IELTS with Khusan

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

The owner: Khusan Abdumuminov
• Listening 8.0
• Speaking 8.0 three times
• Overall: 7.5

• 3 years of teaching experience
• Taught more than 1000 students

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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B2 / C1 phrases, collocations and idioms

1️⃣ B2 phrases
Part 2️⃣ C1 phrases
Part 3️⃣ C1 phrases
4️⃣ C1 collocations
5️⃣ C1 adjectives
6️⃣ B2 phrases
7️⃣ B1 phrases
Part 8️⃣ Beautiful C1 idioms
Part 9️⃣ B2 phrases
Part 1️⃣0️⃣ Proverbs
Part 1️⃣1️⃣ C1 grammar structures
Part 1️⃣2️⃣ B2 phrases
Part 1️⃣3️⃣ C1 collocations
Part 1️⃣4️⃣ B2 words
Part 1️⃣5️⃣ My favorite idioms

Har birini shaxsan o’zim tayyorlab chiqqanman. Mazza qilib o’rganishiz mumkin.


Speaking part 1

⭐️ Celebrities
💠 Colors
▶️ Social media
🐦 Advertising
🎮 Video games
👩‍🎤 Singing
🌼 Flowers
🏓 Hobbies
🧽 Household chores

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov


Bugun soat 20:00 da Speaking dars bo’lib o’tadi.


Ingliz tili 0 dan bepul darslar

Qo’shilish uchun👇


SPEAKING part 3 da qiynalasizmi❓— Idea kelmay qoladimi❓— Topic vocabulary da muammo bormi❓

Bugungi darsda IELTS speaking part 3 buzib tashemiz 💪💪

Dars vaqti: At 21:00
Instructor: Khusan Abdumuminov (Speaking 8.0 four times)✅

Jonli bepul dars uchun maxsus kanal:

Ko’pchilik ingliz tilida bir kunda 1 soatdan ko’proq practice qilishga qiynaladi.

Qilishni xoxlaganda esa, qanaqa tartibda qilishni bilmaydi.

Nu bilamiz Hamma til o’rganuvchi ingliz tilida ravon gapirishni va Fluency ni 9.0 qilishni istaydi.

Oxirgi 4 oy ichida 70 ga yaqin online speaking kursimda o’qigan shogirdlarim, aynan IELTS ni speaking qismidan 7.0, 7.5 va 8.0 natijalarni qo’lga kiritdi.

Shogirdlari ajoyib natija chiqarib turgan ustoz sifatida sizga, Ingliz tilida speaking qobilyatingizni, boshidan bosqicha bosqich yaxshiledigan kurs taklif qilaman.

Lekin, bugun online speaking course imga yozilishni eng oxirgi kuni.
Batafsil malumot olish va kursga yozilish uchun: @x_habibullo

BEGINNER | 0 dan ingliz tili dan repost
Beginner | 0 dan ingliz tili

Kanalga tashlangan foydali postlar

Kishilik olmoshlari (I, he, she, it, you, they, we)
2. To be feli (am/is/are)
3. Kasblar (1- qism)
4. Kasblar (2- qism)
5. Gaplar tuzish

Common GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY and PRONUNCIATION mistakes that uzbek students make (even advanced students)

Common mistake 1
Common mistake 2
Common mistake 3
Common mistake 4
Common mistake 5
Common mistake 6
Common mistake 7
Common mistake 8
Common mistake 9
Common mistake 10
Common mistake 11
Common mistake 12
Common mistake 13
Common mistake 14
Common mistake 15
Common mistake 16
Common mistake 17
Common mistake 18
Common mistake 19
Common mistake 20
Common mistake 21
Common mistake 22

Yashil yozuv ustiga bosing

📝Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov Speaking 8.0
✅Channel: @Khusan57

Kurs bo'yicha tooooo'liq malumot✅✅✅

Online live Q&A session with an EX-EXAMINER ✅

Time: ⏰️ At 22:00


Wooow 400 yaqin students🥳🥳 bizni ONLINE FULL IELTS MOCK TEST imizga qo'shilibdi.

Sizda ham qo'shilish imkonyati bor

Bu mock test bo
'yicha to'liqroq ma'lumot↙️
an57/17858 href='' rel='nofollow'>

⏰️TIME:   2 P.M to 6 P.M
💳 FEE:     0 sums  BUT you need to invite 10 people learning english

● Real exam reading passages💯
● Real exam listening test💯
● Writing checking - personally by iTeacher | Ulugbek
● Speaking checking by an 8.0 speaker

Results are out - 1-5 days✅✅

● Live speaking and writing analysis by iTeacher | Ulugbek and teacher Khusan Abdumuminov
● 10 official real exam reading passages

Quyidagi bot orqali siz 10 ta do'stingizni kanalga tavsiya qilsangiz bo'ladi↙️

Words related to "ENVIRONMENT"

☘1. Greenhouse gases - atmasferadagi zaharli gazlar
• Governments should take action to reduce greenhouse gases as soon as possible.

☘2. Acid rain - zavod tutinlari va gazlari natijasidagi zararli yomg'ir.
• Acid rain is destroying large areas of land.

☘3. Carbon dioxide - inson va boshqa hayvonlar nafasidan chiqadigan gaz.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

☘4. Fossil fuels - natural fuels such as coal, gas and oil.
• Coal is a fossil fuel
• Fossil fuels can be finished one day

☘5. Exhaust fumes - mashinalardan chiqayotgan zaharli gazlar.
Exhaust fumes from cars are so damaging to the environment.

