1) Smart (adjective)
Definition: Intelligent or technologically advanced.
Translation: Aqlli, zamonaviy
Example: The smart irrigation system helps save water.
2) Plant (noun)
Definition: Living organism that grow in soil and need water and sunlight.
Translation: O‘simlik
Example: Farmers use sensors to monitor the health of their plants.
3) Dramatically (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is sudden or great in effect.
Translation: birdaniga, keskin
Example: The new system dramatically reduces water consumption.
4) Usage (noun)
Definition: The way something is used.
Translation: Foydalanish, ishlatish
Example: This method helps lower water usage.
5) Clip (verb)
Definition: To attach or fasten something.
Translation: Mahkamlash, qisqich bilan tutib turish
Example: The sensor clips onto a plant leaf.
6) Leafy (adjective)
Definition: Covered with or resembling leaves.
Translation: Bargli
Example: The sensor works best on leafy plants.
7) Plat (noun)
Definition: Likely a typo for "plant" in the text, meaning a living organism that grows in soil.
Translation: (Agar "plant" bo‘lsa) O‘simlik
Example: A leaf’s thickness depends on the amount of water in a plant.
8) Sign (noun)
Definition: An indication of something.
Translation: Belgi, alomat
Example: A thin leaf is a sign that the plant lacks water.
9) Thirsty (adjective)
Definition: Needing water.
Translation: Chanqagan
Example: A plant with thin leaves is thirsty.
10) Voltage (noun)
Definition: The amount of electric power in a system.
Translation: Kuchlanish
Example: The sensor detects changes in voltage.
11) Processor (noun)
Definition: A small computer that processes data.
Translation: Protsessor
Example: A processor controls the plant’s water supply.
12) Periodically (adverb)
Definition: From time to time, at regular intervals.
Translation: Vaqti-vaqti bilan
Example: Conventional irrigation systems water crops periodically.
13) Water (verb)
Definition: To supply water to plants.
Translation: Sug‘ormoq
Example: The irrigation system waters crops when needed.
14) Graceful (adjective)
Definition: Smooth and elegant in movement or appearance.
Translation: Nafis, chiroyli
Example: The crops showed a graceful increase in yield.
15) Pepper (noun)
Definition: A vegetable that is usually red, green, or yellow.
Translation: Qalampir
Example: The system improved pepper production by 50%.
16) Tomato (noun)
Definition: A red fruit commonly used as a vegetable.
Translation: Pomidor
Example: Tomato plants need less water with this system.
17) Admit (verb)
Definition: To acknowledge or accept as true.
Translation: Tan olmoq
Example: The researcher admits that the system must be reliable.
18) Operate (verb)
Definition: To function or work properly.
Translation: Ishlamoq, boshqarmoq
Example: The system must operate reliably.
19) Found (verb)
Definition: To establish or start a company or organization.
Translation: Asos solmoq
Example: They founded a company to market the system.
20) Sell (verb)
Definition: To exchange goods or services for money.
Translation: Sotmoq
Example: The company plans to sell the irrigation system.
21) Marketing (noun)
Definition: The process of promoting and selling products.
Translation: Marketing, reklama
Example: The company is working on marketing the new system.
Definition: Intelligent or technologically advanced.
Translation: Aqlli, zamonaviy
Example: The smart irrigation system helps save water.
2) Plant (noun)
Definition: Living organism that grow in soil and need water and sunlight.
Translation: O‘simlik
Example: Farmers use sensors to monitor the health of their plants.
3) Dramatically (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is sudden or great in effect.
Translation: birdaniga, keskin
Example: The new system dramatically reduces water consumption.
4) Usage (noun)
Definition: The way something is used.
Translation: Foydalanish, ishlatish
Example: This method helps lower water usage.
5) Clip (verb)
Definition: To attach or fasten something.
Translation: Mahkamlash, qisqich bilan tutib turish
Example: The sensor clips onto a plant leaf.
6) Leafy (adjective)
Definition: Covered with or resembling leaves.
Translation: Bargli
Example: The sensor works best on leafy plants.
7) Plat (noun)
Definition: Likely a typo for "plant" in the text, meaning a living organism that grows in soil.
Translation: (Agar "plant" bo‘lsa) O‘simlik
Example: A leaf’s thickness depends on the amount of water in a plant.
8) Sign (noun)
Definition: An indication of something.
Translation: Belgi, alomat
Example: A thin leaf is a sign that the plant lacks water.
9) Thirsty (adjective)
Definition: Needing water.
Translation: Chanqagan
Example: A plant with thin leaves is thirsty.
10) Voltage (noun)
Definition: The amount of electric power in a system.
Translation: Kuchlanish
Example: The sensor detects changes in voltage.
11) Processor (noun)
Definition: A small computer that processes data.
Translation: Protsessor
Example: A processor controls the plant’s water supply.
12) Periodically (adverb)
Definition: From time to time, at regular intervals.
Translation: Vaqti-vaqti bilan
Example: Conventional irrigation systems water crops periodically.
13) Water (verb)
Definition: To supply water to plants.
Translation: Sug‘ormoq
Example: The irrigation system waters crops when needed.
14) Graceful (adjective)
Definition: Smooth and elegant in movement or appearance.
Translation: Nafis, chiroyli
Example: The crops showed a graceful increase in yield.
15) Pepper (noun)
Definition: A vegetable that is usually red, green, or yellow.
Translation: Qalampir
Example: The system improved pepper production by 50%.
16) Tomato (noun)
Definition: A red fruit commonly used as a vegetable.
Translation: Pomidor
Example: Tomato plants need less water with this system.
17) Admit (verb)
Definition: To acknowledge or accept as true.
Translation: Tan olmoq
Example: The researcher admits that the system must be reliable.
18) Operate (verb)
Definition: To function or work properly.
Translation: Ishlamoq, boshqarmoq
Example: The system must operate reliably.
19) Found (verb)
Definition: To establish or start a company or organization.
Translation: Asos solmoq
Example: They founded a company to market the system.
20) Sell (verb)
Definition: To exchange goods or services for money.
Translation: Sotmoq
Example: The company plans to sell the irrigation system.
21) Marketing (noun)
Definition: The process of promoting and selling products.
Translation: Marketing, reklama
Example: The company is working on marketing the new system.