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📘 4000 Essential English Words:
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Choose the answer that best fits the question. Which word describes something that would have a rim?
  •   A thought
  •   A cup
  •   A person
  •   A smell
57 votes

Choose the answer that best fits the question. Which word would best describe a smooth, wet stone?
  •   Ivy
  •   Utterly
  •   Slippery
  •   Immoral
46 votes

Choose the answer that best fits the question. What does it mean to fly?
  •   To soar
  •   To moan
  •   To be oblivious
  •   To be typical
44 votes

Choose the answer that best fits the question. Which word best describes a wet towel?
  •   Immoral
  •   Damp
  •   Trivial
  •   Fond
43 votes

#qiziqarli_savollar ❓

📸 Xaritalar orasidan qay biri ortiqcha?

📲 obuna bo‘ling: @geografiyavatalim

Javobi 👇👇👇

📕 Book 4 | Unit 5

📑 Word list

🟪 faint [feɪnt] v. — xushidan ketmoq, xushini yo'qotmoq
⚜>> To faint means to go unconscious and fall down. >> To faint xushini yo'qotish va yiqilish degani.

— Carol fainted because she hadn’t eaten in over a day.
— Karol xushini yo'qotdi chunki u kun bo'yi hech narsa yemagan edi.

🟪 global [gloubəl] adj. — global
⚜>> If something is global, it happens all around the world. >> Agar biror narsa global bo'lsa, u butun dunyo bo'ylab sodir bo'ladi.

— Pollution is a global problem.
— Atrof muhitning ifloslanishi global muammodir.

🟪 gymnasium [dʒɪmˈneɪzɪəm] n. — gimnastika zali
⚜>> A gymnasium is a building with equipment that you can use to get exercise. >> A gymnasium bu siz mashq qilish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan jihozlar bilan jihozlangan bino.

— When I go to the gymnasium, I use the treadmill for 20 minutes.
— Gimnaziyaga borganimda, 20 daqiqa yugurish yo‘lakchasidan foydalanaman.

🟪 highlight [haɪlaɪt] v. — marker bilan ustidan chizmoq
⚜>> To highlight something means to mark it with a color so that it is easy to see. >> Biror narsani highlight qilish, koʻrish oson boʻlishi uchun uni rang bilan belgilash demakdir.

—  I read my vocabulary list and highlighted the most difficult words.
— Men lug'at ro'yxatini o'qib chiqdim va eng qiyin so'zlarni ajratib ko'rsatdim.

🟪 ignorant [ɪgnərənt] adj. — bexabar, o'quvsiz
⚜>> If someone is ignorant about something, they have no knowledge about it. >> Agar birortasi biror narsadan ignorant bo'lsa, u o'sha narsa haqida ma'lumotga ega emas.

—  I’m a bit ignorant about his theories. Can you explain them to me?
— Men uning nazariyalari haqida biroz bexabarman. Menga ularni tushuntirib bera olasizmi?

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.


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🥈 2-O‘RIN 2 nafar - Smart televizor (43 dyumm) ;
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🏅5-O‘RIN 10 nafar - Smartfon (4/64) va sertifikat.

🥇 1 -O‘RIN 1 nafar - Planshet(6/128)
🥈 2-O‘RIN 2 nafar - Smartfon (6/128) ;
🥉 3-O‘RIN 3 nafar - Smartfon (4/64) ;


😡 Negativchilar qatnashib koʻring, agar toʻlanmasa keyin yolgʻon deb yozing!

📕 Book 4 | Unit 5

📑 Word list

🟪 awhile [əˈwaɪl] adv. — biroz vaqtga
⚜>> If you do something awhile, you do it for a short time. >> Agar siz biror narsani awhile qilsangiz, siz uni qisqa vaqtda qilasiz.

— Wait here awhile, and I’ll bring some tea.
— Shu yerda biroz kutib turing, men choy olib kelaman.

🟪 cyberspace [saɪbərspeɪs] n. — kiber bo'shliq, kibermakon
⚜>> Cyberspace is the imaginary place of the Internet where activities occur. >> Cyberspace harakatlar sodir bo'ladigan internetning tasavvuriy joyi.

— I didn’t receive your email. It probably got lost in cyberspace.
— Men sizning elektron pochtangizni olmadim. U kibermakonda yoʻqolgan boʻlishi mumkin.

🟪 edit [edɪt] v. — tuzatishlar kiritmoq, tahrir qilmoq
⚜>> To edit means to correct a piece of writing so that it is suitable to be published. >> To edit bu yozuvni chop etishga yaroqli qilib tuzatishni bildiradi.

— She asked her brother to edit her paper before she submitted it to her teacher.
— U akasidan oʻqituvchisiga qogʻozni tahrir qilishini soʻradi.

🟪 essay [eseɪ] n. — insho
⚜>> An essay is a short piece of writing on a certain subject. >> An essay ma'lum bir mavzudagi qisqa yozma ish.

— She had to write a two-page essay for her English class.
— Ingliz tili darsi uchun u ikki betli insho yozishga majbur bo'ldi.

🟪 evaluate [iˈvӕljueit] v. — o'rganib chiqmoq
⚜>> To evaluate something means to study it, so a decision can be made. >> Biror narsani evaluate qilish qaror qabul qilish uchun uni o'rganish degani.

— Joe and Ken evaluated the plan and agreed that it would work.
— Jo va Ken rejani o'rganib chiqishdi va u ish berishiga ishonch hosil qilishdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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🎲 Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 4 // Unit 4»
(@Vocabulary_Essential)» Word list. Share with your friends!
🖊 20 вопросов · ⏱ 15 сек

♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 4

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜beak - tumshuq
⚜damp - ho'l
⚜disapprove - norozi bo'lmoq
⚜except - ... dan tashqari
⚜flight - parvoz
⚜fond - xush ko'rmoq
⚜immoral - axloqsiz
⚜ivy - pechak
⚜moan - ingramoq
⚜oblivious - bexabar, unutgan
⚜perish - halok bo'lmoq, vafot etmoq
⚜pit - chuqurlik
⚜rim - chet, gardish
⚜roost - qo'noq
⚜slippery - sirpanchiq
⚜soar - baland ko'tarilmoq
⚜trivial - ahamiyatsiz
⚜typical - odatiy
⚜utterly - butkul, o'ta darajada
⚜weep - yig'lamoq

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📕 Book 4 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟪 soar [sɔːr] v. — baland uchmoq
⚜>> To soar means to fly high in the air. >> To soar havoda baland uchishni anglatadi.

— As the sun rose, two eagles soared through the sky.
— Quyosh ko'tarilishi bilan osmonda ikkita burgut uchib ketdi.

🟪 trivial [trɪvɪəl] adj. — arzimas, ahamiyatsiz
⚜>> If something is trivial, it is not important or meaningful. >> Agar biror narsa trivial bo'lsa, u muhim yoki ahamiyatli emas.

— Television is trivial, but learning to read is very important.
— Televizor ahamiyatsiz, lekin o'qishni o'rganish juda muhim.

🟪 typical [tɪpɪkəl] adj. — odatiy
⚜>> If something is typical, it is normal for a certain type of thing. >> Agar biror narsa typical bo'lsa, u o'sha narsaning biror turi uchun odatiy.

— Barking is typical behavior for dogs.
— Hurish itlar uchun odatiy xatti-harakatlardir.

🟪 utterly [ʌtəlɪ] adv. — butkul
⚜>> If something is utterly a way, it is completely that way. >> Agar biror narsa utterly bo'lsa, u to'laligicha o'sha yo'lda bo'ladi.

— When the sun was blocked by the moon, it was utterly dark outside.
— Quyoshni oy to'sib qo'yganida, tashqarida butunlay qorong'i edi.

🟪 weep [wiːp] v. — yig'lamoq
⚜>> To weep means to cry. >> To weep yig'lash degan ma'noni bildiradi.

— My sister told me the dramatic movie would make me weep.
— Singlim dramatik film meni yig‘latib yuborishini aytdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

Choose the answer that best fits the question. Where would a bird build a home?
  •   On a rim
  •   In a pit
  •   On a roost
  •   On a flight
53 votes

Choose the answer that best fits the question. What does a sad movie cause people to do?
  •   To weep
  •   To except
  •   To perish
  •   To disapprove
45 votes

📕 Book 4 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟪 perish [perɪʃ] v. — o'lmoq, vafot etmoq
⚜>> To perish means to die, usually because of bad conditions or bad events. >> To perish odatda yomon vaziyatlarda yoki yomon hodisalarda vafot etmoq degani.

— Many people perish in wars.
— Ko'p odamlar urushlarda halok bo'ladi.

🟪 pit [pit] n. — o'ra, chuqurlik
⚜>> A pit is a big hole in the ground. >> A pit yerdagi katta teshik.

— Michael fell into the pit and needed some help to get out.
— Maykl chuqurga yiqildi va chiqish uchun yordam kerak edi.

