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Húrmetli puqaralar sizdi Nókis qalasi «Ishga marhamat» monoorayındagı “RUS TIL” kursına mirát etemiz.

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️Biz sizge 3 ay dawam etiwshi «RUS TILI» kursında baslangısh dárejesinen baslap...

✅ Rus tilinde erkin sóylew 
✅ Rus tili grammatikasın úyretemiz

✨Oqıw orayımızdı tabıslı tamalaǵan tıńlawshılar ushın arnawlı GUWALÍQ beriledi.


🧭Biziń mánzilimiz:
Nókis qalası,  A. Utepov kóshesi n/jay. 
👉Baǵdar:  "ISTIQLOL" park. 
(+99855) 102-40-12
(+99855) 102-40-17

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Writing tekshirgan odam xotini bilan urishib qolganmi deyman😁

Mose's Diary dan repost
Better late than never (hechdan ko'ra kech)

Mose's Diary dan repost
no pain, no gain (qiyinchiliksiz bir nimaga erishib bo’lmaydi)

Mose's Diary dan repost
music to my ears (eshitishni istagan gap)

Mose's Diary dan repost
too many cooks spoil the broth (qassob ko’paysa, mol harom o’ladi)

Mose's Diary dan repost
Love me, love my dog (qanday bo'lsam shunday sev)

Mose's Diary dan repost
Before you speak
Before you write
Before you spend
Before you pray
Before you hurt
Before you hate
Before you quit
Before you die

Kechagi dars o'quvchilarimga Oktabr oyi 2-smenada tushgan Writing vazifalarni yozinglar deb berib yuborsam, ustoz buni oldin ham yozgan ekanmiz deb qolishdi, qarasam rostan oldin uyga bergan vazifamdan tushgan ekan, harfigacha o'zgarmagan. Bu 2-marta bo'lishi😁


#Tushgan 20.10.2024

You have recently moved to a new neighbourhood and would like to join a sports centre there. You have found a private sports club.

Write a letter to the manager of the sports club. In your letter,
• introduce yourself
• say why are you interested in this sports club
• ask some questions about the club e.g facilities, membership, costs etc.

Writing task 2

The number of children that read books for fun has dropped dramatically in recent years.

- What are the reasons for this?
- How can we encourage children to read more?


Writing task 1 Request letter turiga to'g'ri keladi

Writing task 2 double questionga to'g'ri keladi. Qishloqdan shaharga ko'chish sabablari va bu ijobiy yoki salbiy ligi so'ralgan!


Eng qizig'i listeningni yarmida svet o'chib qoldi Nukusda, keyin Reading ishlab bo'lib listeningni qolgani keyin ishlandi!


Reading part 1 oldin tushgan imtihonda plastic bo'lgan javob bu safar o'zgartirilgan COMMON bo'ladi o'sha joyi


Listening part 2 da ko'pchilik spellingda adashgan swimmingclub deb yozgan lekin audioda SWIMMYCLUB deyildi
Listening part 4 da 19,20,21 savoldan keyin 23 savolni javobini keyin 22 savolni javobini aytadi, ya'ni oxirida ketma-ketlik buziladi


Listening part 1,2,3,4 easy
Part 2 Swimming club haqida
Part 4 Animal wealth care office
Part 5 audio tiniq lekin variantlar bir biriga yaqin
Listening part 6 oldin ham tushgan, Animal behaviour

Reading part 1 takror Polymers haqida
Reading part 2 takror mehmonxona va restaronlar haqida
Reading part 3 Desert haqida
Reading part 4,5 Bird haqida


20.10.2024 | Multi-Level Exam | Writing 1-smena savollari

➡️ Task 1: 
You are going to take a short holiday and you want to rent a holiday apartment while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter:

- explain the date and duration of your stay;
- say what facilities you need;
- ask about the price for rental.

➡️ Task 2:
In many countries, people are moving away from rural areas and towards urban areas.

What are the reasons for this?
Do you think this is a positive or negative development ?


Online dars o'tmaganga ham asrlar bo'lib ketdiyov🙂

Multilevel Listening part 1 dars jarayonidan

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.