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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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New Scientist-23.pdf

PDF of the article used in video!


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People have different views as to whether it is a governmental duty to maintain local environments or a civic responsibility. While governments holding individuals accountable for caring their local environments can be justifiably a favourable choice, I believe a balanced approach, involving both government initiatives and public participation is a more effective way for environmental management.

On the one hand, I do not neglect significant benefits that making individuals responsible for their local environments may bring. When people are engaged in taking care of their surroundings, they often practice environmentally friendly activities such as recycling, reducing waste and conserving naturally available resources. This approach leads to cleaner neighbourhoods and tie communities stronger due to the fact that people work together to improve their local areas. The further these activities are carried out, the better people would understand their impact on environment which can have long-term positive effects such as adopting sustainable lifestyles. For instance, the country of Netherlands has been practicing individual responsibility for local areas which led to populations being more sustainable and more cautious about the environment.

Nevertheless, there are notable drawbacks to solely relying on individuals to manager their local environments. All too often, not everyone possesses basic knowledge on nature preservation, not to mention resources and motivation to make environmentally conscious decisions. There are a lot of external factors such as socioeconomic status, education and access to information which can have substantial influence on people's capability to contribute effectively. On top of this, when there are lenient regulations and enforcement, individuals may simply lack consistency and impact, which will have a little if not no impact on overall environment around.

Therefore, I believe there should be a combination of both governmental and individual initiatives. While governments can supply people with necessary resources, raise awareness and education of people through campaigns, setting regulations and standards, individuals may make use of all this and carry out their practices on a more effective manner. When a meticulous and cohesive strategy is made through participation of both governments and individuals, local environmental concerns may be addressed on a larger scale.

To conclude, while it is important for individuals to take care of their local surroundings, governments must also play an active role in providing necessary framework and support for a better environmental management. While there is a collaborative approach, better results can be achieved quicker.



Governments should make people responsible for taking care of their local environments.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The table chart compares the number of universities ranked top 200 globally in 2011, in three different subjects such as biology, medicine and psychology, in five different countries.

Overall, it is clear that the USA dominates the chart with by far the most number of universities while the UK is a distant second. In terms of the rest of the countries, they all trail far behind. Of particular note is the fact that collectively, all five countries accounted for more than half of the best in the world.

The USA has by far and away the highest number of universities ranked the best across all three subjects. 69 universities in the USA are ranked top with medicine constituting 54 and psychology making up 58. These are almost twice of the figures in the UK, where only 30 universities are among the best in biology, 24 in medicine and 29 in psychology.

In terms of other countries, they all are far behind the USA and the UK. In Australia only 9 universities in biology are among top 200 with medicine and psychology having slightly higher figures (13 and 17 respectively). Canada has almost similar figures to that of Australia. New Zealand has the smallest number of all with only 6 for biology, a minute 2 for medicine and 4 for psychology.



The table shows the number of universities ranked top 200 in the world (2011) in three subjects in five countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



IELTS 9.0 ga sizning tayyorlanish rejangiz bormi?


Albatta! Reja tayyor! Uni amalga oshirish qoldi xolos! Sizlar bilan shu kanalda birga amalga oshiramiz!

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 9️⃣🔤0️⃣

Time to grab it! Let's prepare guys! Let's make it legendary!

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost

Barchasi kechagidek yodimizda, yo’lning eng boshidan hozirgacha bir maqsad bilan, shu kungacha, ko’plab muvaffaqiyat va rivojlanishlarni qayd etgan holda, 12 yillik dovonni bosib o’tdik!🔥

😊Bildirgan ishonchingiz uchun rahmat!🙌🏻

P.S Tabriklarni izohlarda kutamiz😁👌🏻

Look who I met🔥


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Webster's new programs at our extended location: Samarkand State University

🎓 Programs offered:

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🔸 Chemistry (BS)
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🎯 You will study 3 years in SamSU and 1 year in Saint Louis, USA. It is a good opportunity to study in "3+1" program.

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🔹 Fall Semester Start for Bachelor's: August 19, 2024

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Mark Skipper - Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary.pdf
300 ta like shart emas! Shu kitobdan to'g'ri foydalansangiz yetadi! Bu kitob men uchun vocabulary bo'yicha number 1 kitob! O'qisangiz tushunasiz nega ekanligini!

Imtihoningiz keyingi yil bo'lsa va hozirgi darajangiz yetarli darajada yuqori bo'lsa, bu kitob sizga nerealniy yordam beradi!


3.4k 0 182 9 66
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.