English language Vocabulary

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Ushbu kanalga obuna bo'ling va bepul kurslarga ega bo'ling!

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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🇺🇸 Diaper
🇺🇿 taglik, pampers

1. The baby needs a clean diaper.
Chaqaloqqa toza taglik kerak.

2. She changed the baby's diaper quickly.
U chaqaloqning tagligini tezda almashtirdi.

3. We bought a pack of diapers from the store.
Biz do‘kondan bir qadoq taglik sotib oldik.

4. The baby's diaper was wet, so I had to change it.
Chaqaloqning tagligi ho‘l edi, shuning uchun men uni almashtirishim kerak bo‘ldi.

5. Disposable diapers are convenient for traveling.
Bir martalik tagliklar sayohat uchun qulay.

Day 18


Here are some examples using "rake" as a garden tool:

1. English: I used a rake to gather the fallen leaves in the yard.
Uzbek: Men hovlidagi to'kilgan barglarni yig'ish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandim.

2. English: Please bring the rake so we can level the soil in the garden.
Uzbek: Iltimos, bog'dagi tuproqni tekislash uchun tirgovichni olib keling.

3. English: The rake is in the shed near the shovel.
Uzbek: Tirgovich belkurakning yonida omborda turibdi.

4. English: After planting the seeds, he used a rake to cover them with soil.
Uzbek: U urug'larni ekkanidan keyin ularni tuproq bilan yopish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandi.


🇺🇸 Firecracker
🇺🇿 Paqqildoq

1. The children lit a firecracker and ran away laughing.
Bolalar paqqildoqni yoqib, kulib qochib ketishdi.

2. Be careful when handling firecrackers during the New Year celebrations.
Yangi yil bayramida paqqildoqlardan foydalanishda ehtiyot bo‘ling.

3. The loud noise of the firecracker scared the dog.
Paqqildoqning baland ovozi itni qo‘rqitib yubordi.

4. She has a firecracker personality—always full of energy and excitement.
U paqqildoq kabi xarakterga ega—doimo energiyaga va hayajonga to‘la.

5. Firecrackers are banned in some cities due to safety concerns.
Ba’zi shaharlar xavfsizlik sababli paqqildoqlarni taqiqlagan.


🇺🇸 Pip
🇺🇿 Meva danagi

1. I found a small pip inside the apple.
Men olma ichida kichik bir danak topdim.

2. The orange had too many pips, so I had to remove them.
Apelsinda juda ko‘p danak bor edi, shuning uchun ularni olib tashladim.

3. He accidentally swallowed a cherry pip.
U tasodifan gilos danagini yutib yubordi.

4. Watermelon pips can sometimes be eaten.
Tarvuz danaklari ba’zan yeyish mumkin.

5. She spat out the grape pip after eating the fruit.
U mevaning donini yeb bo‘lgach, uzum danagini tupurdi.


🇺🇸 Tape measure
🇺🇿 lentali o'raladigan lineyka

1. I used a tape measure to check the length of the table.
Men stolning uzunligini tekshirish uchun o'lchov lentasidan foydalandim.

2. He pulled out a tape measure from his toolbox.
U asboblar qutisidan o'lchov lentasini oldi.

3. Can you pass me the tape measure?
Menga o'lchov lentasini berib yubora olasanmi?

4. The carpenter measured the wood with a tape measure.
Duradgor yog‘ochni o‘lchov lentasi bilan o‘lchadi.

5. She bought a new tape measure for sewing.
U tikish uchun yangi o‘lchov lentasini sotib oldi.


🇺🇸 Pliers
🇺🇿 qisqich, ombir

1. I couldn't fix the wire without a pair of pliers.
Men simni ta'mirlay olmadim, chunki menda pensel yo‘q edi.

2. He used pliers to remove the nail from the wooden board.
U mixni yog‘och taxtadan chiqarish uchun penseldan foydalandi.

3. These pliers are too small for cutting thick metal wires.
Bu pensel qalin metall simlarni kesish uchun juda kichik.

4. She grabbed the pliers to tighten the loose bolt.
U bo‘shashgan murvatni mahkamlash uchun penselni oldi.

5. Always keep a set of pliers in your toolbox for emergencies.
Favqulodda holatlar uchun asboblar qutingizda har doim bir juft pensel saqlang.


