The bar chart gives information about men who either participated in or watched six different sport categories. Overall, it is clear that there is generally more preference for watching sports over participating in them, with fishing being an exception. Of particular note are football and horse riding and racing where gap between watching and participating is considerably wider than that of in other categories.
Football and horse riding (racing) are only two sports where there is a significant gap between viewership and participation. In case of the former, nearly 45% of men are involved in watching, significantly higher in comparison to participation rates which accounts for at around 12.5%. Similar trend is observed for horse riding, where up to 40% of mem watched this sport, which is at a greater level than the participation with 20%.
The gap between viewership and participation in rugby, basketball and badminton is not as wide with watching these sports making up more than taking part in them. While similar 30% of men watched rugby and badminton, this figure is higher in basketball with 37.5% of men involved in viewing. As for participation, basketball and badminton participation rates are higher than that in rugby.
Fishing is the only category of sport which has more participation than watching. Around 50% of men engage in fishing which is significantly higher than the figure for men who watch it (approximately 15%).