📘 Book 3 | Unit 21
📑 Word list
🟦 hollow [hɒlou] adj. — kavak, g'ovak
🔻>> When something is hollow, it has an empty space inside. >> Qachonki biror narsa hollow bo'lsa, uning ichida bo'sh joy bo'ladi.
— Straws are hollow, so liquid can flow through them.
— Somonlar ichi bo'sh, shuning uchun ular orqali suyuqlik oqishi mumkin.
🟦 instinct [ɪnstɪŋkt] n. — instinkt
🔻>> Instinct is the natural way that people behave without thinking about it. >> Instinct odamlar u haqida o'ylamasdan tabiiy ravishda o'zini tutishi.
— Cats hunt mice because of instinct.
— Mushuklar instinkt sabab sichqonlarni ovlaydi.
🟦 joint [dʒɔɪnt] n. — bo'g'im
🔻>> A joint is a place of the body where the bones meet, such as the knee. >> A joint tanadagi suyaklar to'qnashadigan joy, masalan, tizza.
— Two important bones in your leg meet at a joint in your knee.
— Oyog'ingizdagi ikkita muhim suyak tizzangizdagi bo'g'imda uchrashadi.
🟦 leak [liːk] v. — sizib chiqmoq, oqmoq
🔻>> To leak is to let a liquid or gas pass through a flaw. >> To leak bu suyuqlik yoki gazni biror narsadan o‘tkazib yuborishdir.
— The pipe leaks from many places.
— Quvur koʻp joydan oqadi.
🟦 physician [fɪzɪʃən] n. — doktor
🔻>> A physician is a doctor. >> A physician bu doktor degani.
— The physician said I would feel better if I took my medicine.
— Shifokor dori ichsam, o‘zimni yaxshi his qilishimni aytdi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 hollow [hɒlou] adj. — kavak, g'ovak
🔻>> When something is hollow, it has an empty space inside. >> Qachonki biror narsa hollow bo'lsa, uning ichida bo'sh joy bo'ladi.
— Straws are hollow, so liquid can flow through them.
— Somonlar ichi bo'sh, shuning uchun ular orqali suyuqlik oqishi mumkin.
🟦 instinct [ɪnstɪŋkt] n. — instinkt
🔻>> Instinct is the natural way that people behave without thinking about it. >> Instinct odamlar u haqida o'ylamasdan tabiiy ravishda o'zini tutishi.
— Cats hunt mice because of instinct.
— Mushuklar instinkt sabab sichqonlarni ovlaydi.
🟦 joint [dʒɔɪnt] n. — bo'g'im
🔻>> A joint is a place of the body where the bones meet, such as the knee. >> A joint tanadagi suyaklar to'qnashadigan joy, masalan, tizza.
— Two important bones in your leg meet at a joint in your knee.
— Oyog'ingizdagi ikkita muhim suyak tizzangizdagi bo'g'imda uchrashadi.
🟦 leak [liːk] v. — sizib chiqmoq, oqmoq
🔻>> To leak is to let a liquid or gas pass through a flaw. >> To leak bu suyuqlik yoki gazni biror narsadan o‘tkazib yuborishdir.
— The pipe leaks from many places.
— Quvur koʻp joydan oqadi.
🟦 physician [fɪzɪʃən] n. — doktor
🔻>> A physician is a doctor. >> A physician bu doktor degani.
— The physician said I would feel better if I took my medicine.
— Shifokor dori ichsam, o‘zimni yaxshi his qilishimni aytdi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.