🇺🇸 Jack plug
🇺🇿 Tovush o'tkazgich
1. I need a jack plug to connect my headphones to the laptop.
Men naushnikimni noutbukga ulash uchun jack pluga kerak.
2. The jack plug on my speaker is broken, so I can't use it.
Mening karnayimning jack pluga buzilib qolgan, shuning uchun uni ishlata olmayman.
3. Make sure the jack plug is fully inserted into the socket.
Jack pluga to'liq rozetkaga kiritilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
4. This phone requires a special adapter for a jack plug connection.
Bu telefon jack pluga ulash uchun maxsus adapter talab qiladi.
5. I bought a new jack plug because the old one was loose.
Men eski jack pluga bo‘shashib qolgani uchun yangisini sotib oldim.
🇺🇸 Jack plug
🇺🇿 Tovush o'tkazgich
1. I need a jack plug to connect my headphones to the laptop.
Men naushnikimni noutbukga ulash uchun jack pluga kerak.
2. The jack plug on my speaker is broken, so I can't use it.
Mening karnayimning jack pluga buzilib qolgan, shuning uchun uni ishlata olmayman.
3. Make sure the jack plug is fully inserted into the socket.
Jack pluga to'liq rozetkaga kiritilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
4. This phone requires a special adapter for a jack plug connection.
Bu telefon jack pluga ulash uchun maxsus adapter talab qiladi.
5. I bought a new jack plug because the old one was loose.
Men eski jack pluga bo‘shashib qolgani uchun yangisini sotib oldim.