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🎓 UWED Alumnus
👨‍💻 Currently sculpting dreams and ideas
dm: @iam_happy

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... quyuq jinggila kiprak ostidag‘i timqora ko‘zlari bir nuqtag‘a tikilgan-da, nimadir bir narsani ko‘rgan kabi... qop-qora kamon, o‘tib ketkan nafis, qiyig‘ qoshlari chimirilganda, nimadir bir narsadan cho‘chigan kabi... to‘lg‘an oydek g‘uborsiz oq yuzi bir oz qizilliqg‘a aylangan-da, kimdandir uyalg‘an kabi...


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Bularning aytayotganlari umuman realistik emas. Qanday qilib endi universitet tomon odimlagan va maktabdan endi chiqib kelgan bolaning o'z puliga moshina olishi kerak deb o'ylash mumkin? Moshina yoki boshqa narsa bilan bog'liq shablonlarga qarash, odamlarni aniq va to'g'ri baholashga yo'l qo'ymaydi.

Biz materialistik jamiyatga aylanib qolmayapmizmi?! Allaqachon aylanib bo'lganmiz 💯.


The battle between America and China in AI is essentially between the Chinese in America and the Chinese in China.

Twitterdan tikka chopildi 🗿


Probably from US side 😁, who knows.
Recommend you this article.


Yana ishlayapti), qadrli foydalanuvchilar 😁


If I'm not mistaken, I got a book as a gift only two times. Firstly, my mom asked me which book I wanted to read in my childhood saying two book names: one of them was about A.Temur and the other was "Ikki eshik orasi" by O.Hoshimov. I chose the former and regretted because I couldn't finish it. Maybe if I chose the latter, I would have read now. There are a lot of maybes.

Two years ago I and my classmates played Secret Santa. One of my classmates gave me clothes and a book. This book was the first one that I finished the fastest. In less than one day. I don't know whether she chose the book randomly or consciously but it became one of my favorites. The book name is "Izlash" by Mehmet Yildiz. I recommend you too to read this book.

I admit I read less because of my lazyness. However, I like reading. Once I start reading, I can easily read 30 pages at least in, let's say, 2 hours (I don't know actual time but it doesn't take much).


Endi ukam Manchester derbisidagi natijadan xafa bo'lmaydi. MYU yutsa ham xursand, Man City yutsa ham xursand bo'lib tursa kerak (so'nggi yillarda xafa bo'lish foydasizligini tushunib yettikuya). MYU yutsa, jonajon klubim g'alaba qildi deb, Man City yutsa, "zato" A.Husanov yutdiku deb xursand bo'lib qo'ysa kerak. Har holda o'zbek. Bizga kelsak, endi APL da ikkita klubga muxlislik qilarkanmiz 😁 (biz=men)


Probabilistic thinking

Today I encountered new term "Probabilistic thinking". If nothing is absolutely certain, then views can be expressed only in terms of probabilities. Probabilistic thinking is about assessing outcomes and decisions based on their likelihood or probabilities rather than certainties. It encourages stepping beyond personal biases (whether optimistic or pessimistic) to make decisions based on the most accurate probabilities, improving judgment and decision-making.

The formula is:
Expected Value (EV)=∑(probability of outcome×value of outcome)


The other day, I read about "seven-minute mark" on substack. In her book "Alone Together" (2011), Sherry Turkle talks about how conversations often change after about seven minutes. At first, people usually stick to safe topics like the weather or sports. But after a while, those topics run out, and there’s a pause. This is a key moment - someone has to take a risk and bring up something more personal or meaningful. Only then can the conversation become real and truly connect people.

Turkle’s point is that meaningful conversations take time and effort, but they’re worth it for genuine connection.



Translation: Fil Foden o'zining 47-raqamini Husanovga berishi kerak. Bizga ushbu AK47 Etihadda kerak.


Who is Nikita?


Qanday go'zal bu olam 🤩

new emoji reactions have been added -> try them


⚡️ Research Suggests: Happier Husbands with Curvy Wives ⚡️

A recent study suggests that men who choose to marry curvy, plus-size women may experience higher levels of happiness in their relationships.

Disclaimer: This is a general observation from research and individual experiences may vary greatly, and this post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.


Last time it was 300 in January. Now it's 600. Let's see how long I can keep it.


I read one article that is introduction to "Crime and Punishment". This article discusses the Chapter 1. As far as I understand, this chapter is about the inner feelings of the main character, Roskolnikov.

From the article:
He’s completely sickened by the whole idea. It so troubles him that he’s wandering around the streets as if drunk, in a fever pitch of anguish. His anxiety level is through the roof. So why is he thinking about murdering someone? That’s the big question of the whole book.

You can understand from the article that "Crime and Punishment" is not easy to understand.

p.s.: "He" refers to Roskolnikov in the article.


I've followed my friend's recommendations on substack. I wanted to share with you all. I haven't read all of them yet, but I know they're good for philosophy, economics and literature readers.


Time to watch "Vinland Saga"


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