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#Diqqat_savol ❓:
Tug'ilmagan lekin o'lgan?
O'lmagan lekin tug'ilgan?

Javobni bilmasligingiz aniq
Chunki men topa olmadim😔👇

📘 Book 6 | Unit 7

📑 Word list

🟨 hone [houn] v. — yaxshilamoq
◾️>> To hone something is to improve it and make it very good. >> Biror narsani hone qilish bu uni rivojlantirish va uni juda yaxshi qilish hisoblanadi.

— Lisa honed her chess skills by hours and hours of practice.
— Liza shaxmat bo'yicha mahoratini soatlab mashg'ulotlar orqali oshirdi.

🟨 mash [mæʃ] v. — yanchmoq, ezmoq
◾️>> To mash something is to crush it so that it is soft. >> Biror narsani mash qilish uni yumshoq qilib maydalash demakdir.

— We mashed the hard potatoes and served them for dinner.
— Biz qattiq kartoshkani pyure qilib, kechki ovqatga berdik.

🟨 ornate [ɔːrˈneit] adj. — bezakdor, naqshinkor
◾️>> If something is ornate, it is decorated with a lot of fancy things. >> Agar biror narsa ornate bo'lsa, u juda ko'p chiroyli narsalar bilan bezatilgan bo'ladi.

— Kim’s prom dress was very expensive since it was so ornate.
— Kimning bitiruv libosi juda bezakli boʻlgani uchun juda qimmat edi.

🟨 pneumonia [njuːˈmounjə] n. — pneymaniya, zotiljam
◾️>> Pneumonia is a dangerous illness causing the lungs to fill with liquid. >> Pneumonia bu o'pkaning suyuqlikka to'lishiha olib keladigan xavfli kasallik.

— Elaine got pneumonia after playing outside in the rain without a coat.
— Elaine paltosiz yomg'ir ostida o'ynagani uchun pnevmoniya bilan kasallangan.

🟨 psychic [saikik] adj. — g'ayrioddiy iste'dodga ega
◾️>> When someone is psychic, they know what will happen or what people think. >> Agar birortasi psychic bo'lsa, u nima sodir bo'lishini yoki odamlar nimani o'ylayotganini biladi.

— I think my grandmother has psychic abilities because she can predict anything.
— Menimcha, buvimning ruhiy qobiliyatlari bor, chunki u hamma narsani bashorat qila oladi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

Forward from: Rus tilini o‘rganamiz
Уни пишириб ҳам, қовуриб ҳам, қайнатиб ҳам бўлмайди ва ҳаттоки музлатгичга ҳам солиб бўлмайди. Шунга қарамай уни бутун дунё истеъмол қилади.

Лекин, уни бутун дунё истеъмол қилади, ҳатто сиз ҳам !

Савол: бу нима🤔

📘 Book 6 | Unit 7

📑 Word list

🟨 deception [diˈsepʃən] n. — hiyla, nayrang
◾️>> Deception is the act of lying or tricking someone. >> Deception bu birortasini aldash yoki chalg'itish harakati.

— The magic looked very real, but it was only deception.
— Sehr juda haqiqiy ko'rinardi, lekin bu faqat yolg'on edi.

🟨 decipher [diˈsaifər] v. — anglab tushunmoq
◾️>> To decipher writing is to figure out what it says. >> Yozuvni decipher qilish unda nima yozilganligini aniqlash hisoblanadi.

— My teacher complained that she couldn’t decipher my essay.
— My teacher complained that she couldn’t decipher my essay.

🟨 dung [dʌŋ] n. — go'ng
◾️>> Dung is solid waste material produced by animals. >> Dung bu hayvonlar tomonidan ishlab chiqariladigan qattiq keraksiz material.

— There was cow dung all over the field.
— Dala bo'ylab sigir go'ngi bor edi.

🟨 dusk [dʌsk] n. — oqshom, shom vaqti
◾️>> Dusk is the time in the evening when it begins to get dark. >> Dusk bu kechki paytda kun qorong'ulashib boradigan vaqt.

— After dusk, Hannah would catch fireflies in the park.
— Oqshomdan keyin Xanna parkda yonar qo'ng'iz tutdi.

🟨 gratify [grætəfai] v. — huzur baxsh etmoq
◾️>> To gratify someone means to please them. >> Birortasini gratify qilish bu ularni rozi qilish demakdir.

— Bonnie was gratified after receiving her gift from her parents.
— Bonni ota-onasidan sovg'ani olganidan keyin xursand bo'ldi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 6 | Unit 7

📑 Word list

🟨 altar [ɔ:ltər] n. — mehrob, altar
◾️>> An altar is a table used in churches. >> An altar bu cherkovlarda ishlatiladigan stol.

— The altar had many lit candles on it.
— Mehrobda ko‘plab yondirilgan shamlar bor edi.

🟨 arthritis [ɑːrˈθraitis] n. — arterit
◾️>> Arthritis is an illness causing pain and swelling in a person’s joints. >> Arthritis bu odamning bo'g'imlarida og'riq va shish paydo bo'lishiga olib keladigan kasallikdir.

— Agatha couldn’t play the piano anymore because of her arthritis.
— Agata artriti tufayli pianino chala olmadi.

🟨 botany [bɒtəni] n. — botanika
◾️>> Botany is the study of plants. >> Botany bu o'simliklarni o'rganadigan fan.

— Gardens are the best places for botany.
— Bog'lar botanika uchun eng yaxshi joylardir.

🟨 credible [kredəbəl] adj. — ishonchli, ishonarli
◾️>> If something or someone is credible, they can be believed or trusted. >> Agar biror narsa yoki birortasi credible bo'lsa, unga ishonsa bo'ladi.

— Dick gave a credible reason for being late and didn’t get in any trouble.
— Dik kechikishning ishonchli sababini aytdi va hech qanday muammoga duch kelmadi.

🟨 deceased [diˈsiːst] adj. — o'lgan, marhum
◾️>> If someone is deceased, they are dead. >> Agar birortasi deceased bo'lsa, u o'lgan bo'ladi.

— We visited the graves of our deceased grandparents.
— Marhum bobo va buvilarimiz qabrlarini ziyorat qildik.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

GREEK MAGICAL PAPYRI | #Essential6 Unit 7

The Greek Magical Papyri is a collection of writing about magic. After it was found in the Egyptian desert, it took experts years to decipher it. The text was written in at least three different ancient languages. After many years, experts realized it contained a number of spells that varied greatly in scope.

The most common types of magic in the collection dealt with healing illnesses like pneumonia. Some spells also gave advice for treating people with mental illnesses, such as those who became psychotic. Some spells asked for unusual things, like crocodile dung. But botany was an important part of the magic. Many healing spells gave instructions on how to use herbs and plants that were believed to be therapeutic. For example, in order to cure arthritis, the book says that the magician should build an ornate altar. Then he should mash different types of herbs and place them on top of it. At dusk, he is supposed to say a spell, so the gods would be gratified.

Other parts of the collection describe how to hone one’s psychic abilities and how to give credible descriptions of the future. Often, the book advised people how to use different objects to tell the future, including tea leaves. Also, one part of the book tells what different dreams might mean. It gives advice for using dreams to tell the future.

A small part of the book, however, is more sinister than the rest. It is meant to cause strife and deception. For example, one tells how to give someone warts, while another will make all of the victim’s farm animals die. However, if someone’s farm animals died as a result of a curse, he could ask a magician to perform magic that makes the deceased come back to life.

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📘 Book 6 | Unit 6

📑 Word list

🟨 homogeneous [houməˈdʒiːniəs] adj. — bir turdagi, bir xil
◾️>> If something is homogeneous, it is made up of things which are all the same. >> Agar biror narsa homogeneous bo'lsa, u barchasi bir xil bo'lgan narsadan qilingan bo'ladi.

— All of the houses on Victor’s block were boring and homogenous.
— Viktor blokidagi barcha uylar zerikarli va bir xil edi.

🟨 obstruct [əbˈstrʌkt] v. — to'smoq, to'sib qo'ymoq
◾️>> To obstruct something means to get in its way. >> Biror narsani obstruct qilish uning yoʻliga toʻsqinlik qilish demakdir.

— The car broke down on the road and obstructed traffic for hours.
— Mashina yo‘lda buzilib, soatlab harakatga to‘sqinlik qilgan.

