📖 Dars #146 Ingliz tilida whoever, whatever va boshqa so'zlarning ishlatilishi II qism
whoever, whichever va
whatever so'zlari gapda ega yoki to'ldiruvchi bo'lib kelishi mumkin. Zamonaviy ingliz tilida
whomever so'zi ishlatilmaydi.
Whoever directed this film, it's no good.
(Whoever gapning egasi)
Whoever you marry, make sure he can cook. (
Whoever marry fe'lining to'ldiruvchisi)
Whatever you say, I don't think he's the right man.
(Whatever say fe'lining to'ldiruvchisi)
whichever va
whatever so'zlari
xohlagan, nimaiki, har qanday degan ma'nolarda
aniqlovchi bo'lib ot oldidan kelishi ham mumkin.
Whichever room you use, make sure you clean it up afterwards.
(Xohlagan xona ... )
Whatever problems you have, you can always come to me for help.
(Nimaiki, har qanday muammo chiqqanida ... )
🔸 If you change your mind for
whatever reason, just let me know.
(Har qanday sabab bo'yicha...)
whoever, whatever, whichever va
whatever bilan kelgan gaplar gapda
ega yoki to'ldiruvchi bo'lib kelishi mumkin va ikkinchi gapdagi kesim bilan moslashadi.
Whoever told you that was lying.
(was lying fe'lining egasi)
🔸I'll marry
whoever I like. (marry fe'lining to'ldiruvchisi)
Whichever climber gets to the top first will get a $5000 prize.
(will get fe'lining egasi)
🔸I'll take
whichever tent you're not using. (take fe'lining to'ldiruvchisi)
Whatever you want is fine with me.
( is fe'lining egasi)
🔸Prisoners have to eat
whatever they're given.
(eat fe'lining to'ldiruvchisi)
whenever so'zi takroriylikni bildirish maqsadida
'har safar, har gal' degan ma'noda ishlatiladi.
Whenever I see you I feel nervous.
🔸 I stay with Monica
whenever I go to London.
5️⃣ Mazkur so'zlar bilan
may modal fe'li bilan ishlatilganida beparvolik yoki noaniqlikni bildirib keladi.
🔸 He's written a book on the philosopher Matilda Vidmi,
whoever she may be.
🔸She's just written to me from Llandyfrdwy,
wherever that may be.
whatever so'zi bilan kelgan gaplarda
to be fe'li tushib qoldirilishi mumkin.
Whatever his problems, he has no right to behave like that.
(=Whatever his problems are)
🔸A serious illness,
whatever its nature, is almost always painful.
(= whatever its nature is)
however+adjective birikmalarida
to be fe'li bilan olmoshni ham tushirib qoldirish mumkin.
🔸A grammar rule,
however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood.
7️⃣ Norasmiy uslubda, mazkur so'zlar qisqa javob sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin.
🔸When shall we start?
- Whenever. (=Whenever you like)
🔸Potatoes or rice? -
Whichever. (=I don't mind)
Whatever so'zi bilan javob berilganda odatda 'menga farqi yoq' degan ma'noda qo'pol eshitilishi mumkin.
🔸What would you like to? We could go and see a film, or go swimming.
- Whatever.
whatever or so'zi bilan ishlatilganda
boshqasi, boshqa tanlov degan ma'noni bildirishi mumkin.
🔸 Would you like some orange juice or a beer or
🔸If you play football or tennis or
whatever, it does take up a lot of time.
whatever so'zi
any va no so'zlaridan keyin qo'llanilganda
'umuman' degan m'ano berishi mumkin.
🔸Don't you have
any regrets
whatever? (Umuman pushaymonliging yoqmi?)
🔸I can see
no point
whatever in buying it.
(Buni sotib olishda umuman ma'no ko'rmayapman)
⚠️ Bu qurilmada '
whatsoever' so'zi rasmiy gaplarda ishlatilishi mumkin.
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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