๐ Dars #147 Ingliz tilida it so'zining ishlatilishi I qism
โณ๏ธ Bugungi darsimizda it so'zining o'ziga xos tarzda gap boshida nominal ega bo'lib ishlatilishini o'rganamiz. Nominal ega tarjima qilinmaydi, faqat gapni uslubiy jihatdan qulay qilish uchun ishlatiladi.
1๏ธโฃ Agar gapning egasi to infinitiv bo'lsa, u gapning boshida kelishi uslubiy jihatdan uncha qulay emas, shuning uchun bunday gaplarni 'it' so'zi bilan boshlagan ma'qul.
๐ธIt's nice to talk to you. (To talk to you is nice gapiga qaraganda tabiiyroq)
๐ธIt was good of you to phone. (Telefon qilganingiz yaxshi bo'ldi - aslida bu gapda ega telefon qilganingiz, ammo uslubiy jihatdan gap qulay bo'lishi uchun gap boshida it qo'llanilgan. It so'zi bu yerda tarjima qilinmaydi va mustaqil ma'nosi yoq )
๐ธIt was stupid of you to leave the door unlocked.
๐ธIt's important to book in advance.
๐ธIt's my ambition to run a three-hour marathon.
๐ธIt was pleasure to listen to her.
๐ธIt upsets me to hear people arguing all the time.
2๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi for+to'ldiruvchi+infinitiv qurilmalarilari gapning egasi bo'lib kelganda, nominal ega bo'lib, gap boshida kelishi mumkin.
๐ธIt will suit me best for you to arrive at about ten o'clock.
๐ธIt's essential for the papers to be ready before Thursday.
3๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi boshqa bir gap gapning egasi bo'lib kelganida nominal ega sifatida ham ishlatiladi.
๐ธIt's probable that we'll be a little late.
๐ธIt doesn't interest me what you think.
๐ธIt's surprising how many unhappy marriages there are.
๐ธIt's exciting when a baby starts talking.
4๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi gerundiy bilan ifodalangan gapning egasi qatnashgan gaplarda ham nominal ega bo'lib kelishi mumkin. Bu holat odatda norasmiy uslubga xos.
๐ธ It was nice seeing you.
๐ธIt's crazy her going off like that.
๐ธIt's worth going to Wales if you have the time.
๐ธ It's no use trying to explain - I'm not interested.
๐ธ It surprised me your not remembering my name.
5๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi take fe'li bilan ishlatilganda biror ish-harakatga qancha vaqt ketishini bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.
๐ธIt took me months to get to know her.
๐ธHow long does it take to get to London from here?
6๏ธโฃ if, as if va as though bilan ishlatilganda 'it' so'zi kirish gapni bildirib keladi.
๐ธIt looks as if we're going to have trouble with Ann again.
๐ธIt's not as if this was the first time she's been difficult.
๐ธIt will be a pity if we have to ask her to leave.
๐ธBut it looks as though we may have to.
7๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi 'cleft sentences' larda who va that bilan kelgan gaplarda gaping biror bo'lagiga urg'u berish uchun ishlatiladi.
๐ธIt was my aunt who took Peter to London yesterday, not my mother. (my auntga urg'u berilmoqda)
๐ธIt was Peter that my aunt took to London yesterday, not Lucy. (Peterga urg'u berilmoqda)
8๏ธโฃOdatda otli birikmalar bilan 'it' so'zi nominal ega bo'lib kelmaydi.
๐ธThe new concert hall is wonderful. (It's wonderful the new concert hall emas)
โ ๏ธ Lekin norasmiy uslubda 'it' so'zi ot+relative clause kelgan gapga nominal ega bo'lishi mumkin.
๐ธIt's wonderful the enthusiasm that the children show.
โ ๏ธ Bunday qurilmalarda 'the way' so'zi keng qo'llaniladi.
๐ธ It's amazing the way (that) they work together.
๐ธ It's strange the way you know what I'm thinking.
