📕 Book 4 | Unit 3
📑 Word list
🟪 idiot [ɪdɪət] n. — ovsar, tentak
⚜>> An idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly. >> An idiot aqlli bo'lmagan yoki biror ahmoqona ish qilgan shaxs.
— Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.
— U o'rmonda yo'qolib qolganligi sabab, o'zini tentakdek his qildi.
🟪 immense [iˈmens] adj. — juda katta, ulkan
⚜>> If something is immense, it is very large. >> Agar biror narsa immense bo'lsa, u juda katta bo'ladi.
— An immense amount of money was needed to buy such a large boat.
— Bunday katta qayiqni sotib olish uchun juda katta pul kerak edi.
🟪 indirect [indiˈrekt] adj. — aylanma, to'g'ri emas
⚜>> If something is indirect, then it is not the easiest or straightest way. >> Agar biror narsa indirect bo'lsa, u juda oson yoki to'g'ri yo'l emas.
— He chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.
— U qirg'oqqa eng aylanma yo'lni tanladi.
🟪 option [ɒpʃən] n. — tanlash imkoniyati
⚜>> An option is a choice between two or more things. >> An option ikki yoki ko'p narsa o'rtasidagi tanlov.
— The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.
— Bolalarga uchta uydan tanlash imkoniyati berildi.
🟪 pastime [pæstaɪm] n. — ermak, ovunchoq
⚜>> A pastime is an activity done for fun that you do often. >> A pastime siz odatda ko'ngilocharlik uchun qilinadigan faoliyat.
— In the US, baseball is considered the national pastime.
— AQShda beysbol milliy o'yin-kulgi, ya'ni ermak hisoblanadi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟪 idiot [ɪdɪət] n. — ovsar, tentak
⚜>> An idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly. >> An idiot aqlli bo'lmagan yoki biror ahmoqona ish qilgan shaxs.
— Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.
— U o'rmonda yo'qolib qolganligi sabab, o'zini tentakdek his qildi.
🟪 immense [iˈmens] adj. — juda katta, ulkan
⚜>> If something is immense, it is very large. >> Agar biror narsa immense bo'lsa, u juda katta bo'ladi.
— An immense amount of money was needed to buy such a large boat.
— Bunday katta qayiqni sotib olish uchun juda katta pul kerak edi.
🟪 indirect [indiˈrekt] adj. — aylanma, to'g'ri emas
⚜>> If something is indirect, then it is not the easiest or straightest way. >> Agar biror narsa indirect bo'lsa, u juda oson yoki to'g'ri yo'l emas.
— He chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.
— U qirg'oqqa eng aylanma yo'lni tanladi.
🟪 option [ɒpʃən] n. — tanlash imkoniyati
⚜>> An option is a choice between two or more things. >> An option ikki yoki ko'p narsa o'rtasidagi tanlov.
— The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.
— Bolalarga uchta uydan tanlash imkoniyati berildi.
🟪 pastime [pæstaɪm] n. — ermak, ovunchoq
⚜>> A pastime is an activity done for fun that you do often. >> A pastime siz odatda ko'ngilocharlik uchun qilinadigan faoliyat.
— In the US, baseball is considered the national pastime.
— AQShda beysbol milliy o'yin-kulgi, ya'ni ermak hisoblanadi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.