1) Miss out on (phrasal verb)
Definition: To fail to take advantage of an opportunity or to not experience something that others are experiencing.
Translation: bebahra qolmoq, quruq qolmoq
Example: Could the benefits of online social networking be too good to miss out on?
2) Enmeshed (adjective)
Definition: Involved in something, often in a way that is difficult to escape.
Translation: o‘ralashib qolgan, bog'lanib qolgan
Example: Online networking has become enmeshed in our daily lives.
3) Networking (noun)
Definition: The act of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
Translation: tanish-bilishlar orttirish, aloqalar o‘rnatish
Example: Online networking allows us to maintain weak ties that can influence our behavior.
4) Loose (adjective)
Definition: Not tightly or closely fixed or held together; in this context, refers to relationships that are not close.
Translation: Yaqindan bo‘lmagan (munosabatlar)
Example: Granovetter's research highlighted the influence of loose acquaintances in our social network.
5) Tie (noun)
Definition: A connection or relationship with someone.
Translation: Aloqa, bog‘lanish, rishta
Example: Our social network is composed of various ties, both strong and weak.
6) Weak tie (noun)
Definition: A social connection with someone who is not a close friend, but who may still influence one's behavior or provide useful information.
Translation: tanish-bilish
Example: Weak ties in social networks can significantly influence job opportunities.
7) Pass a tip (phrase)
Definition: To give someone a useful piece of advice or information.
Translation: maslahat berish, foydali ma'lumot aytish
Example: It's easier for a distant friend to pass you a tip online.
8) Explosion (noun)
Definition: A rapid or sudden increase in number or quantity.
Translation: keskin ortish, birdan ko‘payish
Example: The explosion of weak ties through social networking could change how we share information.
9) Ahead of (preposition)
Definition: In front of or in a position of advantage over someone or something else.
Translation: Oldinda, bir qadam oldinroqda
Example: Many people now turn to their online networks ahead of traditional news sources.
10) Daily (adjective/adverb)
Definition: Happening every day; related to each day.
Translation: Har kungi, kundalik
Example: Online networking has become a part of our daily interactions.
11) Interaction (noun)
Definition: Mutual or reciprocal action or influence.
Translation: O‘zaro ta’sir, aloqalar, muloqot
Example: Online networking can transform our daily interactions with others.
12) Access (noun)
Definition: The ability or right to approach, enter, or use something.
Translation: foydalanish imkoniyati, kirish huquqi
Example: Participants with access to Facebook profiles were more successful in social interactions.
13) Lower (verb)
Definition: To reduce in amount, degree, or quality.
Translation: Pasaytirish, kamaytirish
Example: Online networking is lowering the barriers among acquaintances.
14) Readily (adverb)
Definition: Easily, quickly, or willingly.
Translation: Osonlik bilan, tezda
Example: People are now readily sharing personal feelings with a wider circle online.
15) Merge (verb)
Definition: To combine or blend into a single entity.
Translation: Birlashtirish, qo‘shish
Example: Increased visibility is causing our social spheres to start merging.
Definition: To fail to take advantage of an opportunity or to not experience something that others are experiencing.
Translation: bebahra qolmoq, quruq qolmoq
Example: Could the benefits of online social networking be too good to miss out on?
2) Enmeshed (adjective)
Definition: Involved in something, often in a way that is difficult to escape.
Translation: o‘ralashib qolgan, bog'lanib qolgan
Example: Online networking has become enmeshed in our daily lives.
3) Networking (noun)
Definition: The act of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
Translation: tanish-bilishlar orttirish, aloqalar o‘rnatish
Example: Online networking allows us to maintain weak ties that can influence our behavior.
4) Loose (adjective)
Definition: Not tightly or closely fixed or held together; in this context, refers to relationships that are not close.
Translation: Yaqindan bo‘lmagan (munosabatlar)
Example: Granovetter's research highlighted the influence of loose acquaintances in our social network.
5) Tie (noun)
Definition: A connection or relationship with someone.
Translation: Aloqa, bog‘lanish, rishta
Example: Our social network is composed of various ties, both strong and weak.
6) Weak tie (noun)
Definition: A social connection with someone who is not a close friend, but who may still influence one's behavior or provide useful information.
Translation: tanish-bilish
Example: Weak ties in social networks can significantly influence job opportunities.
7) Pass a tip (phrase)
Definition: To give someone a useful piece of advice or information.
Translation: maslahat berish, foydali ma'lumot aytish
Example: It's easier for a distant friend to pass you a tip online.
8) Explosion (noun)
Definition: A rapid or sudden increase in number or quantity.
Translation: keskin ortish, birdan ko‘payish
Example: The explosion of weak ties through social networking could change how we share information.
9) Ahead of (preposition)
Definition: In front of or in a position of advantage over someone or something else.
Translation: Oldinda, bir qadam oldinroqda
Example: Many people now turn to their online networks ahead of traditional news sources.
10) Daily (adjective/adverb)
Definition: Happening every day; related to each day.
Translation: Har kungi, kundalik
Example: Online networking has become a part of our daily interactions.
11) Interaction (noun)
Definition: Mutual or reciprocal action or influence.
Translation: O‘zaro ta’sir, aloqalar, muloqot
Example: Online networking can transform our daily interactions with others.
12) Access (noun)
Definition: The ability or right to approach, enter, or use something.
Translation: foydalanish imkoniyati, kirish huquqi
Example: Participants with access to Facebook profiles were more successful in social interactions.
13) Lower (verb)
Definition: To reduce in amount, degree, or quality.
Translation: Pasaytirish, kamaytirish
Example: Online networking is lowering the barriers among acquaintances.
14) Readily (adverb)
Definition: Easily, quickly, or willingly.
Translation: Osonlik bilan, tezda
Example: People are now readily sharing personal feelings with a wider circle online.
15) Merge (verb)
Definition: To combine or blend into a single entity.
Translation: Birlashtirish, qo‘shish
Example: Increased visibility is causing our social spheres to start merging.