🟪 rim [rim] n. — to'g'in, tegarchik
⚜>> The rim is the outside edge of a round thing, like a cup or bottle. >> The rim krujka yoki shisha idishga o'xshagan aylana narsaning tashqi qismi.

— I put my lips to the rim of the bottle and took a drink.
— Men lablarimni shishaning chetiga qoʻyib, ichimlik oldim.

🟪 roost [ruːst] n. — qo'noq
⚜>> A roost is a place where birds can land and rest or sleep. >> A roost qushlar qo'nishi, dam olishi yoki uxlashi mumkin bo'lgan joy.

— The family of doves made a roost at the top of the tree.
— Kabutarlar oilasi daraxt tepasida joylashdi.

🟪 slippery [slɪpərɪ] adj. — sirg'anchiq, sirpanchiq
⚜>> If something is slippery, it is wet or smooth and causes people to slip. >> Agar biror narsa slippery bo'lsa, u nam yoki tekis va odamlar sirpanishiga olib keladi.

— The repairman fell down on the floor because it was too slippery.
— Ta'mirchi polga yiqilib tushdi, chunki u juda silliq edi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📕 Book 4 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟪 fond [fɒnd] adj. — ishqiboz, yoqtiradigan
⚜>> When someone is fond of something, they like it. >> Agar birortasi biror narsaga fond bo'lsa, u o'sha narsani yaxshi ko'radi.

— I am very fond of chocolate cake.
— Men shokoladli tortni juda yaxshi ko'raman.

🟪 immoral [ɪˈmɔ(:)rəl] adj. — axloqsiz, xilof
⚜>> When something or someone is immoral, they are evil or do bad things. >> Agar birortasi yoki biror narsa immoral bo'lsa, ular yovuz yoki yomon ishlar qiladi.

— Stealing money from one’s mother is an immoral act.
— Birortasining onasidan pul o'g'irlash axloqsizlikdir.

🟪 ivy [aivi] n. — pechak
⚜>> Ivy is a plant with long vines that grows upward typically on walls. >> Ivy bu uzun tokli oʻsimlik boʻlib, odatda devorlarda yuqoriga qarab oʻsadi.

— The walls of the castle are covered with ivy.
— Qasr devorlari pechak bilan o'ralgan.

🟪 moan [moun] v. — ingramoq
⚜>> To moan is to make a low sound when feeling pain or sadness. >> To moan bu og'riq yoki qayg'u his qilganda past ovoz chiqarishdir.

— The sick man moaned from his bed.
— Kasal to'shagidan ingradi.

🟪 oblivious [əˈblɪvɪəs] adj. — unutgan,
⚜>> If someone is oblivious of something, they are unaware of it. >> Agar birortasi biror narsadan obvious bo'lsa, u o'sha narsadan xabardor emas.

— I was late to school because I was oblivious of the time.
— Vaqtni unutganim uchun maktabga kechikdim.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📕 Book 4 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟪 beak [beak] n. — tumshuq
⚜>> A beak is the hard curved part of a bird’s mouth. >> A beak qush og'zidagi qattiq qayrilgan qism.

— The bird used her beak to dig a small hole in the ground.
— Qush tumshug‘i bilan yerga kichik bir teshik qazdi.

🟪 damp [dæmp] adj. — nam, ho'l
⚜>> If something is damp, it is somewhat wet. >> Agar biror narsa damp bo'lsa, u nam bo'ladi.

— My hair is still damp from my shower.
— Mening sochlarim hali ham dushdan nam.

🟪 disapprove [disəˈpruːv] v. — norozi bo'lmoq
⚜>> To disapprove of something is to think that it is wrong. >> Biror narsadan disapprove bo'lish, uni noto'g'ri deb o'ylash degani.

— Alex, disapproved of his son’s behavior.
— Aleks o'g'lining xatti-harakatidan norozi bo'ldi.

🟪 except [ɪkˈsept] prep. — ...dan tashqari
⚜>> You use except to talk about the only thing that a statement does not apply to. >> Bayonot amal qilmaydigan yagona narsa haqida gapirish uchun except dan foydalanasiz.

— Everyone had fun on the trip except Jim, who felt ill the whole time.
— Sayohatda hamma xursand bo'ldi, Jimdan tashqari, u doimo o'zini yomon his qildi.

🟪 flight [flaɪt] n. — reys, parvoz
⚜>> A flight is an act of flying, often in an airplane. >> A flight koʻpincha samolyotda uchish harakatidir.

