Yesterday the representative of the Bukhara region, the chief Imam of the region, Jobir Domla Elov, paid a visit to our mosque with foreign country people. (Malaysians, if I am not mistaken.) During the break between raka'ats, he said one thing that literally left a momentous impression was, "These Taraweeh prayers, especially 20 raka'ats, are being prayed only in Uzbekistan and some mosques in Saudi Arabia. Who can tell me the place where we can pray 20 raka'ats in the evenings? -- No one, dear Muslims, because we have to take advantage of that opportunity, and we have to thank God for sincere blessings that were created for Muslims! ". At that time, I realised that we are living in one of the most beautiful and generous countries in the world.
One more thing: I really fell in love with our young Qur'an reciter, or "reader," tone in every aspect of recitation. Mashaallah! I can't even imagine how he worked hard and learnt every Surah attentively and meticulously. May Allah bless us with this knowledge; even if Allah keeps and pushes us to recite and learn just a few Surahs in the suhoors, we would achieve this success and wouldn't be lacking behind. Amin!
One more thing: I really fell in love with our young Qur'an reciter, or "reader," tone in every aspect of recitation. Mashaallah! I can't even imagine how he worked hard and learnt every Surah attentively and meticulously. May Allah bless us with this knowledge; even if Allah keeps and pushes us to recite and learn just a few Surahs in the suhoors, we would achieve this success and wouldn't be lacking behind. Amin!