇿Rosa omadingiz keldi!

🇬🇧What a stroke of luck!
🇷🇺Вот это удача!
🇺🇿Buni omad desa bo'ladi. Ana sizga omad!

🇬🇧I want to try my fortune.
🇷🇺Я хочу попытать счастья.
🇺🇿O'z omadimni sinab ko'rmoqchiman.

🇬🇧One success after another.
🇷🇺За успехом следовал успех.
🇺🇿Omad ketidan omad.

🇬🇧Some people have all the luck!
🇷🇺Везет же людям!
🇺🇿Odamlarning omadi keladi-da!

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