— The airplane made a flight around the world.
— Samolyot butun dunyo bo'ylab parvoz qildi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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🎲 Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 4 // Unit 3»
(@Vocabulary_Essential)» Word list. Share with your friends!
🖊 20 вопросов · ⏱ 15 сек

♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 3

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜admonish - tanbeh bermoq
⚜audible - eshitiladigan
⚜awesome - ajoyib, hayajonga soluvchi
⚜beware - ehtiyot bo'lmoq
⚜brag - maqtanmoq
⚜conscious - xushi joyida
⚜disagree - qarshi bo'lmoq
⚜echo - aks sado
⚜eventual - so'nggi, yakuniy
⚜hint - ishora
⚜idiot - tentak
⚜immense - ulkan
⚜indirect - aylanma, to'g'ri emas
⚜option - tanlov, tanlash imkoniyati
⚜pastime - ko'ngilochar mashg'ulot, ermak
⚜perfect - mukammal
⚜pinpoint - aniqlamoq
⚜switch - o'zgartirmoq
⚜thorough - batafsil, to'liq
⚜torment - azob bermoq

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📕 Book 4 | Unit 3

📑 Word list

🟪 perfect [pəːrfɪkt] adj. — mukammal
⚜>> If something is perfect, then it is without any mistakes. >> Agar biror narsa perfect bo'lsa, u biror xatosiz bo'ladi.

— She got all the questions right, so her score was perfect.
— U hamma savollarga to'g'ri javob berdi, shuning uchun uning natijasi mukammal edi.

🟪 pinpoint [pɪnpɔɪnt] v. — turgan joyni aniqlamoq
⚜>> To pinpoint something means to locate it exactly. >> Biror narsani pinpoint qilish uning aniq manzilini aniqlamoq degani.

— The navigation system in my car is able to pinpoint my exact location.
— Avtomobilimdagi navigatsiya tizimi mening aniq joylashuvimni aniqlay oladi.

🟪 switch [swɪtʃ] v. — alishtirmoq, o'zgartirmoq
⚜>> To switch means to change something to something else. >> To switch biror narsani boshqa biror narsaga o'zgartirish degani.

— Mom switched the TV station from the news to her favorite show.
— Onam televizordagi kanalni yangiliklardan sevimli shousiga almashtirdi.

🟪 thorough [θə:rou] adj. — to'liq
⚜>> If something or someone is thorough, then they are complete in every way. >> Agar birortasi yoki biror narsa thorough bo'lsa, ular har tomondan to'liq bo'ladi.

— Tina did a thorough job of cleaning the stains out of the carpet.
— Tina gilamdagi dog‘larni yaxshilab tozaladi.

🟪 torment [tɔːrment] v. — azob bermoq
⚜>> To torment someone means to cause them to suffer on purpose. >> To torment kimdir vositalarini birortasiga ataylab azob berishni anglatadi.

— She tormented her little brother by taking his favorite toy.
— U ukasining sevimli o‘yinchog‘ini olib, uni qiynadi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📕 Book 4 | Unit 3

📑 Word list

🟪 idiot [ɪdɪət] n. — ovsar, tentak
⚜>> An idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly. >> An idiot aqlli bo'lmagan yoki biror ahmoqona ish qilgan shaxs.

— Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.
— U o'rmonda yo'qolib qolganligi sabab, o'zini tentakdek his qildi.

🟪 immense [iˈmens] adj. — juda katta, ulkan
⚜>> If something is immense, it is very large. >> Agar biror narsa immense bo'lsa, u juda katta bo'ladi.

— An immense amount of money was needed to buy such a large boat.
— Bunday katta qayiqni sotib olish uchun juda katta pul kerak edi.

🟪 indirect [indiˈrekt] adj. — aylanma, to'g'ri emas
⚜>> If something is indirect, then it is not the easiest or straightest way. >> Agar biror narsa indirect bo'lsa, u juda oson yoki to'g'ri yo'l emas.

— He chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.
— U qirg'oqqa eng aylanma yo'lni tanladi.

🟪 option [ɒpʃən] n. — tanlash imkoniyati
⚜>> An option is a choice between two or more things. >> An option ikki yoki ko'p narsa o'rtasidagi tanlov.

— The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.
— Bolalarga uchta uydan tanlash imkoniyati berildi.

🟪 pastime [pæstaɪm] n. — ermak, ovunchoq
⚜>> A pastime is an activity done for fun that you do often. >> A pastime siz odatda ko'ngilocharlik uchun qilinadigan faoliyat.

— In the US, baseball is considered the national pastime.
— AQShda beysbol milliy o'yin-kulgi, ya'ni ermak hisoblanadi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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