☘6. Deforestation - daraxtlarni kesish, o'rmonlarni qisqartirish.
• Severe deforestation is causing soil erosion.

☘7. Renewable energy - qayta tiklanadigan/tugamaydigan energiya
• Using renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power

☘8. Firewood - o'tin
• let's collect some firewood to light a fire

☘9. Emission - ajralib chiqqan narsa (nur,  issiqlik, gaz)
What can be done to reduce vehicle emissions?

☘10. Oxygen - kislarod
Trees produce oxygen and clean the air

☘11. Chemical-free - kimyoviy ximikatlarsiz
• Chemical-free products tend to be expensive.

☘12. Degradation - zararlanish, yomonlashish
• We can notice environmental degradation by just looking at the weather.

☘13. Sea level - dengiz sathi
• The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level

☘14. Contaminate - ifloslamoq
• Exhaust fumes coming from cars are contaminating the air that we breathe in.

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS

8.3k 0 133 1 21

Words related to "TREES and PLANTS"

🌴1. Vegetation - o'simliklar
• Desert areas have little vegetation.

🌴2. Leaves - barglar, yaproqlar
The trees are starting to lose their leaves.

🌴3. Bark - daraxt po'stlog'i.
Please don't touch the bark of the tree!

🌴4. Trunk - daraxtni asosiy gavdasi/tanasi
• He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk.

🌴5. Stem - the main body of a tree or a long thin part of a tree.
There are several leaves on each stem

🌴6. Twig - kichkina shoxcha
• We collected dry twigs to start the fire.

🌴7. Branch - daraxt shoxi
• He climbed the tree and cut a few big branches.

🌴8. Root - ildiz, tomir
• The tree's roots go down three metres

🌴9. Bud - kurtak
• It was spring, and the buds on the trees were beginning to open

🌴10. Herb - Giyoh, shifobaxsh o't, dorivor o'simlik
• The shop sells a range of herbs and spices

🌴11. Thorn - tikan, tikanak
• There is no rose without a thorn.

🌴12. Log - to'nka, yog'och, taxta
• We have found a huge pile of logs

🌴13. Petal - (gulning ochilgan bo'laklari) gul bark
• The flower has several petals

🌴14. Blossom - gullamoq
• Some flowers/trees may blossom later than usual.

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS

8.4k 0 111 1 40

Words related to "LANGUAGE"

✈️1. Monolingual - bir tilni biladigan
• She is monolingual

✈️2. Bilingual - ikki tilni biladigan
• I'm learning English to be bilingual

✈️3. Trilingual - uch tilni biladigan
• Some classmates of mine are trilingual

✈️4. Polyglot - ko'p tilni biladigan
• I would like to be polyglot

✈️5. Eloquent - notiq, so'z ustasi
• She is eloquent, which is awesome

✈️6. Linguist - tilshunos
• After completing my university, I'll be a linguist.

✈️7. Interpreter - tarjimon
• As a child, I wanted to be an interpreter.

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS

Words related to "MARKETING"

🛍 1. Catalogue - ro'yxat, list
• More details are given in our catalogue

🛍 2. Newsletter - Eng so'ngi o'zgarishlar malumotnomasi (reklamada yoki savdo sotiqda)
• This newsletter gives an update on current activities

🛍 3. Questionnaire - so'rovnoma, savol varaqasi
• all staff were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their job.

🛍 4. Margin - sotib olingan va sotilgan narsa o'rtasidagi farq/foyda
Margins are low and many companies are struggling

🛍 5. Trainee - o'rganuvchi
• He is a trainee dentist/electrician

🛍 6. Merchandise - tovarlar, mollar
• This store has a wide selection of merchandise for sale.

🛍 7. Manufacture - ishlab chiqarmoq
• He works for a company that manufactures toys.

🛍 8. Testimonial - guvohlik, tavsiyanoma
• The advertisement was full of testimonials from satisfied customers.

🛍 9. Sales representative - sotuvchi vakil
• He is a sales representative

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS

Words related to "ANIMAL"

🐄1. Prey - o'lja
• Lions know how to catch their prey skillfully.

🐄2. Species - turi
• There are many species of dogs

🐄3. Livestock, Cattle - chorva mollari
• It takes an hour to feed all livestock.

Twenty head of cattle are grazing in the fields.

🐄4. Creature - jonzod, jonivor
• We try not to harm any living creature

🐄5. Insects - hashoratlar
• I don't like insects such as ants, flies

🐄6. Mammals - sut emizuvchi jonzotlar
• Humans, dogs, elephant and dolphins are all mammals.

🐄7. Predator - yirtqich hayvonlar
• Wolves are major predators of rodents

🐄8. Endangered - yo'qolib ketish xafida bo'lgan
• Pandas are an endangered species.

🐄9. Breed, reproduce - bolalamoq, ko'paymoq
• Many animals breed at certain times of the year

Many reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.

🐄10. Captivity - tutqinlikda
• Wild animals don't breed well in captivity

🐄11. Caged - qavasga solingan
• Caged birds don't live long

🐄12. Habitat - yashash joyi
• A lot of wild animals are losing their natural habitat because of massive deforestation.

🐄13. Domesticate - xonakilashtirmoq
• Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov
Speaking for IELTS

6.8k 0 110 2 30
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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