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👩💻 Exadel.NET Bootcamp dasturini ishga tushirmoqda
2 oylik bepul.NET Bootcamp intensiv kursida qatnashing:
- Talab yuqori bo‘lgan texnologiyalarni o‘zlashtirish:.NET, MongoDB, Azure
- Real loyihalar bilan ishlash bo‘yicha amaliy tajriba orttiring
- Soha mutaxassislaridan o‘rganish
- Kursni tamomlaganlik sertifikatini oling
- Exadel global jamoasiga qo‘shilish imkoniyati
Quyidagilar uchun juda mos:
- Kompyuter fanlari talabalari
- entuziastlar.NET
- Kasbni o‘zgartirish
- Kichik ishlab chiquvchilar
🗓 Muhim sanalar:
- Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishning oxirgi muddati: 17-fevral
- Bootcamp boshlanish sanasi: 24-mart
Ariza topshirish
👩💻 Exadel launches .NET Bootcamp program
Take part in a free 2-month intensive .NET Bootcamp course:
- Master in-demand technologies: .NET, MongoDB, Azure
- Gain hands-on experience with real-world projects
- Learn from industry professionals
- Receive a certificate of completion
- Opportunity to join the global Exadel team
Ideal for:
- Computer Science students
- .NET enthusiasts
- Career changers
- Junior developers
🗓 Important Dates:
- Registration Deadline: February 17
- Bootcamp Start Date: March 24
Apply now
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👩💻 Exadel.NET Bootcamp dasturini ishga tushirmoqda
2 oylik bepul.NET Bootcamp intensiv kursida qatnashing:
- Talab yuqori bo‘lgan texnologiyalarni o‘zlashtirish:.NET, MongoDB, Azure
- Real loyihalar bilan ishlash bo‘yicha amaliy tajriba orttiring
- Soha mutaxassislaridan o‘rganish
- Kursni tamomlaganlik sertifikatini oling
- Exadel global jamoasiga qo‘shilish imkoniyati
Quyidagilar uchun juda mos:
- Kompyuter fanlari talabalari
- entuziastlar.NET
- Kasbni o‘zgartirish
- Kichik ishlab chiquvchilar
🗓 Muhim sanalar:
- Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishning oxirgi muddati: 17-fevral
- Bootcamp boshlanish sanasi: 24-mart
Ariza topshirish
👩💻 Exadel launches .NET Bootcamp program
Take part in a free 2-month intensive .NET Bootcamp course:
- Master in-demand technologies: .NET, MongoDB, Azure
- Gain hands-on experience with real-world projects
- Learn from industry professionals
- Receive a certificate of completion
- Opportunity to join the global Exadel team
Ideal for:
- Computer Science students
- .NET enthusiasts
- Career changers
- Junior developers
🗓 Important Dates:
- Registration Deadline: February 17
- Bootcamp Start Date: March 24
Apply now
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | LinkedIn