Two charts show the percentage of qualified graduates in a particular country from 1980 to 2008.
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of certified graduate students in terms of six different fields in one country between 1980 and 2008. Overall, while the percentage of graduates in PhD Science, Masters Arts and First degree Arts showed an increase, with the PhD Science graduates seeing a considerable rise over the period, the reverse was true for First degree Arts and First degree Science. Notably, Masters Science remained unchanged, consistently accounting for one of the largest share of graduate students in both years.
There was a noticeable rise in the share of the PhD, Masters Arts and PhD Arts graduates over the period. The proportion of the PhD Science started at 13% in 1980, doubling to 30%, making it the largest proportion among the six by 2008. Similarly, the Masters Arts and the PhD Arts showed an upward trend in their shares of graduates. The former accounted for 12%, whereas the latter stood at a mere 2% in 1980, after which they both experienced growth, reaching 13% and 7%, respectively, in 2008.
In contrast, the percentage of graduates in the First degree Arts and the First degree Science exhibited a downward trend throughout the period. Starting with 25% in 1980, the First degree Arts then halved to 11% after 28 years. Following this, the proportion of the First degree Science graduates underwent a sharp reduction from 19% in 1980 to 10% in 2008.
Meanwhile, the Masters Science remained unchanged at 29% in both years, being the second highest share of graduates after only PhD Science in 2008.
#piechart #changegraph #task1 #ulugbekwrites #aGoodone #reportbyme
😎 @ulugbeks_english
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of certified graduate students in terms of six different fields in one country between 1980 and 2008. Overall, while the percentage of graduates in PhD Science, Masters Arts and First degree Arts showed an increase, with the PhD Science graduates seeing a considerable rise over the period, the reverse was true for First degree Arts and First degree Science. Notably, Masters Science remained unchanged, consistently accounting for one of the largest share of graduate students in both years.
There was a noticeable rise in the share of the PhD, Masters Arts and PhD Arts graduates over the period. The proportion of the PhD Science started at 13% in 1980, doubling to 30%, making it the largest proportion among the six by 2008. Similarly, the Masters Arts and the PhD Arts showed an upward trend in their shares of graduates. The former accounted for 12%, whereas the latter stood at a mere 2% in 1980, after which they both experienced growth, reaching 13% and 7%, respectively, in 2008.
In contrast, the percentage of graduates in the First degree Arts and the First degree Science exhibited a downward trend throughout the period. Starting with 25% in 1980, the First degree Arts then halved to 11% after 28 years. Following this, the proportion of the First degree Science graduates underwent a sharp reduction from 19% in 1980 to 10% in 2008.
Meanwhile, the Masters Science remained unchanged at 29% in both years, being the second highest share of graduates after only PhD Science in 2008.
#piechart #changegraph #task1 #ulugbekwrites #aGoodone #reportbyme
😎 @ulugbeks_english