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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Yangi kanal tashkilladik, JOIN qilib olinglar 🔥

(Bu kanal asosan kitob + resurslar kanali boʻlib turaveradi, yangi kanalda live darslar boʻladi in Sha Alloh !

#Recommended books for CEFR learners

Here you can find IPA

Part 1 school
Tell me about your school
Are there anything that you hate about school
When was last time you received a gift
O'zizni qanday his qilgansiz sovga olganda
Yoqtirmaydigan sovga olgansizmi

Part 2 describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy something

P 3
Why people can not make decisions
Why people like boasting
Why people dislike critics

Oliy ta'lim muassasalariga (bakalavr) imtiyoz beradigan sertifikatlar ro'yxati

Oliy ta’lim muassasalariga o‘qishga qabul qilishda chet tilidan sertifikatlarni inobatga olish Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2019-yil 13-maydagi 395-son qarori asosida amalga oshiriladi.

Unga ko'ra, quyidagi sertifikatlar ingliz tili fani bo'yicha imtiyozli hisoblanadi:

1. Milliy sertifikat (Multilevel) - B2
2. IELTS - 5.5
3. TOEFL IBT - 72
4. FCE - 160
5. Linguaskill - B2

Eslatma: Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti uchun IELTS sertifikatiga ega abituriyentlarda Writing moduli 5,5 ball yoki undan yuqori bo‘lishi lozim.

Bizning kanal: @CefrClasses

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er stop learning, Never stop growing

💐 Happy Fatherʼs Day

British Council Uzbekistan dan repost
👨‍🦰 Today is Father's Day in the UK!

It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June.

🇺🇸 The holiday has its roots in the state of West Virginia in 1908. It was there after a mine collapse that the first memorial service was held to honour the 361 men who died, 250 of whom were fathers. But the memorial service, held on June 5, failed to attract public attention.

👉 That same year on Mother's Day, American Sonora Smart Dodd wondered: why there is no similar holiday for fathers? After her mother died, her father took over the care of her and her six brothers. So she approached the local authorities and was supported, setting Father's Day for the third Sunday of June.

📆 In 1972, President Nixon declared the day as an official holiday.

🇬🇧 The holiday came to the UK after World War II as a tribute to soldiers. Today, all men are congratulated on Father's Day: fathers, fathers-in-law, son-in-law, husbands, brothers and friends.

We suggest you join this good tradition and congratulate your loved ones on Father's Day. 🤍


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Letter mavzulari topolmay qiynalib yurganlar uchun bir saytni maslahat bermoqchiman.

Ayniqsa oktabr oylarida topshiruvchilari uchun🔥

Chunki hozirgacha deyarli real examda letter shu saytdan ko'proq tushmoqda. Kirib tekshirib ko'rishingiz mumkin!


Bizning kanal: @CefrClasses


🔹 Yaqin kunlarda yana ishga qaytaman, in Sha Alloh!

🔹 1 yillik plan tuzib chiqildi uje 😁, oldindan tuzib qoʻymasam qoʻqqisdan oʻzgarib ketishi mumkin!

Bizning kanal: @CefrClasses

Writing Task 1 / 17.06.2023, 2-smena

Write a letter to your local council about a new community center to be built in your area. In your letter:

● Why your think the community center is needed built?
● What facilities and service should be included?
● What the benefits of this center to community?

Bizning kanal: @CefrClasses

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