🟨 plunge [plʌndʒ] v. — o'zini otmoq, tashlamoq
◾️>> To plunge means to move down into something very quickly. >> To plunge bir narsaga tez o‘tishni bildiradi.

— The water in the pool was very cold, but the boy plunged in anyway.
— Hovuzdagi suv juda sovuq edi, lekin bola baribir suvga sho'ng'ib ketdi.

🟨 prolong [prouˈlɔ:ŋ] v. — cho'zmoq
◾️>> To prolong means to make something last for a longer time. >> To prolong biror narsani uzoqroq muddatga qoldirish demakdir.

— Sandy walked slowly across the beach, trying to prolong her lunch break.
— Sendi tushlik tanaffusini uzaytirmoqchi bo‘lib, sohil bo‘ylab sekin yurdi.

🟨 publicize [pʌbləsaiz] v. — reklama qilmoq, ma'lum qilmoq
◾️>> To publicize is to make something get a lot of attention. >> To publicize biror narsaga koʻp eʼtibor qaratishdir.

— The company publicized the job positions in the newspaper.
— Kompaniya ish o'rinlarini gazetada e'lon qildi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 6 | Unit 6

📑 Word list

🟨 elude [iˈluːd] v. — -dan qochmoq
◾️>> To elude means to avoid being caught by something. >> To elude bir narsaga ilinmaslikni bildiradi.

— The rabbit eluded the wolf by hiding in a bush.
— Quyon bo‘ridan qutulib, butaga yashirinib oldi.

🟨 embryo [embriou] n. — embrion
◾️>> An embryo is a human or animal that is still growing inside its mother. >> An embryo bu onasining ichida hali ham oʻsayotgan odam yoki hayvondir.

— Some doctors say that what a mother eats has a big effect on her embryo.
— Ba'zi shifokorlarning ta'kidlashicha, onaning ovqati uning embrioniga katta ta'sir qiladi.

🟨 fend [fend] v. — o'zidan haydamoq, daf qilmoq
◾️>> To fend off something means to push it away and avoid it. >> Biror narsani fend qilish uni itarish va undan qochish demakdir.

— Dave spent all night fending off bugs instead of sleeping.
— Deyv tun bo'yi uxlash o'rniga hasharotlarga qarshi kurashdi.

🟨 fictitious [fikˈtiʃəs] adj. — fantastik, xayoliy
◾️>> When something is fictitious, it is made up and not real. >> Agar biror narsa fictitious bo'lsa, u oʻylab topiladi va haqiqiy emas.

— The author said that the characters in her book were completely fictitious.
— Muallifning aytishicha, uning kitobidagi qahramonlar butunlay uydirma.

🟨 gazette [gəˈzet] n. — gazeta, ro'znoma
◾️>> A gazette is a newspaper. >> A gazette bu gazeta degani.

— Alice wants to write for a gazette when she’s older.
— Elis kattaroq bo'lganida gazetaga yozishni xohlaydi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 6 | Unit 6

📑 Word list

🟨 ashore [əˈʃɔːr] adv. — qirg'oqqa, qirg'oqda
◾️>> If something goes ashore, it goes from water to the land. >> Agar biror narsa ashore tarafga yursa, u suvdan quruqlikka yurgan bo'ladi.

— After a long day of fishing, Glen pulled his boat ashore, so it wouldn’t float away.
— Uzoq kunlik baliq ovidan so‘ng Glen qayig‘ini suzib ketmasligi uchun qirg‘oqqa tortdi.

🟨 contradict [kɒntrəˈdikt] v. — fikriga qarshi chiqmoq
◾️>> To contradict means to state the opposite of what someone else has. >> To contradict birovda bor narsaning aksini aytishni anglatadi.

— Ken was always fighting with his little sister because she kept contradicting him.
— Ken doimo singlisi bilan janjallashardi, chunki u doimo unga qarshi edi.

🟨 counterpart [kauntərpɑːrt] v. — raqib, konkurent
◾️>> A counterpart is something that is very similar to something else in what it does. >> A counterpart bu oʻz ishida boshqa narsaga juda oʻxshash narsadir.

— Our manager will meet our rival company’s counterpart later today.
— Menejerimiz bugun keyinroq raqib kompaniyamizning hamkasbi bilan uchrashadi.

