Cambridge English Thematic IELTS READING words

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Fasting and Headaches: Causes and Solutions

Fasting is a common practice observed for religious, health, or personal reasons. While many people fast without any issues, some experience headaches, particularly in the back of the head. These headaches can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, affecting concentration and daily activities. Understanding the causes of fasting headaches and how to prevent them can help individuals have a more comfortable fasting experience.

Causes of Fasting Headaches

There are several reasons why fasting may lead to headaches, including:

1. Caffeine Withdrawal

Many people consume caffeine regularly through coffee, tea, or energy drinks. Caffeine affects the brain by constricting blood vessels, reducing blood flow slightly. When caffeine intake is suddenly stopped, the blood vessels expand, leading to increased blood flow and a headache. This is a common cause of fasting headaches, especially for those who are used to drinking multiple cups of tea or coffee daily.

2. Dehydration

Fasting often reduces water intake, leading to dehydration. When the body lacks enough water, the brain temporarily shrinks slightly, pulling away from the skull and causing pain. Dehydration can also lead to dizziness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

3. Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

During fasting, the body's glucose levels drop as no food is consumed for an extended period. The brain relies on glucose for energy, and when glucose levels are too low, headaches, dizziness, and irritability can occur. This is especially common in individuals who consume high-sugar foods before fasting, as their blood sugar levels drop quickly.

4. Low Blood Pressure

Some people experience a drop in blood pressure during fasting, especially if they are dehydrated or not consuming enough salt. Low blood pressure can reduce oxygen supply to the brain, leading to headaches, weakness, and lightheadedness.

Symptoms of Fasting Headaches

People who experience fasting headaches often report the following symptoms:
✔ Dull or throbbing pain, usually at the back of the head or temples.
✔ Sensitivity to light and sound.
✔ Fatigue and difficulty focusing.
✔ Dizziness or weakness in severe cases.

How to Prevent and Treat Fasting Headaches

To reduce the risk of headaches while fasting, individuals can take several preventive measures:

Instead of stopping tea or coffee suddenly, reduce consumption gradually a few days before fasting. If caffeine withdrawal is the cause of the headache, drinking a small amount of tea or coffee when breaking the fast can help ease symptoms.

Drinking plenty of water before and after fasting can prevent dehydration-related headaches. Consuming water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables can also help maintain hydration levels.

Consuming a meal with complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats before fasting can help keep blood sugar levels stable. Avoiding sugary foods can prevent rapid drops in glucose levels.

If a headache develops, resting in a quiet and dark environment can help relieve symptoms. Reducing exposure to bright lights and loud sounds can also minimize discomfort.

Fasting headaches are usually caused by caffeine withdrawal, dehydration, low blood sugar, or low blood pressure. Fortunately, they can often be prevented by staying hydrated, gradually reducing caffeine intake, and eating a well-balanced meal before fasting. By making simple adjustments, individuals can fast comfortably without experiencing severe headaches. However, if headaches persist or worsen, it may be necessary to seek medical advice.


IELTS Reading Question Examples

1. Multiple-Choice Question

What is the most common reason for fasting headaches?
A) Lack of sleep
B) Caffeine withdrawal
C) High blood sugar
D) Overeating before fasting

2. True/False/Not Given

1. Dehydration can cause the brain to shrink slightly, leading to headaches. ()
2. Eating sugary foods before fasting helps prevent headaches. ()
3. Fasting headaches always require medical treatment. ()


24) Lightness (noun)
Definition: The quality of being simple or easy to understand.
Translation: Yengillik, osonlik
Example: The author’s lightness of writing makes science accessible.

25) Panache (noun)
Definition: A stylish and confident way of doing something.
Translation: Uslub, o‘ziga xoslik
Example: Yong writes about science with panache, making it enjoyable.

26) Knack (noun)
Definition: A special ability to do something well.
Translation: Iqtidor, mahorat
Example: Yong has a knack for explaining complex ideas simply.

27) Complex (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or complicated to understand.
Translation: Murakkab
Example: Microbiology is a complex field, but the book explains it well.

28) Enthralling (adjective)
Definition: Extremely interesting and engaging.
Translation: Maftunkor, qiziqarli
Example: The book provides an enthralling insight into the world of microbes.

29) Gently (adverb)
Definition: Softly or carefully.
Translation: Muloyimlik bilan, ohista
Example: The author gently guides readers through the microbial world.

30) Bid (noun)
Definition: An attempt to achieve something.
Translation: Harakat, urinish
Example: The book is a bid to change how we see microbes.

