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Blame me, shout at me with all grief you have,
If you feel yourself better.
But I found something in your swallowen eyes
You touched all pieces of my soul
more than hands could
Yet I feel scared you can leave me in this cold
I was eager to listen to you
When you talked about your favorite movie,
When you cried because of your parents,
When you felt lonely in summer nights.
You knew I loved you
When you could feel in the way I listened
In the way I remembered everything about you
In the way I stared at you with all admiration I had
I knew you loved me
When I realized I had never been seen before
When I realized I had never loved someone before


Forward from: Oramizda 3391 km
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3391 Kilometr

Movie: 3391 kilometers

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Oh I'm in love

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- Tell me how many times you listened to it?

- yes

9860 0121 0916 2318 bayramga podarkalani qabul qilaman😂

Sevgimga ishonar jonginam
Lekin u aniq bilmaydi
Tushlarimda jonim bedor
Va yonaman va yana yonaman
Qaray olmayman sirim bor

- You are so quiet.

- thanks, I don't like you.

Ahaaytt yangi kresloli boldim, maniyam qadrim borakaan😂💃

Mood for music.

Somebody is watching me. It's my anxiety.

I know everything about you.
You know everything about me.
We know everything about us.

I dunno others but she aced speaking for me. Happy for Robiya❤️

Bu 6.5 ni orqasida qancha depression, anxiety, tears bor)

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Out of sight, out of mind.

Forward from: The Stranger
Anonim bot orqali savol-javob qilib oʻtiradiganlar bor-ku, ular juda-juda yolgʻiz.

Taking nothing personally always works for only good. People talk, behave and give advice based on their experience. It doesn't mean that it works for us too. Stepping outside the endless offense and defense is better choice.

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