🟨 devoid [diˈvɔid] adj. — holi, ...siz
◾️>> When something or someone is devoid of a thing, they are missing it. >> Agar biror narsa yoki birortasi biror narsadan devoid bo'lsa, u o'sha narsani sog'inadi.

— The movie was devoid of any violence, so it was a perfect movie for the family.
— Film hech qanday zo'ravonlikdan xoli edi, shuning uchun u oila uchun ajoyib film edi.

🟨 diverge [diˈvəːrdʒ] v. — yo'nalmoq, bo'linmoq
◾️>> To diverge is to become different or to follow a different direction. >> To diverge boshqa boʻlish yoki boshqa yoʻnalishga ergashishdir.

— The road diverged into two paths that led to our houses.
— Yo‘l ikkiga bo‘linib, uylarimizga olib bordi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.


Once, a British gazette had an unusual story. Scientists at a zoo made a discovery about komodo dragons. Komodo dragons are giant lizards that grow up to two and a half meters long. A female lizard at the zoo had babies. However, it had never been around a male lizard in its entire life. After the scientists publicized their discovery, many people thought it was fictitious.

But it was true. It was discovered that female komodo dragons can have babies without the help of their male counterparts. This contradicts what scientists know about how most animals have babies.

In most cases, there are many things that can obstruct this type of reproduction. For example, adult males and females carry different genes needed to make an embryo. If the genes are homogeneous, the babies are weaker and have genetic problems. Over time, the weakened species dies out completely. This makes it necessary for the male to be involved. However, scientists verified that when Komodo babies are born, their genes aren’t the exact same genes as their mother. Also, they are devoid of any genetic problems.

Scientists theorize that Komodo dragons developed the ability because it helps the species fend off extinction. If a volcano erupts, lava can kill all of the komodo dragons on an island. However, as long as one female eludes death, she can prolong the survival of the species. Luckily, Komodo dragons are vigorous swimmers. So the surviving female can plunge into the ocean and swim to another island. When she comes ashore, she can reproduce by herself. Over time, the genes within the population diverge. Then, the sparse population increases. Once again there is a surplus of lizards on one island. Scientists think that this may be how the lizards took over all of the islands in that area.

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📘 Book 6 | Unit 5

📑 Word list

🟨 overdose [ouvərdous] n. — ortiqcha doza
◾️>> An overdose is an instance of taking or having too much of something. >> An overdose bu biror narsaning haddan tashqari ko'p bo'lishi holatlaridir.

— John’s skin was burned from an overdose of sunshine.
— Jonning terisi quyosh nurining haddan tashqari dozasidan kuygan.

🟨 persuasion [pərˈsweiʒən] n. — ishontirish, ko'ndirish
◾️>> Persuasion is the act of making someone do or believe something. >> Persuasion bu birortasini biror narsa qildirish yoki unga ishontirish harakatidir.

— The persuasion of his argument convinced the customer to buy the laptop.
— Uning daliliga ishontirish mijozni noutbukni sotib olishga ishontirdi.

🟨 relay [riːlei] n. — estafeta
◾️>> A relay is a race in which teams of runners or swimmers race against each other. >> A relay bu suzuvchilar yoki yuguruvchilar guruhlari bir-biriga qarshi musobaqalashadigan poyga.

— Jerry was the fastest on his team, so he ran the last part of the relay.
— Jerri o'z jamoasida eng tezkor edi, shuning uchun u estafetaning oxirgi qismini yugurdi.

🟨 reluctance [riˈlʌktəns] n. — jirkanish, istamaslik
◾️>> Reluctance is a feeling of not wanting to do something. >> Reluctance bu biror narsa qilishni istamaslik tuyg'usi.

— Jesse took out the trash with great reluctance.
— Jessi katta istaksizlik bilan axlatni olib chiqdi.

🟨 restate [riːˈsteit] v. — qayta takrorlamoq
◾️>> To restate something means to say it again or in a different way. >> Biror narsani restate qilish uni qayta aytish yoki boshqa yo'l bilan aytishni anglatadi.

— Mrs. Jones restated the test question to the class.
— Jons xonim sinov savolini sinfga qaytardi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 6 | Unit 5

📑 Word list

🟨 dogged [dɔ(:)gid] adj. — qat'iyatli
◾️>> When someone’s actions are dogged, they try hard to continue something. >> Agar birortasining harakatlari dogged bo'lsa, u biror narsani davom ettirishga qattiq harakat qiladi.

— Her dad bought her a new jacket after her dogged requests for one.
— Dadasi uning qattiq iltimoslaridan keyin unga yangi kurtka sotib oldi.

🟨 distress [disˈtres] n. — g'am, qayg'u
◾️>> Distress is the feeling of being upset or worried. >> Distress bu hafa bo'lish yoki tashvishlanish tuyg'usi.

— Failing a class caused the student a lot of distress.
— Sinfda muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchragani talaba juda ko'p qayg'uga sabab bo'ldi.

🟨 ensue [inˈsuː] v. — sodir bo'lmoq
◾️>> To ensue means to happen after something. >> To ensue biror narsadan so'ng sodir bo'lishni anglatadi.

— After a few minutes of lightening, thunder ensued.
— Bir necha daqiqa chaqmoq chaqqandan soʻng, momaqaldiroq chaqdi.

🟨 gasp [gæsp] v. — hansiramoq
◾️>> To gasp means to make a noise by quickly breathing in when surprised. >> To gasp hayron boʻlganda tez nafas olish orqali shovqin chiqarishni anglatadi.

— John always gasps when watching a scary movie.
— Jon qo'rqinchli filmni tomosha qilganda doimo hansiraydi.

🟨 negotiate [niˈgouʃieit] v. — bitim tuzmoq
◾️>> To negotiate means to try to make an agreement through discussion. >> To negotiate muhokama orqali kelishuvga erishishga harakat qilish demakdir.

— Mario and Joe took a long time negotiating the contract between the companies.
— Mario va Jo kompaniyalar o'rtasidagi shartnoma bo'yicha muzokaralar olib borish uchun uzoq vaqt talab qilishdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 6 | Unit 5

📑 Word list

🟨 alternate [ɔ:ltərneit] v. — almashmoq, alishtirmoq
◾️>> To alternate means to switch back and forth between two things. >> To alternate ikki narsa oʻrtasida oldinga va orqaga oʻtishni bildiradi.

— The best exercise alternates muscle and heart strengthening.
— Eng yaxshi mashq mushak va yurakni mustahkamligini almashtiradi.

🟨 apologetic [əˌpɒləˈdʒetik] adj. — xijolat bo'lgan
◾️>> If someone is apologetic, they are sorry about something. >> Agar birortasi apologetic bo'lsa, u biror narsadan xijolat bo'lgan bo'ladi.

— The boy felt apologetic after losing his sister’s favorite toy.
— Opasining sevimli o‘yinchog‘idan ayrilganidan keyin bola uzr so‘radi.

🟨 benign [biˈnain] adj. — muloyim
◾️>> If something or someone is benign, they do not hurt anyone. >> Agar birortasi yoki biror narsa benign bo'lsa, u boshqasiga jarohat yetkazmaydi.

— Many spiders look scary, but most are actually benign.
— Ko'pgina o'rgimchaklar qo'rqinchli ko'rinadi, lekin ularning aksariyati yaxshi xulqli.

🟨 char [tʃɑːr] v. — kuydirmoq
◾️>> To char means to burn something so that it turns black. >> To char biror narsa qora bo'lishi uchun uni kuydirishni anglatadi.

— While Frank went inside to get the mustard, he accidentally charred the hotdogs.
— Frenk xantal olish uchun ichkariga kirganda, u tasodifan hotdoglarni kuydirib yubordi.

🟨 clarify [klærəfai] v. — ravshanlashtirmoq, oydinlashtirmoq
◾️>> To clarify means to make something easier to understand by explaining it. >> To clarify biror narsani tushuntirish orqali o'rganishga oson qilishni anglatadi.

— Drew tried to clarify all the functions of Michelle’s new computer.
— Drew Mishelning yangi kompyuterining barcha funktsiyalarini aniqlashtirishga harakat qildi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

A BET | #Essential6 Unit 5

Russell finished running a relay and joined his friend Becky in the cafeteria. He asked, “What’s for lunch?”

Sesame chicken. It’s OK, except the meat’s charred. Oh, and watch out for the chili peppers,” Becky said.

“Chilies don’t bother me!” said Russell.

“My stepmother says you should be careful with them,” replied Becky.

An argument ensued about eating chilies. “Chilies aren’t so bad. I bet I can take more bites of this chili than you,” Russell said.

Becky was wary of eating the pepper. Despite her reluctance, she didn’t want to say no to the bet. She wavered about whether to do it or not. She negotiated the details. “What will the winner get?” she asked.

“The loser has to carry the winner’s books for a year! I’ll even let you go first.”

Becky replied, “Fine, but to clarify, you’ll carry my books for the entire school year, right?”

Russell restated the agreement, “That’s right I’ll carry your books all year if you win — which you won’t!”

His dogged persuasion convinced her. The chili looked benign, but Becky knew it could cause a lot of pain. She bit the bottom of the pepper. Surprisingly, she felt nothing.

“My turn,” said Russell. He bit the middle of the chili. Immediately, he seemed to be in distress. He gasped and his face alternated between brave and pained expressions. He experienced an overdose of spice. He was on the verge of tears and finally let out a horrible cry.

“Take this,” said Becky, handing him her drink.

“That was awful!” he said, continuing to sip from the glass.

That night, Becky researched chilies. The next day she said in an apologetic voice, “I read that the hot part of chilies is in the middle, where the seeds are. I’m sorry — I feel like I cheated by going first.”

Russell was relieved, not only did he learn something new about chilies, but he learned that Becky was a good friend.

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📘 Book 6 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟨 kettle [ketl] n. — chovgun
◾️>> A kettle is a large metal pot used for boiling liquids or cooking food. >> A kettle bu suyuqliklarni qaynatish yoki taom pishirish uchun ishlatiladigan katta metal choynak.

— The soup was being cooked in a large kettle.
— Katta choynakda sho‘rva pishirilayotgan edi.

🟨 ministry [ministri] n. — vazirlik
◾️>> A ministry is a government department. >> A ministry bu hukumat idorasidir.

— The Ministry of Trade is responsible for taxing imports and exports.
— Savdo vazirligi import va eksportga soliq solish uchun javobgardir.

🟨 ordeal [ɔːrdiːəl] n. — achchiq kechinma
◾️>> An ordeal is a bad experience. >> An ordeal bu yomon kechinma degani.

— Driving in the snowstorm was an ordeal she’d never forget.
— Qor bo'ronida haydash u hech qachon unutolmaydigan sinov edi.

🟨 outspoken [aʊtˈspoukkən] adj. — to'g'riso'z, samimiy
◾️>> If someone is outspoken, then they are not afraid to say what they think. >> Agar birortasi outspoken bo'lsa, u nimani o'ylayotganini aytishga qo'rqmaydi.

— She was an outspoken critic about the new banking laws.
— U yangi bank qonunlari haqida samimiy tanqidchi edi.

🟨 overwork [ouvərwəːrk] v. — ortiqcha ishlatmoq
◾️>> To overwork someone means to make them tired with too much work. >> Birortasini overwork qilish, uni juda ko'p ish bilan charchatishni anglatadi.

— After working for three weeks with only one day of rest, Judy was overworked.
— Faqat bir kunlik dam olish bilan uch hafta ishlagandan so'ng, Judi ortiqcha ishladi.

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📘 Book 6 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟨 dissatisfy [dissӕtisfai] v. — qoniqtirmaslik
◾️>> To dissatisfy someone means to fail to please them. >> Birortasini dissatisfy qilish, uni rozi qilmaslik demakdir.

— He was dissatisfied with his meal.
— U ovqatidan qoniqmadi.

🟨 fuss [fʌs] n. — behudaga asabiylashish
◾️>> A fuss is excited or annoyed behavior that is not useful in any way. >> A fuss bu hech qanday foyda keltirmaydigan hayajonli yoki bezovta qiluvchi xatti-harakatlar.

— The child made an awful fuss because she didn’t want to go to bed.
— Bola yotishni istamagani uchun dahshatli shov-shuv ko'tardi.

🟨 gourmet [guərmei] adj. — mazali va qimmat
◾️>> If food is gourmet, then it is nicer and more expensive than regular food. >> Agar taom gourmet bo'lsa, u odatiy taomdan yaxshiroq va qimmatroq bo'ladi.

— In order to get a gourmet meal, you have to eat at an expensive restaurant.
— Mazali va qimmat taomni olish uchun siz qimmat restoranda ovqatlanishingiz kerak.

🟨 hence [hens] adv. — shu sababli
◾️>> If something happens hence, then it happens as a result of something. >> Agar biror narsa hence sodir bo'lsa, u biror boshqa narsa sabab sodir bo'ladi.

— John forgot the key. Hence, we couldn’t open the door.
— Jon kalitni unutdi. Shu sababli, biz eshikni ocha olmadik.

🟨 intrinsic [inˈtrinsik] adj. — (qadriga nisbatan) ichki, negizdagi
◾️>> If something is intrinsic, then it is related to the basic nature of that thing. >> Agar biror narsa intrinsic bo'lsa, bu u narsaning asosiy tabiatiga bog'liq bo'ladi.

— Paper money has no intrinsic value. It is useful simply because society says it is.
— Qog'oz pulning o'ziga xos qiymati yo'q. Bu shunchaki jamiyat aytgani uchun foydalidir.

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📘 Book 6 | Unit 4

📑 Word list

🟨 attic [ætik] n. — chordoq
◾️>> An attic is a room just below a house’s roof. >> An attic bu uy tomining shundoq ostidagi xona.

— There were two windows in their attic.
— Ularning chordog'ida ikkita deraza bor edi.

🟨 chunk [tʃʌŋk] n. — yirik bo'lak
◾️>> A chunk is a thick, solid piece of something. >> A chunk bu biror narsaning yo'g'on, qattiq qismi.

— When they broke open the rock, they saw it was filled with chunks of gold.
— Ular toshni sindirib ochib, uning oltin bo‘laklari bilan to‘ldirilganini ko‘rdilar.

🟨 civic [sivik] adj. — shaharga oid, shahar ...
◾️>> If something is civic, then it is related to a town or city, especially its government. >> Agar biror narsa civic bo'lsa, u shahar yoki shaharga, xususan, uning hukumatiga tegishli bo'ladi.

— Most of the important civic buildings are located downtown.
— Muhim fuqarolik binolarining aksariyati shahar markazida joylashgan.

🟨 descent [diˈsent] n. — pasayish, pastga tushish
◾️>> A descent is a movement downwards. >> A descent bu pastga harakatlanish hisoblanadi.

— During the space shuttle’s descent, the Earth became larger and larger.
— Kosmik kemaning tushishi paytida Yer katta va katta bo'lib bordi.

🟨 din [din] n. — shovqin, g'ala-g'ovur
◾️>> A din is loud, unpleasant, and extended noise. >> A din bu baland, yoqimsiz va choʻzilgan shovqin.

— The din of the rusty machinery made the factory a horrible place to work.
— Zanglagan mashinaning shovqini zavodni dahshatli ish joyiga aylantirdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

THE BUTLER’S BAD DAY | #Essential6 Unit 4

The Superintendent of Civic Projects was a busy man. He worked every day of the week and had fancy parties at his house every night.

However, if there was someone busier than him, it was his butler. He worked all day organizing the superintendent’s parties and then cleaned up after them late at night. Hence, while the superintendent slept soundly, snoring loudly in his bed, the butler was still awake.

Sadly, though the butler was always overworked, his profession’s intrinsic nature demanded he never be outspoken. Therefore, his employer never knew the butler hadn’t slept for several days. On any day the butler might make a mistake.

One day, the superintendent said, “This particular party is important. People from the ministry are coming. Everything must be perfect.”

The butler began preparing at once. First he went to the attic to get more chairs and tables. But on his descent, he realized he needed to make the food. A gourmet dinner was necessary for such a party. He boiled water in a kettle for soup and chopped some beef into chunks. Just as he was starting the soup, he remembered that he had to sweep the veranda. As he was sweeping the veranda, he realized that he had to clean the sauna.

By this time, the first guests had arrived. The veranda was still dirty. There were not enough chairs for the guests to sit on, and the soup tasted too pungent. Some guests were dissatisfied. They started to make a fuss, and the party was filled with a din of complaints.

The superintendent’s party was a disaster. He wondered why his butler had made so many mistakes. At last, the butler admitted to being exhausted. His boss felt pity for the butler. He had no idea the butler was so tired. He said, “You should have told me earlier, then we could have avoided this whole ordeal.”

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📘 Book 6 | Unit 3

📑 Word list

🟨 pad [pæd] n. — yostiqchasimon metal padushka
◾️>> A pad is a thick piece of soft material used to protect or clean things. >> A pad bu narsalarni himoya qilish yoki tozalash uchun ishlatiladigan qalin yumshoq materialdir.

— Football players wear shoulder pads to keep them safe.
— Futbolchilar xavfsizligini ta'minlash uchun elkalariga yostiqlar kiyishadi.

🟨 predominant [priˈdɒmənənt] adj. — ustun, hukmron
◾️>> If something is predominant, then it is the most important, common or strongest. >> Agar biror narsa predominant bo'lsa, u eng muhim, umumiy yoki kuchli bo'ladi.

— Before cars were invented, horses were the predominant method of travel.
— Avtomobillar ixtiro qilinishidan oldin, otlar sayohat qilishning asosiy usuli bo'lgan.

🟨 reputable [repjəˈtəbəl] adj. — obro'li, nufuzli
◾️>> If someone or something is reputable, then they have a good reputation. >> Agar biror narsa yoki birortasi reputable bo'lsa, unda ular yaxshi obro'ga ega bo'ladi.

— The service from the less than reputable company made her angry.
— Kamroq nufuzli kompaniyaning xizmati uni g'azablantirdi.

🟨 rouge [ruːʒ] n. — qizil yog'upa
◾️>> Rouge is a red powder or cream used as makeup on the cheeks or lips. >> Rouge bu yonoq yoki lablarda bo'yanish sifatida ishlatiladigan qizil kukun yoki krem.

— Even when she didn’t wear rouge, her cheeks appeared red.
— U qizil upa surtmaganida ham yonoqlari qizil edi.

🟨 signify [signəfai] v. — bildirmoq, ma'no anglatmoq
◾️>> To signify means to be a symbol of something. >> To signify biror narsaning ramzi boʻlmoq demakdir.

— A red octagon is used to signify to stop.
— Qizil sakkizburchak toʻxtashni bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 6 | Unit 3

📑 Word list

🟨 craze [kreiz] n. — moda
◾️>> A craze is a brief and popular activity or object. >> A craze bu qisqa va ommabop faoliyat yoki obyektdir.

— Wearing bright red socks was a craze when I was in high school.
— O‘rta maktabda o‘qib yurganimda yorqin qizil paypoq kiyish moda edi.

🟨 enlarge [enˈlaːrdʒ] v. — kattalashtirmoq, kengaytirmoq
◾️>> To enlarge something means to make it bigger. >> Biror narsani enlarge qilish, uni katta qilishni anglatadi.

— The classrooms were enlarged over the summer to make room for more students.
— Yozda koʻproq oʻquvchilarga joy ochish uchun sinf xonalari kengaytirildi.

🟨 excess [ekˈses] n. — ortiqchalik
◾️>> An excess is an amount of something that is more than needed or wanted. >> An excess bu biror narsaning kerak bo'lganidan yoki istalganidan ko'p miqdori.

— Because it never got cold that winter, many stores had an excess of coats.
— O'sha qishda hech qachon sovuq bo'lmagani uchun ko'p do'konlarda paltolar ortiqcha edi.

🟨 feminine [femənin] adj. — ayollarga xos
◾️>> If something is feminine, then it has qualities that are commonly related to women. >> Agar biror narsa feminine bo'lsa, u umumiy jihatdan ayolarga aloqador sifatlarga ega bo'ladi.

— Many of the older people thought his long hair made him look too feminine.
— Ko'pgina keksa odamlar uning uzun sochlari uni juda nazokatli qiladi deb o'ylashgan.

🟨 hallmark [hɔːlmɑːrk] n. — mislsiz xususiyat
◾️>> A hallmark is a unique characteristic of something. >> A hallmark bu biror narsaning o'zigagina xos xususiyatidir.

— Different types of pasta and tomato sauces are hallmarks of Italian food.
— Har xil turdagi makaron va pomidor souslari italyan taomlarining o'ziga xos belgilaridir.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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