Words related to "ENVIRONMENT"
☘1. Greenhouse gases - atmasferadagi zaharli gazlar
• Governments should take action to reduce greenhouse gases as soon as possible.
☘2. Acid rain - zavod tutinlari va gazlari natijasidagi zararli yomg'ir.
• Acid rain is destroying large areas of land.
☘3. Carbon dioxide - inson va boshqa hayvonlar nafasidan chiqadigan gaz.
• Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
☘4. Fossil fuels - natural fuels such as coal, gas and oil.
• Coal is a fossil fuel
• Fossil fuels can be finished one day
☘5. Exhaust fumes - mashinalardan chiqayotgan zaharli gazlar.
• Exhaust fumes from cars are so damaging to the environment.
☘6. Deforestation - daraxtlarni kesish, o'rmonlarni qisqartirish.
• Severe deforestation is causing soil erosion.
☘7. Renewable energy - qayta tiklanadigan/tugamaydigan energiya
• Using renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power
☘8. Firewood - o'tin
• let's collect some firewood to light a fire.
☘9. Emission - ajralib chiqqan narsa (nur, issiqlik, gaz)
• What can be done to reduce vehicle emissions?
☘10. Oxygen - kislarod
• Trees produce oxygen and clean the air
☘11. Chemical-free - kimyoviy ximikatlarsiz
• Chemical-free products tend to be expensive.
☘12. Degradation - zararlanish, yomonlashish
• We can notice environmental degradation by just looking at the weather.
☘13. Sea level - dengiz sathi
• The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level
☘14. Contaminate - ifloslamoq
• Exhaust fumes coming from cars are contaminating the air that we breathe in.
Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS
☘1. Greenhouse gases - atmasferadagi zaharli gazlar
• Governments should take action to reduce greenhouse gases as soon as possible.
☘2. Acid rain - zavod tutinlari va gazlari natijasidagi zararli yomg'ir.
• Acid rain is destroying large areas of land.
☘3. Carbon dioxide - inson va boshqa hayvonlar nafasidan chiqadigan gaz.
• Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
☘4. Fossil fuels - natural fuels such as coal, gas and oil.
• Coal is a fossil fuel
• Fossil fuels can be finished one day
☘5. Exhaust fumes - mashinalardan chiqayotgan zaharli gazlar.
• Exhaust fumes from cars are so damaging to the environment.
☘6. Deforestation - daraxtlarni kesish, o'rmonlarni qisqartirish.
• Severe deforestation is causing soil erosion.
☘7. Renewable energy - qayta tiklanadigan/tugamaydigan energiya
• Using renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power
☘8. Firewood - o'tin
• let's collect some firewood to light a fire.
☘9. Emission - ajralib chiqqan narsa (nur, issiqlik, gaz)
• What can be done to reduce vehicle emissions?
☘10. Oxygen - kislarod
• Trees produce oxygen and clean the air
☘11. Chemical-free - kimyoviy ximikatlarsiz
• Chemical-free products tend to be expensive.
☘12. Degradation - zararlanish, yomonlashish
• We can notice environmental degradation by just looking at the weather.
☘13. Sea level - dengiz sathi
• The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level
☘14. Contaminate - ifloslamoq
• Exhaust fumes coming from cars are contaminating the air that we breathe in.
Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS