🇺🇸 Matchbox
🇺🇿 Gugurt qutisi
1. He took a matchbox from free r his pocket and lit a candle.
U gugurt qutisini cho'ntagidan oldi va sham yoqdi.
2. The children were playing with an empty matchbox, pretending it was a toy car.
Bolalar bo'sh gugurt qutisi bilan o‘ynab, uni o‘yinchoq mashina deb tasavvur qilishdi.
3. She carefully placed the tiny ring inside a matchbox for safekeeping.
U kichik uzukni ehtiyotkorlik bilan gugurt qutisiga joylab qo‘ydi.
4. The room was so small that it felt like living in a matchbox.
Xona shu qadar kichik ediki, gugurt qutisida yashayotgandek tuyulardi.
5. He collected different types of matchboxes from around the world.
U dunyoning turli joylaridan har xil gugurt qutilarini to‘plardi.
🇺🇸 Matchbox
🇺🇿 Gugurt qutisi
1. He took a matchbox from free r his pocket and lit a candle.
U gugurt qutisini cho'ntagidan oldi va sham yoqdi.
2. The children were playing with an empty matchbox, pretending it was a toy car.
Bolalar bo'sh gugurt qutisi bilan o‘ynab, uni o‘yinchoq mashina deb tasavvur qilishdi.
3. She carefully placed the tiny ring inside a matchbox for safekeeping.
U kichik uzukni ehtiyotkorlik bilan gugurt qutisiga joylab qo‘ydi.
4. The room was so small that it felt like living in a matchbox.
Xona shu qadar kichik ediki, gugurt qutisida yashayotgandek tuyulardi.
5. He collected different types of matchboxes from around the world.
U dunyoning turli joylaridan har xil gugurt qutilarini to‘plardi.