YALL | Shahriyor

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Coding, gaming, problem-solving, F1, physics, maths, memes, football, space and etc.
Living and learning...
Contact: @YuldShah
Hope you find it useful someday...
🌲 linktr.ee/yuldshah

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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while folks have been arguing about tabs vs spaces, presenting you...

One man's inconvenience is another's joy

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" that's my motto

YALL — Yet Another Life Logs

Without searching other's answers,

What would you do if you were shrunk down to the size of a nickel and put into a blender; the blades start spinning after 60 seconds?

Source: ✉️

In search of gold, don't lose your diamond

Already 13 days huh

The best thing about this streak is that I don't have to do anything literally anything

He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How

- Nietzsche

today because of google classroom, i learned a new word (by heart).


Mr.President | Personal blog dan repost
#chess #ferps

When you are watching chess with friends and feel like they deserve a donation🔥🔥

Stream: youtube.com/live/81HG0FBL8gA?si=f1ElKEEA9oOi5bJx&t=26137


There's some video encoding magic

So, here is the movie Shrek sticker pack


Stickers can't exceed 3 seconds, limited by Telegram

Source: 💌

🎧 Track: When I Grow Up
👤 Artist: NF
📅 Date: 2019-06-27

Kecha 9-fevral Alisher Navoiy tavalludining 584-yilligi munosabati bilan "Adiblar xiyoboni" da universitetimiz xotirlash tadbiri o'tkazdi (rostini aytsam shunchaki rasmga tushib kelish tabdiri desa ham bo'ladi). Va men o'rtog'im bilan birgalikda Alisher Navoiy haykali oldida universitetimiz talabalarini tadbirga qatnashganligi lavhalari sifatida videoga olinyotganda bir g'azalni bo'lib yoddan aytadigan bo'ldim. Birgalikda "Kecha kelgumdur debon..." g'azalini yodlashga kelishdik. Birinchi o'rinda u g'azalni yoddan bilmaganim ham uyat. G'azalning so'ngi 6 satrini yodlar ekanman, xotiram, yodlash qobilyatim susayib ketganligini sezdim (10-15 daqiqa sarflab "yodlagan" qatorlarni videoga olinyotganda 3-qatoridayoq adashib ketganim ortib tushdi). Eh, essiy nega shu paytgacha yuzlab she'rlar, g'azallar yodlab tashlamagan ekanman deb qo'ydim o'zimga o'zim. Bu yaqqol hurmatsizlik emasmi?

Xato qilish emas, uni takrorlash normal boʻlmasligi kerak. Bir nechta sabablarga ko'ra, endi ko'plab she'r yodlashga qaror qildim. 14-fevralga "banger" tayyorlaymi deb oʻylab qoldim?

New feature for you to try out

.gitignore file is used in a git repository to ignore the files and directories which are unnecessary to project this will be ignored by the git once the changes as been committed to the remote repository. The type of files which will gets ignored are the mainly temporary files and the files which should not be versioned.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.