📘 Book 3 | Unit 28
📑 Word list
🟦 congress [kɔŋgris] n. — Kongres
🔻>> Congress is a group of leaders in a government. >> Congress hukumatdagi davlat liderlari guruhi.
— Congress makes laws for people to follow.
— Kongress odamlar amal qilishi uchun qonunlar ishlab chiqadi.
🟦 dairy [dɛərɪ] adj. — sutli, sutdan qilingan
🔻>> If something is dairy, it is made from milk. >> Agar biror narsa dairy bo'lsa, u sutdan qilingan bo'ladi.
— Things like milk and cheese are dairy foods.
— Sut va pishloqqa o'xshagan narsalar sut mahsulotlari hisoblanadi.
🟦 descend [dɪˈsend] v. — pastga tushmoq
🔻>> To descend is to go downward. >> To descend pastga qarab tushish degani.
— I descended the stairs to get out of the building.
— Men binodan chiqish uchun zinadan pastga tushdim.
🟦 grocer [grousər] n. — oziq-ovqatfurush
🔻>> A grocer is a person who sells food. >> A grocer oziq-ovqat sotadigan shaxs.
— Our grocer, Mr. Smith, is a very kind man.
— Bizning baqqol janob Smit juda mehribon odam.
🟦 hesitate [hezəteɪt] v. — ikkilanmoq
🔻>> To hesitate is to wait for a short time before doing something. >> To hesitate biror narsa qilishdan oldin qisqa vaqt kutishdir.
— He hesitated for a moment before he decided which choice to make.
— U qaysi tanlovni qilishdan oldin bir lahza ikkilandi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 congress [kɔŋgris] n. — Kongres
🔻>> Congress is a group of leaders in a government. >> Congress hukumatdagi davlat liderlari guruhi.
— Congress makes laws for people to follow.
— Kongress odamlar amal qilishi uchun qonunlar ishlab chiqadi.
🟦 dairy [dɛərɪ] adj. — sutli, sutdan qilingan
🔻>> If something is dairy, it is made from milk. >> Agar biror narsa dairy bo'lsa, u sutdan qilingan bo'ladi.
— Things like milk and cheese are dairy foods.
— Sut va pishloqqa o'xshagan narsalar sut mahsulotlari hisoblanadi.
🟦 descend [dɪˈsend] v. — pastga tushmoq
🔻>> To descend is to go downward. >> To descend pastga qarab tushish degani.
— I descended the stairs to get out of the building.
— Men binodan chiqish uchun zinadan pastga tushdim.
🟦 grocer [grousər] n. — oziq-ovqatfurush
🔻>> A grocer is a person who sells food. >> A grocer oziq-ovqat sotadigan shaxs.
— Our grocer, Mr. Smith, is a very kind man.
— Bizning baqqol janob Smit juda mehribon odam.
🟦 hesitate [hezəteɪt] v. — ikkilanmoq
🔻>> To hesitate is to wait for a short time before doing something. >> To hesitate biror narsa qilishdan oldin qisqa vaqt kutishdir.
— He hesitated for a moment before he decided which choice to make.
— U qaysi tanlovni qilishdan oldin bir lahza ikkilandi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.