
Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Blogs

A little bit of an ultra-athlete, educator, writer, astrophysicist, soldier. After all, a sinful slave upbrought by angels of the forgiving Master
Leave me with my demons when im running
Teaching at: @zh_ielts
Ofzegard: https://t.me/+oFwhierNrQNkYWNi

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Uzbekistan, English
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#runforrestrun #workhomedition
Adidas > Nike (app)

Cant even hit 100?

Dont ever tell a karakalpak "peshonang sho'rakan"

a light run

with no sleep seems fun but i was hesitant about my first big run too which was around my hometown (~25k) so will make it insha'Allah

your students guessing your age as +25 is an insult

shared the list of teachers whose channels were of great help when i was preparing for IELTS here: link

Ramadan Kareem

May He give the firmness of faith, generosity, strong beliefs, patience, strength and bravery of companions. Assalamu alaikum

#runforrestrun #workhomedition

watching people on subway is saddening smhw. especially in late evenings when they're tired, look hopeless for their life just passing.

soul-crushing scene

100k in 10hrs?

now we raise the bar up to 100 reactions


Ведь я только и делаю, что хожу и убеждаю каждого из вас, молодого и старого, заботиться раньше и сильнее не о телах ваших или о деньгах, но о душе, чтобы она была как можно лучше, говоря вам: не от денег рождается доблесть, а от доблести бывают у людей и деньги и все прочие блага, как в частной жизни, так и в общественной.
- Сократ.

Ауылдан корген баска жулдыз айды,
Еслесем суйеклерим сыркырайды,
Сагыныш шыдамларым таусылгансон,
Аузымнан косык болып шашырайды.

take a moment to listen to this masterpiece of my nation

and don't walk in pride upon the Earth


Kept my word even though its a little late

Pace is not bad Alhamdulillah ngl.

12-betlik daftardagini qurishipti

Kochada alkashlar va men

All too smart ppl

Here we go for the 50k

20 last posts shown.