📘 Book 3 | Unit 26
📑 Word list
🟦 envy [envɪ] v. — hasad qilmoq, ko'ra olmaslik
🔻>> To envy someone is to wish that you had something that they have. >> Biror kishiga envy qilish, sizda ularda bor narsa bo‘lishini orzu qilish demakdir.
— Sally envied the happy couple.
— Selli baxtli juftlikka hasad qildi.
🟦 fireworks [faɪərwəːrks] n. — mushakbozlik
🔻>> Fireworks are objects that create colored lights when they are lit. >> Fireworks bu yoqilganda rangli chiroqlar yaratadigan obyektlardir.
— The display of fireworks was so beautiful.
— Salyutlar namoyishi juda chiroyli edi.
🟦 flour [flauər] n. — un
🔻>> Flour is a powder made from plants that is used to make foods like bread. >> Flour bu oʻsimliklardan tayyorlangan kukun boʻlib, non kabi taomlarni tayyorlash uchun ishlatiladi.
— I wanted to bake a pie, but I needed flour.
— Men pirog pishirmoqchi edim, lekin menga un kerak edi.
🟦 fuse [fjuːz] n. — peredoxranitel
🔻>> A fuse is a string that you light on fireworks to make them explode. >> A fuse bu mushaklarni portlatish uchun yoqiladigan simdir.
— The boy litthe fuse on the rocket and waited for it to burst in the sky.
— Bola raketada sigortani yoqdi va uning osmonda otilishini kutdi.
🟦 ginger [dʒɪndʒər] n. — zanjabil
🔻>> Ginger is a spice from the root of a plant. It tastes spicy and sweet. >> Ginger o'simlik ildizidan olingan ziravordir. Uning ta'mi achchiq va shirin.
— Ginger is a common ingredient in many dishes from India.
— Zanjabil Hindistondagi ko‘plab taomlarning umumiy tarkibiy qismidir.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 envy [envɪ] v. — hasad qilmoq, ko'ra olmaslik
🔻>> To envy someone is to wish that you had something that they have. >> Biror kishiga envy qilish, sizda ularda bor narsa bo‘lishini orzu qilish demakdir.
— Sally envied the happy couple.
— Selli baxtli juftlikka hasad qildi.
🟦 fireworks [faɪərwəːrks] n. — mushakbozlik
🔻>> Fireworks are objects that create colored lights when they are lit. >> Fireworks bu yoqilganda rangli chiroqlar yaratadigan obyektlardir.
— The display of fireworks was so beautiful.
— Salyutlar namoyishi juda chiroyli edi.
🟦 flour [flauər] n. — un
🔻>> Flour is a powder made from plants that is used to make foods like bread. >> Flour bu oʻsimliklardan tayyorlangan kukun boʻlib, non kabi taomlarni tayyorlash uchun ishlatiladi.
— I wanted to bake a pie, but I needed flour.
— Men pirog pishirmoqchi edim, lekin menga un kerak edi.
🟦 fuse [fjuːz] n. — peredoxranitel
🔻>> A fuse is a string that you light on fireworks to make them explode. >> A fuse bu mushaklarni portlatish uchun yoqiladigan simdir.
— The boy litthe fuse on the rocket and waited for it to burst in the sky.
— Bola raketada sigortani yoqdi va uning osmonda otilishini kutdi.
🟦 ginger [dʒɪndʒər] n. — zanjabil
🔻>> Ginger is a spice from the root of a plant. It tastes spicy and sweet. >> Ginger o'simlik ildizidan olingan ziravordir. Uning ta'mi achchiq va shirin.
— Ginger is a common ingredient in many dishes from India.
— Zanjabil Hindistondagi ko‘plab taomlarning umumiy tarkibiy qismidir.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.