31) Magnify (verb)
Definition: To make something appear larger.
Translation: Kattalashtirib ko‘rsatmoq
Example: Leeuwenhoek used a microscope to magnify microbes.

32) Teeming with (phrase)
Definition: Full of, completely filled with.
Translation: To‘lib-toshgan
Example: The water drop was teeming with tiny organisms.

33) Poor (adjective)
Definition: Bad in quality or condition.
Translation: Yomon, past sifatli
Example: Germ theory gave bacteria a poor reputation.

34) Endure (verb)
Definition: To last for a long time despite difficulties.
Translation: bardosh bermoq, davom etmoq, saqlab qolmoq
Example: The negative image of bacteria has endured for centuries.

35) Plea (noun)
Definition: A strong request or argument.
Translation: Ilitimos, murojaat
Example: The book is a plea for a better understanding of microbes.

36) Responsible (adjective)
Definition: Being the cause of something.
Translation: Mas’ul, javobgar, sababchi
Example: Poor diets may be responsible for disrupting microbial balance.

37) Block (verb)
Definition: To stop or prevent something.
Translation: To‘smoq, to‘xtatmoq
Example: A bacterium is used to block the spread of dengue fever.

You can find the rest of the words in test 74

1) Multitude (noun)
Definition: A large number of things or people.
Translation: Ko‘plab, juda ko‘p miqdorda
Example: The human body hosts a multitude of microbes, each playing a role in our health.

2) Outlive (verb)
Definition: To live longer than someone or something.
Translation: Uzoq yashamoq, ko‘proq umr ko‘rmoq
Example: Microbes have existed for billions of years and will outlive humans.

3) Invisible (adjective)
Definition: Unable to be seen.
Translation: Ko‘rinmas
Example: Microbes are invisible to the naked eye but are everywhere around us.

4) Present (adjective)
Definition: Existing or occurring in a place or situation.
Translation: Mavjud, bor
Example: Microbes are present in soil, air, and even inside our bodies.

5) Utterly (adverb)
Definition: Completely, totally.
Translation: Mutlaqo, butunlay
Example: The book about microbes is utterly fascinating.

6) Peril (noun)
Definition: Serious danger.
Translation: Xavf, tahdid
Example: Disrupting our natural microbiome could put our health in peril.

7) Colony (noun)
Definition: A group of living organisms living together.
Translation: Koloniya, uyushma
Example: Every species has its own colony of microbes, called a microbiome.

8) Vary (verb)
Definition: To differ or change in different situations.
Translation: Farq qilmoq
Example: Microbes vary between species and even between individuals.

9) Individual (noun)
Definition: A single person or organism.
Translation: Shaxs, alohida organizm
Example: Each individual has a unique set of microbes in their body.

10) Amazing (adjective)
Definition: Causing great surprise or wonder.
Translation: Ajoyib, hayratlanarli
Example: It is amazing that microbes outnumber human cells in our bodies.

11) Cell (noun)
Definition: The smallest unit of life in a living organism.
Translation: Hujayra
Example: The human body has about 30 trillion cells, but even more microbial ones.

12) Armpit (noun)
Definition: The area under the shoulder where the arm joins the body.
Translation: Qo‘ltiq
Example: Some microbes live only in the armpit and nowhere else.

13) Large (adjective)
Definition: Big in size or amount.
Translation: Katta
Example: A large number of microbes live inside the human gut.

14) Peacefully (adverb)
Definition: Without disturbance or conflict.
Translation: Tinchlik bilan
Example: Most microbes live peacefully in our bodies without harming us.

15) Out of context (phrase)
Definition: In the wrong situation, making something inappropriate.
Translation: noto'g'ri joyda, noto‘g‘ri vaziyatda
Example: Some microbes are harmless in the gut but dangerous out of context.

16) Contentedly (adverb)
Definition: Happily and without worry.
Translation: Qoniqqan holda, mamnunlik bilan
Example: Microbes contentedly live in the human gut, helping digestion.

17) Gut (noun)
Definition: The stomach and intestines of an organism.
Translation: ichak
Example: The human gut contains trillions of microbes.

18) Galaxy (noun)
Definition: A massive system of stars, gas, and dust in space.
Translation: Galaktika
Example: There are more microbes in the human gut than stars in the galaxy.

19) Community (noun)
Definition: A group of living things living together.
Translation: Jamoa, hamjamiyat
Example: The microbial community inside the human body is constantly changing.

20) Constantly (adverb)
Definition: Continuously, all the time.
Translation: Doimiy ravishda
Example: Microbes in our bodies are constantly changing.

