Cambridge English Thematic IELTS READING words

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24) Tear (verb)
Definition: To pull something apart with force.
Translation: yirtmoq, yulib olmoq
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.

25) Progression (noun)
Definition: A series of steps in a particular order.
Translation: Bosqichma-bosqich rivojlanish, progressiya
Example: A progression of three or four steps along the other edge.

26) Ample (adjective)
Definition: More than enough.
Translation: Yetarlicha ko‘p, ko‘pgina
Example: We do have ample proof of their workmanship.

27) Workmanship (noun)
Definition: The quality of something made.
Translation: mahorat, hunarmandchilik
Example: We do have ample proof of their workmanship.

28) Counterpart (noun)
Definition: A corresponding item or person.
Translation: O‘xshash, bir xil
Example: These ‘counterpart’ leaves tell us that crows consistently produce the same design every time.

29) Finch (noun)
Definition: A type of small bird.
Translation: kichik sayroqi qush turi
Example: Research has revealed that genetics plays a part in the less sophisticated tool-making skills of finches.

30) Bucket (noun)
Definition: A container with a handle used to carry liquids.
Translation: chelak, paqir
Example: A test at Oxford, Kacelnik’s team offered Betty and Abel a challenge - food in a bucket.

31) Hook (noun)
Definition: A curved tool for catching or pulling things.
Translation: Ilmoq, ilgak
Example: The only way to get the food was to hook the bucket out by its handle.

32) Handle (noun)
Definition: A part of an object used to hold or carry it.
Translation: Dasta, tutqich
Example: The only way to get the food was to hook the bucket out by its handle.

33) Immediately (adverb)
Definition: Right away, without delay.
Translation: Darhol, birdaniga
Example: The birds immediately picked the hook, showing that they did understand the functional properties of the tool.

1) Toolmaking (noun)
Definition: The process of creating tools.
Translation: Asbob-uskunalar yasash
Example: A research team at Oxford University discovered the remarkable toolmaking skills of New Caledonian crows.

2) Crow (noun)
Definition: Large black birds known for their intelligence.
Translation: Qarg‘a
Example: New Caledonian crows are tenacious predators and the only birds that habitually use a wide selection of self-made tools.

3) Mate (noun)
Definition: A partner, especially in animals.
Translation: Juft, sherik, oshna
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.

4) Captive (adjective)
Definition: Kept in confinement, not free.
Translation: Asir, tutqun
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.

5) Care (noun)
Definition: The process of looking after someone or something.
Translation: G‘amxo‘rlik, parvarish
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.

6) Dwelling (noun)
Definition: A place where someone lives.
Translation: Yashash joyi
Example: They belong to a forest-dwelling species of bird.

7) Tenacious (adjective)
Definition: Determined and persistent.
Translation: tirishqoq, qaytmas, qat'iyatli
Example: New Caledonian crows are tenacious predators.

8) Habitually (adverb)
Definition: Regularly or usually doing something.
Translation: Doimiy ravishda, odatdagidek
Example: The only birds that habitually use a wide selection of self-made tools.

9) Selection (noun)
Definition: A variety of choices.
Translation: Tanlov, to‘plam
Example: A wide selection of self-made tools to find food.

10) Crochet (noun)
Definition: A method of making fabric by looping thread with a hooked needle.
Translation: yigirilgan ipdan to‘qish
Example: One of the wild crows’ cleverest tools is the crochet hook.

11) Detach (verb)
Definition: To remove or separate something.
Translation: Ajratib olmoq, ayirmoq
Example: Made by detaching a side twig from a larger one.

12) Cunning (adjective)
Definition: Clever and skillful, often in a tricky way.
Translation: Ayyor, pixini yorgan, ustasi farang
Example: Equally cunning is a tool crafted from the barbed vine-leaf.

13) Barbed (adjective)
Definition: Having sharp points that make removal difficult.
Translation: Tikanli, tikanak
Example: A tool crafted from the barbed vine-leaf.

14) Rib (noun)
Definition: A long, curved structure in a body or plant.
Translation: Qovurg‘a, tomir
Example: Which consists of a central rib with paired leaflets.

15) Thorn (noun)
Definition: A sharp, pointed part of a plant.
Translation: Tikon, tikanak
Example: With each a rose-like thorn at its base.

