on - ustida
under - ostida
next to \ beside - yonida
between - o'rtasida
in front of - oldida
behind - orqasida
opposite - qarama qarshisida
above - tepasida
below - pastida
to - from - dan - ga
into - ichiga
out of - tashqariga
on - ustiga
off - pastga
up - tepaga
down - pastga
over - usti bo'ylab
through - ichidan
round - aylanib
along - yoqalab
across - kesib
past - yonidan
under - ostida
next to \ beside - yonida
between - o'rtasida
in front of - oldida
behind - orqasida
opposite - qarama qarshisida
above - tepasida
below - pastida
to - from - dan - ga
into - ichiga
out of - tashqariga
on - ustiga
off - pastga
up - tepaga
down - pastga
over - usti bo'ylab
through - ichidan
round - aylanib
along - yoqalab
across - kesib
past - yonidan