Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

📌My personal blog...
| IELTS 6.5 |
| SAT 1270 |
|National Math Certificate- "C" level |

👁️‍🗨️You can find:

•Personal thoughts.
•Daily useful Hadiths.
•English related contents.
•Helpful insights to pursue career.
Toirov Boburmirzo

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

just listen from this part...


TKAMUN dan repost
📌Our team is glad to announce the preparation for second launch of TKAMUN that will be conducted on 8-9th of February!

📈The amount of participants remains the same as in the last year! 105 places wait for YOUR application!

❗️No participation fee!

👨‍💻What can we offer you this year? We will provide you with:

🌟Awards for Best Delegate, Best Speaker, Honorable Mention, Best Position Paper and Participation! We didn't forget about Chair and Co-chair position, they will get awards too!

☕️Free lunch and coffee breaks for everyone!

🏢A nice venue where YOU are going to discuss world problems and solve them! Engage in debates and achieve the title of Best Delegate!

❓️If you have questions, you can text us in Instagram and Telegram!

@TkaMunSupport for Telegram 📌
@tka.mun for Instagram 📷


TKA MUN SUPPORT dan repost
Dear Bobirmirzo,

We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected as a Delegate for TKA MUN 2025! This year’s conference will focus on addressing pressing global issues through dynamic debates, collaborative policymaking, and meaningful dialogue, paving the way for positive change.

As a Delegate, you will represent Indonesia in the Security Council and participate in debates, negotiations, and policymaking to address critical global challenges.

We are thrilled to have you on board and are confident that your contributions will enrich the discussions. Additional information and resources will be provided soon to help you prepare for this incredible experience.


Welcome to TKA MUN 2025 – we look forward to seeing you in action!

Best Regards,
Mukhammad Khakimov
Delegate Relations Manager

#soon #inshaallah

Abdulaziz Sobirov dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Duo ijobat bo’ldi 🤲 (I think I was happier than Timur himself, I highkey love this dude and in honor of his acceptance gonna make a post glazing him soon)

Shuni har doim ko'rsam, qanaqadir boshqacha his qilaman...

#will_be_like_that_in_future #inshaallah

Alisher Sadullaev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⚡️Bu yoshlar bilan butun O'zbekiston faxrlansa arziydi!

Dunyoning eng nufuzli universitetlarida o'z bilimi, mehnati va harakati bilan tengdoshlariga o'rnak bo'layotgan bir guruh yoshlar bilan tanishing. Ularning rejalari va niyatlari olam-olam. Eng xayron qolarlisi, ular hamma ta'lim olishni orzu qiladigan oliygohlarga 100% grant asosida qabul qilinishgan, xususan Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, MIT va yana o'nlab nufuzli top universitetlar shu jumlasidandir.

Biz ular bilan yoshlar uchun yangi loyihalarni muhokama qildik, yangi rejalar tuzdik. Umid qilamanki, o'zbekistonlik yoshlar uchun global maydonda loyihalarimiz yana ko'payadi!

#uzbekpower #top100 #youth #uzbekistan




1736 words😭


Dunyoda eng omadsiz odam kim desala?

Ikkalanmay, mani aytaveringla.....



Whose birthday is on January 30? Can you guess?

P.S. This person left an unerasable impact not only on my life but also in everyone's heart, right?





P.S I will apply for the Honors program, we will see. I should send my ISFAA for an additional scholarship.


my friend got 8.5 in his second attempt....

P.S he is 2009....


Komilov's path 🌌 dan repost


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.