Umidjon Azimov | SK

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Umidjon a.k.a Scroogy
🎓 Graduate of Tashkent State University of Economics
🇬🇧 An evolving legend with a 'captivating' British accent
🦁English teacher at Cambridge LC | IELTS 7.5
🏎️ Extreme racing enthusiast
Contact: @MrScroogy

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Living my past two days without any proper sleep, I have already turned into one of those zombies from Walking Dead, yet still my eyes demand no sleep.

Honestly, it's agony and a pleasure at the same time to have some humbling moments to realize where you are now and reorientate yourself for the better.

However painful, in those moments you will have the chance of having long conversations with your true self, an entity you are rarely able to reach out.

For the past few days, I have been curiously asked who my English teacher was and where I learnt my British accent 🇬🇧.

Given the fact that there aren't many British English speaking teachers around, I totally appreciate the curiosity of them and find their questions pretty sensible.

To be honest, I didn't learn it from anyone around me cuz I've got none.

Here, I'm dropping my secret sauce to my learning the accent as well as the language as a whole.

✅ Almost empty city streets
✅ Killer music playlist
✅ Mildly cool weather

How can a night/morning walk get any better?


According to legends from long ago, knights who intended to take down the dragon named IELTS could write their reports without introductions.

Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS dan repost
Overall, while the majority of the world’s population lives in Asian pacific, the remaining regions show much smaller figures. As for(when it comes to) people’s spending on education, school education(high-school, followed by secondary and primary schools) was the main expense as opposed touniversity and further education.

Focusing on the world population by region, a staggering 54% live in Asian pacific, more than the other regions put together(=combined). Europe came next, with 11%, which was slightly higher than those who live in Africa(10%). While 9% of people were from Latin America and Caribbean, the figures for the remaining regions were smaller, ranging between 7% and 3%.

When it comes to the expenditure on education, high school emerged as the major expense, accounting for 33% of total education spending. This was followed by primary and secondary schools, with the same 26%. University and further education were responsible for the smallest shares, with respective figures standing at 8% and 7%.

Band 7.0


Ikkinchi kanalini ko'tarish uchun boshqa kanaliga post qiladigan odamlarni tushunmayman...

bleeding lines... dan repost
Strange... I once craved comfort. Yet, having found it, I began to long for the harshness and cold.

bleeding lines... dan repost
Finding solace in standing firm against life's relentless trials is my greatest rejoice.

#help :|

First, I was wondering why I couldn't save up.

Then, after a moment I realized I had been spending my weekends at GoKarting ☠.

bleeding lines... dan repost
There are no wrong choices—only lessons waiting to be learned. Whether the outcome is rewarding or painful, every decision shapes me.

At the end of the day, I alone carry the weight of my consequences

Why go to sleep, especially when I can watch a live race at my favourite track of "Mount Panorama" ?

Honestly, it is not an actual race but a practice run. Nevertheless, it is equally exciting to see them cars getting hustled to their ultimate potential, while swooping around those lovely corners and long straights.

Bilmaysilarda buni mazzasini ! 🥂😁

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Just having a casual chat about our "friendly" weekend contest with the brother.

⚠️"F" bomb alert

- 18 dan oshmagan bo'lsangiz;
- Ingliz tilini yaxshi tushunmasangiz;
- post tagida comment bilan reaksiya qoldirishni bilmasangiz;
videoni ko'rish tavsiya etilmaydi.

Hurmat bilan, men.

For those who think pubg and free fire are the best games, keep your mouth firmly shut and witness the masterpiece of gaming.

Just hand me a gun and I will bust the bums of my upstairs neighbors without any sense of sympathy at all 😤. Not kidding...☠

If you see me knackered due to a lack of sleep today, simply know it is my 35 years old not grown, all time screaming like a kindergarten kid while going live on Instagram for whatever god damn reason.

I have lived long enough to witness the very moment.

Good night everyone, except for those who cannot decide whether to start doing homework or hit the sack (go to bed) like me.


British Council da topshirganlarga ".0" (point 0) ko'rinishida kelishi mumkin ekan.

Lekin IDP da ".0" (point 0) ko'rinishida sms xabar jo'natilinadi.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.