Brave And Planet

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⚡️ INGLIZ TILIni 0 dan  boshlab tayyorgarlik ko’rmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun

🧩 Yangi guruhga qabul boshlandi.7,8,9,10 sinflar uchun
Kunlar:Seshanba, Payshanba, Shanba
🔸Soat: 14.00-16.00

👨IELTS holder(L-7.0 R-7.5  S-6.5 W-6.5)
Darslarimiz 15- Martdan boshlanadi shoshiling joylar soni chegaralangan
🏛Manzil: Brave and Planet( Yangi Bozor yaqinidagi,
Sudni yaqinidagi)

♾ Bog’lanish:
📞+998 907500338(Ra'noxo👩‍💻 )
+998 94 257 25 22(Elbek)
✍️brave and planet manager

🌐Online ro'yxatdan o'tish:

Qabul boshlandi


Sen qachon ingliz tili o'rganishni boshlaysan

Tomorrow our mentor will be Bekova Ezoza from reading passage 1

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549 0 1 10 15

5 An alcohol producer was arrested and made to serve a prison sentence of….

A eleven years
B just under a decade
C just over a decade
D ten years

4 The authorities who arrested the manufacturer seized….

A 50,000 Yuan or $7,690USD
B Two dozen bottles of the liquor
C various protected animals
D A lizard, crow and gecko

3 Alcohol that includes snake and tiger bones….

A is illegal in China
B is very expensive
C is medically unproven
D is a cruel practice

2 It was reported that an alcohol producer sold bottles of liquor that included pieces of rare animals because he….

A wanted to help people with disease
B wanted to profit from the exercise
C wanted to test alternative medicine
D was going undercover for a news story

1 Some people believe that alcohol which includes animal parts….

A can cure diseases
B is a tradition from China
C is a lucrative trade
D is more intoxicating

Making Booze with Rare Animals Sends Man to Prison

Some drinkers in Southeast Asia prefer their alcohol distilled with animal parts, a tradition stemming from the supposed curative powers the creatures provide. Chinese media report that a liquor manufacturer in Guangdong Province hoped to capitalise on the custom by selling bottles of alcohol stuffed with parts of rare species such as the common water lizard, crow pheasant, and Tokay gecko. Snake wine, made by drowning a live snake in alcohol, can also be found in Southeast Asia, as can wine steeped with the bones of tigers. Neither of these has proven medicinal value. It is illegal in China to hunt, kill, or trade protected animals. Last January police busted a manufacturer and confiscated 24 bottles of animal-distilled alcohol. He's been fined 50,000 Yuan ($7,690) and sentenced to nearly 11 years in prison.

526 0 1 33 15


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