16) Awkward (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or uncomfortable.
Translation: Noqulay, beso‘naqay
Example: To prise out insects from awkward cracks.

17) Crack (noun)
Definition: A narrow opening or break in something.
Translation: Yoriq, darz
Example: To prise out insects from awkward cracks.

18) Probe (noun)
Definition: A tool used for exploring or investigating.
Translation: Tekshiruvchi asbob, zond.
Example: The crows also make an ingenious tool called a pandanus probe.

19) Sharp (adjective)
Definition: Having a fine point or edge.
Translation: O‘tkir, keskir
Example: The tool has a broad base, sharp tip, a row of tiny hooks.

20) Row (noun)
Definition: A line of things placed next to each other.
Translation: Qator
Example: A row of tiny hooks along one edge.

21) Edge (noun)
Definition: The outer part of an object.
Translation: Chekka, qirra
Example: A row of tiny hooks along one edge.

22) Tapered (adjective)
Definition: Gradually getting narrower.
Translation: Ingichkalashgan, toraygan
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.

23) Nip (verb)
Definition: To bite or pinch quickly.
Translation: tishlamoq, chimdilamoq
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.

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22) Sediment (noun)
Definition: Material that settles at the bottom of a liquid or surface.
Translation: yerning cho‘kindi qatlami, cho‘kma
Example: Knowing what the environment including the mud, or sediment, was like millions of years ago.

23) Experiment (noun)
Definition: A scientific test or procedure.
Translation: Tajriba
Example: Experiments can answer these questions but the number of variables is staggering.

24) Staggering (adjective)
Definition: Very surprising or large in number.
Translation: Hayratlanarli, aql bovar qilmas
Example: The number of variables is staggering.

25) Time-consuming (adjective)
Definition: Taking a lot of time.
Translation: Ko‘p vaqt talab qiladigan
Example: To physically recreate each scenario is extremely time-consuming.

26) Content (noun)
Definition: The amount of something contained inside.
Translation: Tarkib, ichidagi narsalar
Example: Falkingham uses computational techniques to control the moisture content.

27) Consistency (noun)
Definition: The thickness or texture of something.
Translation: zichlik, quyuqlik
Example: Falkingham uses computational techniques to control the moisture content, consistency, and other conditions.

28) Chop up (phrasal verb)
Definition: Cut into smaller pieces.
Translation: Bo‘laklarga bo‘lmoq
Example: A footprint is then made in the digital mud by a virtual foot. This footprint can be chopped up and viewed from any angle.

29) Extract (verb)
Definition: To take out something.
Translation: Ajratib olmoq
Example: Stress values can be extracted and calculated from inside it.

30) Make sense (phrase)
Definition: To be logical or understandable.
Translation: Ma’no anglatmoq, tushunarli bo‘lmoq
Example: Researchers can make sense of fossil tracks with greater confidence.

1) Simulation (noun)
Definition: A computer-based model that mimics a real-world process.
Translation: Simulyatsiya, kompyuterda modellashtirish
Example: The Manchester University team has used computer simulations to produce a model of a giant meat-eating dinosaur.

2) Spined (adjective)
Definition: Having a backbone with pointed structures.
Translation: Tikanli, umurtqa suyaklari bo‘rtib chiqqan
Example: It is called an acrocanthosaurus which literally means ‘high spined lizard’ because of the spines which run along its backbone.

3) Backbone (noun)
Definition: The main bone structure that supports the body.
Translation: umurtqa, tayanch suyak
Example: The spines which run along its backbone.

4) Hump (noun)
Definition: A raised, rounded area on the back.
Translation: o‘rkach, bukur
Example: Scientists have speculated they could have supported a hump that stored fat and water reserves.

5) Reserve (noun)
Definition: A stored supply of something for future use.
Translation: Zaxira
Example: A hump that stored fat and water reserves.

6) Sail (noun)
Definition: A structure that catches wind or acts as a display.
Translation: Yelkan
Example: There are also those who believe that the spines acted as a support for a sail.

7) Flushed (verb)
Definition: Filled or reddened with liquid, such as blood.
Translation: Qon bilan to‘lgan, qizarib ketgan
Example: It was used as a display and could be flushed with blood.

8) Blood (noun)
Definition: The red liquid that circulates in the body.
Translation: Qon
Example: It was used as a display and could be flushed with blood.