🇺🇸 Hammer
🇺🇿 Bolg'a

1. He used a hammer to fix the broken chair.
U singan stulni tuzatish uchun bolgʻa ishlatdi.

2. The blacksmith hit the metal with a heavy hammer.
Temirchi ogʻir bolgʻa bilan metallga urdi.

3. I couldn't find my hammer, so I borrowed one from my neighbor.
Men bolgʻamni topa olmadim, shuning uchun qoʻshnimdan birini oldim.

4. The carpenter picked up his hammer and started working.
Duradgor bolgʻasini olib, ish boshladi.

5. He accidentally hit his finger with a hammer.
U tasodifan barmoqlarini bolgʻa bilan urib oldi.


🇺🇸 Syringe
🇺🇿 Shpris

1. The doctor filled the syringe with medicine before giving the injection.
Shifokor ukol qilishdan oldin shpritsni dori bilan to‘ldirdi.

2. He used a syringe to give the baby a dose of liquid medicine.
U shprits yordamida chaqaloqqa suyuq dorini berdi.

3. The nurse carefully disposed of the used syringe in a special container.
Hamshira ishlatilgan shpritsni ehtiyotkorlik bilan maxsus idishga tashladi.

4. Syringes should always be sterile to prevent infections.
Infeksiyalarning oldini olish uchun shpritslar har doim steril bo‘lishi kerak.

5. He accidentally pricked his finger with a syringe needle.
U tasodifan barmoğini shprits ignasi bilan teshdi.


🇺🇸 Peeler
🇺🇿 Archqich


1.I used a vegetable peeler for making salad.
Men salat tayyorlash uchun sabzavot archadigan asbob ishlatdim.

2. This peeler is very sharp and easy to use.
Bu archadigan asbob juda o‘tkir va foydalanishga oson.

3. You can save time by using a peeler instead of a knife.
Siz pichoq o‘rniga archadigan asbobdan foydalansangiz, vaqtni tejashingiz mumkin.

4. My grandmother taught me how to use a vegetable peeler properly.
Buvim menga sabzavot archadigan asbobni to‘g‘ri ishlatishni o‘rgatgan.

5. The peeler works perfectly for potatoes and apples.
Bu archadigan asbob kartoshka va olma uchun juda yaxshi ishlaydi.

🇺🇸 Mop
🇺🇿shvabra, polyuvgich

1. I need to mop the floor because it’s dirty.
Polni tozalashim kerak, chunki u iflos.

2. She used a wet mop to clean the kitchen tiles.
U oshxona plitalarini tozalash uchun nam pol artgich ishlatdi.

3. Don’t forget to rinse the mop after cleaning.
Tozalagandan keyin pol artgichni chayishni unutmang.

4. He grabbed the mop to clean up the spilled water.
U to‘kilgan suvni tozalash uchun pol artgichni oldi.

5. The janitor mopped the hallway every evening.
Farrosh har kechda yo‘lakni tozalardi.


🇺🇿kishan, qo'lkishan

1. The police officer put the handcuffs on the suspect.
Politsiyachi gumondorga qo'l kandalanglarini taqdi.

2. He struggled to break free from the handcuffs, but it was impossible.
U qo'l kandalanglaridan qutilishga harakat qildi, lekin bu mumkin emas edi.

3. The detective carried a pair of handcuffs in his bag.
Tergovchi sumkasida bir juft qo'l kandalangini olib yurardi.

4. The guard unlocked the handcuffs and let the prisoner go.
Qo'riqchi qo'l kandalangini ochdi va mahbusni qo'yib yubordi.

5. The thief was caught and immediately put in handcuffs.
O'g'ri ushlanib, darhol qo'l kandalanglari taqildi.


🇺🇸 Kettle
🇺🇿 Metall choynak

1. I boiled some water in the kettle to make tea.
(Choy damlash uchun choynakda suv qaynatdim.)

2. The kettle is whistling; the water must be ready.
(Choynak hushtak chalmoqda, suv tayyor bo‘lsa kerak.)

3. Don’t forget to turn off the kettle after it boils.
(Choynak qaynagandan keyin uni o‘chirishni unutmang.)

4. She bought an electric kettle for her new kitchen.
(U yangi oshxonasi uchun elektr choynak sotib oldi.)

5. This kettle has a capacity of two liters.
(Bu choynakning sig‘imi ikki litr.)

🇺🇸 Hoof
🇺🇿 Tuyoq

1. The horse's hoof was injured after stepping on a sharp rock.
(Otning tuyoqi o'tkir toshga bosib jarohatlandi.)

2. Cows have cloven hooves, which means their hooves are split into two parts.
(Sigirlarda "chakan tuyoqlar" bor, ya'ni tuyoqlari ikki qismga bo'lingan.)