21) Pet (noun)
Definition: An animal kept at home for companionship.
Translation: Uy hayvoni
Example: Having a pet can expose children to beneficial microbes.

22) Journalist (noun)
Definition: A person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites.
Translation: Jurnalist
Example: Ed Yong is a science journalist who writes about microbes.

23) Extraordinarily (adverb)
Definition: In a remarkable or exceptional way.
Translation: Juda ajoyib tarzda, boshqacha
Example: The book explains microbes in an extraordinarily engaging way.

Test 160 ⬇️

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Finally, new text on 160

1) Various (adjective)
Definition: Different from one another; of different kinds or sorts.
Translation: Turli, har xil
Example: The researchers tested the irrigation system on various types of crops.

You can find the rest of the words from test 72 and test 89

Test 159 ⬇️

1) Slightly (adverb)
Definition: To a small degree; not very much.
Translation: Biroz, ozgina
Example: The new sensor is slightly more accurate than the previous one.

You can find the rest of the words from test 88

Test 158 ⬇️

1) Assume (verb)
Definition: To accept something as true without proof.
Translation: Faraz qilmoq, taxmin qilmoq
Example: Scientists assume that the new system will improve efficiency.

You can find the rest of the words from test 71 and test 87

Test 157 ⬇️


1) Smart (adjective)
Definition: Intelligent or technologically advanced.
Translation: Aqlli, zamonaviy
Example: The smart irrigation system helps save water.

2) Plant (noun)
Definition: Living organism that grow in soil and need water and sunlight.
Translation: O‘simlik
Example: Farmers use sensors to monitor the health of their plants.

3) Dramatically (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is sudden or great in effect.
Translation: birdaniga, keskin
Example: The new system dramatically reduces water consumption.

4) Usage (noun)
Definition: The way something is used.
Translation: Foydalanish, ishlatish
Example: This method helps lower water usage.

5) Clip (verb)
Definition: To attach or fasten something.
Translation: Mahkamlash, qisqich bilan tutib turish
Example: The sensor clips onto a plant leaf.

6) Leafy (adjective)
Definition: Covered with or resembling leaves.
Translation: Bargli
Example: The sensor works best on leafy plants.

7) Plat (noun)
Definition: Likely a typo for "plant" in the text, meaning a living organism that grows in soil.
Translation: (Agar "plant" bo‘lsa) O‘simlik
Example: A leaf’s thickness depends on the amount of water in a plant.

8) Sign (noun)
Definition: An indication of something.
Translation: Belgi, alomat
Example: A thin leaf is a sign that the plant lacks water.

9) Thirsty (adjective)
Definition: Needing water.
Translation: Chanqagan
Example: A plant with thin leaves is thirsty.

10) Voltage (noun)
Definition: The amount of electric power in a system.
Translation: Kuchlanish
Example: The sensor detects changes in voltage.

11) Processor (noun)
Definition: A small computer that processes data.
Translation: Protsessor
Example: A processor controls the plant’s water supply.

12) Periodically (adverb)
Definition: From time to time, at regular intervals.
Translation: Vaqti-vaqti bilan
Example: Conventional irrigation systems water crops periodically.

13) Water (verb)
Definition: To supply water to plants.
Translation: Sug‘ormoq
Example: The irrigation system waters crops when needed.

14) Graceful (adjective)
Definition: Smooth and elegant in movement or appearance.
Translation: Nafis, chiroyli
Example: The crops showed a graceful increase in yield.

15) Pepper (noun)
Definition: A vegetable that is usually red, green, or yellow.
Translation: Qalampir
Example: The system improved pepper production by 50%.

16) Tomato (noun)
Definition: A red fruit commonly used as a vegetable.
Translation: Pomidor
Example: Tomato plants need less water with this system.

17) Admit (verb)
Definition: To acknowledge or accept as true.
Translation: Tan olmoq
Example: The researcher admits that the system must be reliable.

18) Operate (verb)
Definition: To function or work properly.
Translation: Ishlamoq, boshqarmoq
Example: The system must operate reliably.

19) Found (verb)
Definition: To establish or start a company or organization.
Translation: Asos solmoq
Example: They founded a company to market the system.

20) Sell (verb)
Definition: To exchange goods or services for money.
Translation: Sotmoq
Example: The company plans to sell the irrigation system.

21) Marketing (noun)
Definition: The process of promoting and selling products.
Translation: Marketing, reklama
Example: The company is working on marketing the new system.

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