9) Mixture (noun)
Definition: A combination of different elements.
Translation: Aralashma
Example: It may have been a mixture of the two.

10) Skull (noun)
Definition: The bone structure that forms the head.
Translation: Bosh suyagi
Example: The skull seems out of proportion with its thick, heavy body.

11) Worthy (adjective)
Definition: Deserving attention or importance.
Translation: Arziydigan, munosib
Example: The feet are also worthy of note.

12) Powerful (adjective)
Definition: Strong and having great force.
Translation: Kuchli, qudratli.
Example: It has a deep broad tail and powerful leg muscles to aid locomotion.

13) Muscle (noun)
Definition: The tissue in the body that allows movement.
Translation: Mushak, muskul
Example: Powerful leg muscles to aid locomotion.

14) Locomotion (noun)
Definition: The ability to move from one place to another.
Translation: Harakatlanish, siljish
Example: Powerful leg muscles to aid locomotion.

15) Leg (noun)
Definition: The limb used for walking.
Translation: Oyoq
Example: It walked on its back legs, and its front legs were much shorter.

16) Claw (noun)
Definition: Sharp, curved nails of animals.
Translation: hayvon panja tirnog‘i, changal
Example: Its front legs were much shorter with powerful claws.

17) Fossilized (adjective)
Definition: Turned into stone over time.
Translation: Qotib qolgan, toshga aylangan
Example: Falkingham himself is investigating fossilized tracks.

18) Footprint (noun)
Definition: A mark left by a foot.
Translation: Oyoq izi
Example: Falkingham himself is investigating fossilized tracks, or footprints.

19) Analyze (verb)
Definition: To examine something carefully.
Translation: Tahlil qilmoq
Example: Using computer simulations to help analyze how extinct animals moved.

20) Track (noun)
Definition: A mark left by movement.
Translation: Iz
Example: A fossil track poses a more considerable challenge to interpret.

21) Pose (verb)
Definition: To present a problem or difficulty.
Translation: Keltirib chiqarmoq, sabab bo‘lmoq
Example: A fossil track poses a more considerable challenge to interpret.

Test 152 ⬇️

The boiler

19) Entrance (noun)
Definition: A way into a place.
Translation: Kirish yo‘li, eshik
Example: It connects the 26-metre long entrance building to the three vaults.

20) Transformer (noun)
Definition: A device that changes electrical voltage.
Translation: Transformator
Example: This houses the equipment needed to transform the incoming electrical current.

21) Incoming (adjective)
Definition: Arriving or coming in.
Translation: Kirayotgan, kelayotgan
Example: To transform the incoming electrical current down to 220 volts.

22) Compressor (noun)
Definition: A machine that increases the pressure of air or gas.
Translation: Kompressor, havo bosimini oshiruvchi jihoz
Example: A second is an electrical room housing controls for the compressor.

23) Comfortable (adjective)
Definition: Providing a pleasant experience without discomfort.
Translation: Qulay
Example: The oiler room is an office which can be heated to provide comfortable working conditions.

24) Sample (noun)
Definition: A small part of something used for testing or analysis.
Translation: Namuna
Example: Those who will make an inventory of the samples.

25) Steel (noun)
Definition: A strong metal made from iron.
Translation: Po‘lat
Example: Heavy steel entrance doors.

26) Separate (verb)
Definition: To divide or keep apart.
Translation: Ajratmoq
Example: Two keyed doors separated by an airlock.

27) Airlock (noun)
Definition: A sealed space between two doors used to control pressure or temperature.
Translation: Havo o'tkazmaydigan ikki vakuumli eshik orasi
Example: Two keyed doors separated by an airlock.

28) Muted (adjective)
Definition: Soft or not bright in color or sound.
Translation: kuchsiz, xira, bo‘g‘iq
Example: A network of 200 fibre-optic cables will give the piece a muted greenish-turquoise and white light.

29) Turquoise (noun)
Definition: A blue-green color.
Translation: feruza tosh rangi, ko‘kimtir yashil
Example: A network of 200 fibre-optic cables will give the piece a muted greenish-turquoise and white light.

1) Vault (noun)
Definition: A secure underground storage area for important things.
Translation: maxsus mustahkam yerosti saqlash joyi
Example: The seeds are placed in scaled boxes and stored on shelves in the vaults.

2) Remote (adjective)
Definition: Located far away from other places or people.
Translation: Olis, uzoq
Example: Svalbard is one of the most remote places on earth.

3) For this reason (phrase)
Definition: Because of this; as a result.
Translation: Shu sababli
Example: For this reason, it is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.

4) Safeguard (verb)
Definition: To protect something from harm or damage.
Translation: Himoya qilmoq, qo‘riqlamoq
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.

5) Priceless (adjective)
Definition: Extremely valuable; impossible to put a price on.
Translation: Nihoyatda qimmatli, bebahо
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.

6) Component (noun)
Definition: A part of something larger.
Translation: Tarkibiy qism
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.

7) Means (noun)
Definition: A way or method of doing something.
Translation: Vosita, yo‘l, chora
Example: It will provide the means to restore farming.

8) Farming (noun)
Definition: The activity of growing crops and raising animals for food.
Translation: Dehqonchilik, qishloq xo‘jaligi, fermerlik
Example: It will provide the means to restore farming.

9) Retread (verb)
Definition: To do something again, especially something that has already been done before.
Translation: Qaytadan bajarmoq, takrorlamoq
Example: We, or our descendants, will not have to retread thousands of years of agriculture from scratch.

10) Insulate (verb)
Definition: To protect something by covering it with a special material to keep it warm or cool.
Translation: Izolyatsiya qilish, issiq-sovuq o‘tishidan himoyalash
Example: Three storage vaults which are lined with insulated panels to help maintain the cold temperatures.

11) Transmitter (noun)
Definition: A device that sends signals or information to another place.
Translation: signal uzatuvchi qurilma
Example: Electronic transmitters linked to a satellite system monitor temperature.

12) Scaled (adjective)
Definition: Adjusted to a particular size or level.
Translation: O‘lchamiga qarab moslashtirilgan
Example: The seeds are placed in scaled boxes and stored on shelves.

13) Metabolic activity (noun)
Definition: The chemical processes that happen inside a living thing to keep it alive.
Translation: Moddalar almashinuvi
Example: Low temperature ensures low metabolic activity.

14) Rugged (adjective)
Definition: Strongly built or difficult to damage.
Translation: Mustahkam, bardoshli, pishiq
Example: The rugged structure provides unparalleled security.

15) Bury (verb)
Definition: To put something deep in the ground.
Translation: Ko‘mmoq, yer ostiga joylamoq
Example: The three vaults are buried deep in the hillside.

16) Deep (adjective/adverb)
Definition: Far below the surface or inside something.
Translation: Chuqur
Example: The three vaults are buried deep in the hillside.

17) Reach (verb)
Definition: To arrive at a place.
Translation: Yetib bormoq
Example: To reach them, it is necessary to proceed down a long corridor.

18) Surprisingly (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is unexpected.
Translation: Ajablanarli tarzda, hayratlanarli darajada
Example: A surprisingly large corridor.

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24) Preservation treatment (noun)
Definition: Actions taken to protect or restore an object or structure to prevent further damage or decay.
Translation: (inshootlarni) saqlash, asrab-avaylash
Example: Some have been recovered from the Hensham villa and are now undergoing preservation treatment

1) Western (adjective)
Definition: Referring to the direction or region in the west.
Translation: G‘arbiy
Example: On the outer western wall, the archaeologists uncovered a number of foundation stones.

2) Made out to be (phrase)
Definition: Perceived or presented as something, often implying that it might not be accurate or true.
Translation: deb ko‘rsatilmoq, deb hisoblanmoq
Example: On one is carved what the archaeologists made out to be a Latin inscription.

3) Century (noun)
Definition: A period of 100 years.
Translation: Asr
Example: The stone has endured centuries of erosion.

4) Work out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To understand something by thinking or calculating.
Translation: topmoq, tushunmoq
Example: The team has yet to work out what it says.

5) Section (noun)
Definition: A part or piece of something.
Translation: Qism, bo‘lak
Example: Another find was a section of traditional Roman mosaic.

6) Mosaic (noun)
Definition: A picture or pattern made from small pieces of colored stone or glass.
Translation: Mozaika, kichik parchalardan yasalgan naqsh
Example: The team uncovered a section of traditional Roman mosaic.

7) Incomplete (adjective)
Definition: Not finished or lacking parts.
Translation: To‘liq bo‘lmagan, mukammal emas
Example: The mosaic was incomplete but showed a geometrical pattern.

8) Enough (adjective/adverb)
Definition: As much as needed.
Translation: Yetarli
Example: Enough pieces remain to show a geometrical pattern.

9) Pattern (noun)
Definition: A repeated decorative design.
Translation: Naqsh, shakl, bezak
Example: The mosaic showed a geometrical pattern.

10) Stylised (adjective)
Definition: Shown in a simplified or artistic way.
Translation: noreal uslubda yaratilgan
Example: The mosaic had a stylised design.

11) Villa (noun)
Definition: A large house in the countryside or near the sea.
Translation: Vila, dacha
Example: Durrand assumes that a bathhouse would have been part of the villa.

12) Crumble (verb)
Definition: To break into small pieces.
Translation: ko‘chib tushmoq, maydalanib ketmoq
Example: Much of the system has long since crumbled at Hensham.

13) Hypocaust (noun)
Definition: An ancient Roman heating system using hot air beneath the floor.
Translation: pol tagidan isitish tizimi
Example: The heating system would have been based on a typical Roman hypocaust.

14) Furnace (noun)
Definition: A structure for producing high heat.
Translation: Pech, o‘txona
Example: The furnace produced the hot air needed to be kept burning all the time.

15) Burn (verb)
Definition: To produce heat or flames.
Translation: Yonmoq
Example: The furnace needed to be kept burning all the time.

16) Fall to (phrasal verb)
Definition: To become the responsibility of someone.
Translation: yelkasiga tushmoq, majburiyati bo‘lmoq
Example: The task would have fallen to the villa’s slaves.

17) Underfloor (adjective)
Definition: Located beneath the floor.
Translation: Pol ostidagi
Example: The underfloor space was made by setting the floor on top of piles of square stones.

18) Gap (noun)
Definition: An empty space or opening.
Translation: Bo‘shliq, bo‘sh joy
Example: The gap meant that the hot air could flow freely under the floor.

19) Mean (verb)
Definition: To indicate or result in a particular situation or effect.
Translation: Sabab bo‘lmoq; anglatmoq
Example: This created gaps that meant the hot air could flow freely under the floor.

20) Solid (adjective)
Definition: Strong and not easily broken.
Translation: Mustahkam, pishiq
Example: The structure became more solid with a layer of concrete.

21) Brick (noun)
Definition: A block of baked clay used for building.
Translation: G‘isht
Example: The walls above the heating system were made of bricks.

22) Key point (noun)
Definition: The most important part of something.
Translation: muhim jihat
Example: The key point was that the walls were hollow to allow heat to rise.

23) Preservation (noun)
Definition: The process of keeping something in its original state.
Translation: Saqlash, asrash
Example: Some items are now undergoing preservation treatment.

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23) Shudder (noun)
Definition: A quick tremor or movement of excitement or fear.
Translation: Titroq, seskanish
Example: There is a shudder of recognition when a joke lands well.

24) Milking (verb)
Definition: Extracting or taking full advantage of something.
Translation: To‘liq foydalanmoq
Example: Humans milk their natural emotional responses for creativity.

25) Tap into (phrasal verb)
Definition: To make use of a resource or ability.
Translation: Foydalanmoq, foydalanish yo‘lini topmoq
Example: Jokes tap into our evaluative mechanisms.

26) Evaluate (verb)
Definition: To assess or judge something.
Translation: Baholamoq
Example: Evaluating humor requires mental agility.

27) Machinery (noun)
Definition: Systems or processes within a structure.
Translation: Tizim, mexanizm
Example: Evaluative machinery helps us understand jokes.

28) Disgusting (adjective)
Definition: Causing strong dislike or nausea.
Translation: yoqimsiz
Example: Humor can be funny and disgusting simultaneously.

29) Luxury (noun)
Definition: A state of great comfort or indulgence.
Translation: rohat, xuzr-halovat
Example: Humor may be considered a luxury, but it has evolutionary benefits.

30) Analytical (adjective)
Definition: Relating to logical reasoning and analysis.
Translation: Tahliliy
Example: Humor is a combination of analytical and emotional processes.

31) Handle (verb)
Definition: To manage or deal with something effectively.
Translation: eplamoq, boshqarmoq, uddalamoq
Example: Understanding humor helps us handle complex human interactions.

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