3. The blacksmith was busy fixing the iron shoe on the horse’s hoof.
(Temirchi otning tuyoqdagi taqasini ta'mirlayotgan edi.)

4. You could hear the sound of the hooves as the horses galloped down the road.
(Otlar yo'ldan chopib o'tayotganda tuyoqlarining ovozini eshitish mumkin edi.)

5. He cleaned the dirt off the donkey’s hoof before the journey.
(U eshakning tuyoqdan loyni tozaladi safar oldidan.

🇺🇸 horn
🇺🇿 Shox

1. The bull has sharp horns to defend itself from predators.
Buqa yirtqichlardan himoya qilish uchun o'tkir shoxlarga ega.

2. The goat climbed the rock and scratched its horn against it.
Echki toshga chiqib, shoxini unga ishqadi.

3. Deer use their antler-like horns to fight during mating season.
Bug'ular juftlash mavsumida jang qilish uchun shoxlariga o'xshash shoxlarini ishlatadi.

4. The rhino's horn is made of keratin, the same material as human nails.
Karkidonning shoxi keratindan iborat, bu inson tirnoqlarining materialiga o'xshaydi.

5. Cows with long horns are often seen in traditional villages.
An'anaviy qishloqlarda uzun shoxli sigirlarni tez-tez uchratish mumkin.


🇺🇿yostiq jildi

1. I bought a new silk pillowcase for my bed.
Men yotoq uchun yangi ipak yostiq jildini sotib oldim.

2. The pillowcase matches the color of the bedsheets.
Yostiq jildi choyshablarning rangi bilan mos tushadi.

3. She put her clothes into a pillowcase for storage.
U kiyimlarini saqlash uchun yostiq jildiga joyladi.

4. Don't forget to change the pillowcases when washing the sheets.
Choyshablarni yuvayotganda yostiq jildlarini almashtirishni unutmang.

5. The embroidered pillowcase was a gift from my grandmother.
Kashtali yostiq jildi buvimdan sovgʻa edi.


🇺🇿kiyim qisgich

Examples with "clothespin":

1. I used a clothespin to hang the wet clothes on the line.
(Men nam kiyimlarni arqonga osish uchun kiygich ishlatdim.)

2. The wind blew so hard that it knocked the clothespins off the line.
(Shamol shu qadar kuchli esdiki, u kiygichlarni arqondan uchirib yubordi.)

3. She clipped the photos to a string with colorful clothespins.
(U suratlarni rangli kiygichlar bilan ipga qistirib qo‘ydi.)

4. The clothespin broke when I tried to use it on a thick blanket.
(Qalin adyolga ishlatmoqchi bo‘lganimda, kiygich sindi.)

5. Can you hand me a clothespin? I need to secure this paper to the board.
(Menga bir dona kiygichni bera olasizmi? Bu qog‘ozni taxtaga mahkamlashim kerak.)


🇺🇸 Sickle
🇺🇿 O'roq

1. The farmer used a sickle to harvest the wheat.
Dehqon bug‘doyni o‘rish uchun o‘roq ishlatdi.

2. A sickle is a traditional tool for cutting grass and crops.
O‘roq – o‘t va hosilni o‘rish uchun an’anaviy asbobdir.

3. The old sickle in the barn was rusted and unusable.
Xirmonda turgan eski o‘roq zanglab, ishlatib bo‘lmas holga kelgan edi.

4. In ancient times, people used sickles made of stone.
Qadim zamonlarda odamlar toshdan yasalgan o‘roqlardan foydalangan.

5. He bought a new sickle at the market to prepare for the harvest season.
U hosil mavsumiga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish uchun bozordan yangi o‘roq sotib oldi.

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