โ๏ธ Dars uchun kanal asoschisiga minnatdorlik bildirish
โค๏ธIf you want to do some good to your friends ๐ just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
๐ Kanalga qo'shiling ๐https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA
โณ๏ธ Bugungi darsimizda it so'zining o'ziga xos tarzda gap boshida nominal ega bo'lib ishlatilishini o'rganamiz. Nominal ega tarjima qilinmaydi, faqat gapni uslubiy jihatdan qulay qilish uchun ishlatiladi.
1๏ธโฃ Agar gapning egasi to infinitiv bo'lsa, u gapning boshida kelishi uslubiy jihatdan uncha qulay emas, shuning uchun bunday gaplarni 'it' so'zi bilan boshlagan ma'qul.
๐ธIt's nice to talk to you. (To talk to you is nice gapiga qaraganda tabiiyroq)
๐ธIt was good of you to phone. (Telefon qilganingiz yaxshi bo'ldi - aslida bu gapda ega telefon qilganingiz, ammo uslubiy jihatdan gap qulay bo'lishi uchun gap boshida it qo'llanilgan. It so'zi bu yerda tarjima qilinmaydi va mustaqil ma'nosi yoq )
๐ธIt was stupid of you to leave the door unlocked.
๐ธIt's important to book in advance.
๐ธIt's my ambition to run a three-hour marathon.
๐ธIt was pleasure to listen to her.
๐ธIt upsets me to hear people arguing all the time.
2๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi for+to'ldiruvchi+infinitiv qurilmalarilari gapning egasi bo'lib kelganda, nominal ega bo'lib, gap boshida kelishi mumkin.
๐ธIt will suit me best for you to arrive at about ten o'clock.
๐ธIt's essential for the papers to be ready before Thursday.
3๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi boshqa bir gap gapning egasi bo'lib kelganida nominal ega sifatida ham ishlatiladi.
๐ธIt's probable that we'll be a little late.
๐ธIt doesn't interest me what you think.
๐ธIt's surprising how many unhappy marriages there are.
๐ธIt's exciting when a baby starts talking.
4๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi gerundiy bilan ifodalangan gapning egasi qatnashgan gaplarda ham nominal ega bo'lib kelishi mumkin. Bu holat odatda norasmiy uslubga xos.
๐ธ It was nice seeing you.
๐ธIt's crazy her going off like that.
๐ธIt's worth going to Wales if you have the time.
๐ธ It's no use trying to explain - I'm not interested.
๐ธ It surprised me your not remembering my name.
5๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi take fe'li bilan ishlatilganda biror ish-harakatga qancha vaqt ketishini bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.
๐ธIt took me months to get to know her.
๐ธHow long does it take to get to London from here?
6๏ธโฃ if, as if va as though bilan ishlatilganda 'it' so'zi kirish gapni bildirib keladi.
๐ธIt looks as if we're going to have trouble with Ann again.
๐ธIt's not as if this was the first time she's been difficult.
๐ธIt will be a pity if we have to ask her to leave.
๐ธBut it looks as though we may have to.
7๏ธโฃ 'it' so'zi 'cleft sentences' larda who va that bilan kelgan gaplarda gaping biror bo'lagiga urg'u berish uchun ishlatiladi.
๐ธIt was my aunt who took Peter to London yesterday, not my mother. (my auntga urg'u berilmoqda)
๐ธIt was Peter that my aunt took to London yesterday, not Lucy. (Peterga urg'u berilmoqda)
8๏ธโฃOdatda otli birikmalar bilan 'it' so'zi nominal ega bo'lib kelmaydi.
๐ธThe new concert hall is wonderful. (It's wonderful the new concert hall emas)
โ ๏ธ Lekin norasmiy uslubda 'it' so'zi ot+relative clause kelgan gapga nominal ega bo'lishi mumkin.
๐ธIt's wonderful the enthusiasm that the children show.
โ ๏ธ Bunday qurilmalarda 'the way' so'zi keng qo'llaniladi.
๐ธ It's amazing the way (that) they work together.
๐ธ It's strange the way you know what I'm thinking.
โ๏ธ Dars uchun kanal asoschisiga minnatdorlik bildirish
โค๏ธIf you want to do some good to your friends ๐ just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
๐ Kanalga qo'shiling ๐https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA