Eximiner: pakistan women
Place: tashkent british
Date: 31.01.25
Part 1
Do you work or student?
What subject you learn?
What subject you liked to learn?
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What type of sports you attend when you was a child?
What kind of sports you liked?
Why people attend sports?
Science subject
Why you liked science subject?
Why you learn science subject?
What scinece subject you liked?
Part 2
Describe recently positive change in your life
How you feeling?
Part 3
Daily routine
Why people changed their daily routine?
How to changed their daily routine to the positive why?
Who changed more their daily routine younger or older people?
Why people doesnt change their daily routine to the positive way?
Change work
Why people change their work place?
2 similar question
Place: tashkent british
Date: 31.01.25
Part 1
Do you work or student?
What subject you learn?
What subject you liked to learn?
Similar this question also
What type of sports you attend when you was a child?
What kind of sports you liked?
Why people attend sports?
Science subject
Why you liked science subject?
Why you learn science subject?
What scinece subject you liked?
Part 2
Describe recently positive change in your life
How you feeling?
Part 3
Daily routine
Why people changed their daily routine?
How to changed their daily routine to the positive why?
Who changed more their daily routine younger or older people?
Why people doesnt change their daily routine to the positive way?
Change work
Why people change their work place?
2 similar question