📘 Book 6 | Unit 4
📑 Word list
🟨 dissatisfy [dissӕtisfai] v. — qoniqtirmaslik
◾️>> To dissatisfy someone means to fail to please them. >> Birortasini dissatisfy qilish, uni rozi qilmaslik demakdir.
— He was dissatisfied with his meal.
— U ovqatidan qoniqmadi.
🟨 fuss [fʌs] n. — behudaga asabiylashish
◾️>> A fuss is excited or annoyed behavior that is not useful in any way. >> A fuss bu hech qanday foyda keltirmaydigan hayajonli yoki bezovta qiluvchi xatti-harakatlar.
— The child made an awful fuss because she didn’t want to go to bed.
— Bola yotishni istamagani uchun dahshatli shov-shuv ko'tardi.
🟨 gourmet [guərmei] adj. — mazali va qimmat
◾️>> If food is gourmet, then it is nicer and more expensive than regular food. >> Agar taom gourmet bo'lsa, u odatiy taomdan yaxshiroq va qimmatroq bo'ladi.
— In order to get a gourmet meal, you have to eat at an expensive restaurant.
— Mazali va qimmat taomni olish uchun siz qimmat restoranda ovqatlanishingiz kerak.
🟨 hence [hens] adv. — shu sababli
◾️>> If something happens hence, then it happens as a result of something. >> Agar biror narsa hence sodir bo'lsa, u biror boshqa narsa sabab sodir bo'ladi.
— John forgot the key. Hence, we couldn’t open the door.
— Jon kalitni unutdi. Shu sababli, biz eshikni ocha olmadik.
🟨 intrinsic [inˈtrinsik] adj. — (qadriga nisbatan) ichki, negizdagi
◾️>> If something is intrinsic, then it is related to the basic nature of that thing. >> Agar biror narsa intrinsic bo'lsa, bu u narsaning asosiy tabiatiga bog'liq bo'ladi.
— Paper money has no intrinsic value. It is useful simply because society says it is.
— Qog'oz pulning o'ziga xos qiymati yo'q. Bu shunchaki jamiyat aytgani uchun foydalidir.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟨 dissatisfy [dissӕtisfai] v. — qoniqtirmaslik
◾️>> To dissatisfy someone means to fail to please them. >> Birortasini dissatisfy qilish, uni rozi qilmaslik demakdir.
— He was dissatisfied with his meal.
— U ovqatidan qoniqmadi.
🟨 fuss [fʌs] n. — behudaga asabiylashish
◾️>> A fuss is excited or annoyed behavior that is not useful in any way. >> A fuss bu hech qanday foyda keltirmaydigan hayajonli yoki bezovta qiluvchi xatti-harakatlar.
— The child made an awful fuss because she didn’t want to go to bed.
— Bola yotishni istamagani uchun dahshatli shov-shuv ko'tardi.
🟨 gourmet [guərmei] adj. — mazali va qimmat
◾️>> If food is gourmet, then it is nicer and more expensive than regular food. >> Agar taom gourmet bo'lsa, u odatiy taomdan yaxshiroq va qimmatroq bo'ladi.
— In order to get a gourmet meal, you have to eat at an expensive restaurant.
— Mazali va qimmat taomni olish uchun siz qimmat restoranda ovqatlanishingiz kerak.
🟨 hence [hens] adv. — shu sababli
◾️>> If something happens hence, then it happens as a result of something. >> Agar biror narsa hence sodir bo'lsa, u biror boshqa narsa sabab sodir bo'ladi.
— John forgot the key. Hence, we couldn’t open the door.
— Jon kalitni unutdi. Shu sababli, biz eshikni ocha olmadik.
🟨 intrinsic [inˈtrinsik] adj. — (qadriga nisbatan) ichki, negizdagi
◾️>> If something is intrinsic, then it is related to the basic nature of that thing. >> Agar biror narsa intrinsic bo'lsa, bu u narsaning asosiy tabiatiga bog'liq bo'ladi.
— Paper money has no intrinsic value. It is useful simply because society says it is.
— Qog'oz pulning o'ziga xos qiymati yo'q. Bu shunchaki jamiyat aytgani uchun foydalidir.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.