👍 Silkroad Angels Club IT Park Ventures, U-Enter va IT Park Uzbekistan bilan hamkorlikda sizni farishtalar va venchur investitsiyalariga bag‘ishlangan noyob ta’lim seminariga taklif etadi.
Agar siz kapitalingizni malakali tarzda ko‘paytirishni, Silikon vodiysining eng yaxshi startaplariga kirishni va venchur bozorining nozik jihatlarini tushunishni istagan tadbirkor yoki investor bo‘lsangiz, bu tadbir aynan siz uchun!
Sizni nima kutmoqda?
🔘 Venchur investitsiyalash sizga mos kelishini qanday aniqlash mumkin?
🔘 Nimadan boshlash kerak, qanday bilim va ko‘nikmalar zarur?
🔘 Investitsiya portfeli qanday shakllanadi va bitimlar qanday tuziladi?
🔘 Farishtalar klublari investorlarga eng yaxshi bitimlarga erishishda qanday yordam beradi?
🔘 Silikon vodiysi venchur kapitalistlarining "maxfiy sousi" nimada?
🔘 Sun’iy intellekt investitsiya bozorini qanday o‘zgartirmoqda va nima uchun hozir kirish uchun eng qulay vaqt?
🔘 Qanday qilib eng yaxshi startaplarga eksklyuziv kirish huquqiga ega bo‘lgan yopiq investorlar doirasiga qo‘shilish mumkin?
Shuningdek, sizni norasmiy muhitda yetakchi ekspertlar bilan netvorking kutmoqda!
🎤 Spikerlar
Aset Abdualiyev - Silikon vodiysidagi Silkroad Innovation Hub va Silkroad Angels Club bosh direktori va asoschisi. Investor, lider, innovatsiyalar bo‘yicha ekspert.
Abay Absamet - Silkroad Angels Club boshqaruvchi hamkori. Investitsiyalar, venchur kapital va startap ekotizimlari bo‘yicha mutaxassis.
📅 Sana: 2025-yil 11-fevral
⏰ Vaqt: 16:30
📍 Joy: U-Enter
Ishtirok etish bepul, lekin o‘rinlar soni cheklangan!
Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish majburiy: Ariza to‘ldiring (Arizalar ishtirokchilarning qiziqishlari va tajribasi asosida tanlab olinadi; Takliflar tanlovdan so‘ng individual tarzda yuboriladi).
Agar siz yopiq investorlar klubining a’zosi bo‘lishni va eng yaxshi bitimlarga qanday erishishni bilishni istasangiz - sizni seminarimizda kutib qolamiz!
#Investitsiyalar #VenchurKapitali #Startaplar #AI #SilikonVodiysi #ITParkUzbekistan
👍 Silkroad Angels Club together with IT Park Ventures, U-Enter and IT Park Uzbekistan invites you to a unique educational workshop dedicated to angel and venture capital investing.
If you are an entrepreneur or an investor, who is eager to increase your capital competently, get access to the top Silicon Valley startups and understand the intricacies of the venture capital market, this event is for you!
What's in store for you?
🔘 How do you know if venture investing is right for you?
🔘 Where to start, what knowledge and skills do you need?
🔘 How is an investment portfolio formed and deals structured?
🔘 How do angel clubs help investors get the best deals?
🔘 What is the “secret sauce” of Silicon Valley venture capitalists?
🔘 How is the AI boom changing the investment market and why is now the perfect time to enter?
🔘 How do I become part of a closed circle of investors with exclusive access to the best startups?
You will also enjoy networking with leading experts in an informal atmosphere!
🎤 Speakers
Aset Abdualiev - CEO and founder of Silkroad Innovation Hub and Silkroad Angels Club in Silicon Valley. Investor, leader, innovation expert.
Abay Absamet - Managing Partner at Silkroad Angels Club. Specialist in investments, venture capital and startup ecosystems.
📅 Date: February 11, 2025
⏰ Time: 16:30
📍 Venue: U-Enter
Participation is free, but places are limited!
Registration is mandatory: Fill in the application form (Applications will be selected on the basis of participants' interests and experience; Invitations are sent individually after selection).
If you want to be part of a closed investor club and learn how to get access to the best deals - we are waiting for you at the workshop!
#Investment #VentureCapital #Startups #AI #SiliconValley #ITParkUzbekistan
Agar siz kapitalingizni malakali tarzda ko‘paytirishni, Silikon vodiysining eng yaxshi startaplariga kirishni va venchur bozorining nozik jihatlarini tushunishni istagan tadbirkor yoki investor bo‘lsangiz, bu tadbir aynan siz uchun!
Sizni nima kutmoqda?
🔘 Venchur investitsiyalash sizga mos kelishini qanday aniqlash mumkin?
🔘 Nimadan boshlash kerak, qanday bilim va ko‘nikmalar zarur?
🔘 Investitsiya portfeli qanday shakllanadi va bitimlar qanday tuziladi?
🔘 Farishtalar klublari investorlarga eng yaxshi bitimlarga erishishda qanday yordam beradi?
🔘 Silikon vodiysi venchur kapitalistlarining "maxfiy sousi" nimada?
🔘 Sun’iy intellekt investitsiya bozorini qanday o‘zgartirmoqda va nima uchun hozir kirish uchun eng qulay vaqt?
🔘 Qanday qilib eng yaxshi startaplarga eksklyuziv kirish huquqiga ega bo‘lgan yopiq investorlar doirasiga qo‘shilish mumkin?
Shuningdek, sizni norasmiy muhitda yetakchi ekspertlar bilan netvorking kutmoqda!
🎤 Spikerlar
Aset Abdualiyev - Silikon vodiysidagi Silkroad Innovation Hub va Silkroad Angels Club bosh direktori va asoschisi. Investor, lider, innovatsiyalar bo‘yicha ekspert.
Abay Absamet - Silkroad Angels Club boshqaruvchi hamkori. Investitsiyalar, venchur kapital va startap ekotizimlari bo‘yicha mutaxassis.
📅 Sana: 2025-yil 11-fevral
⏰ Vaqt: 16:30
📍 Joy: U-Enter
Ishtirok etish bepul, lekin o‘rinlar soni cheklangan!
Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish majburiy: Ariza to‘ldiring (Arizalar ishtirokchilarning qiziqishlari va tajribasi asosida tanlab olinadi; Takliflar tanlovdan so‘ng individual tarzda yuboriladi).
Agar siz yopiq investorlar klubining a’zosi bo‘lishni va eng yaxshi bitimlarga qanday erishishni bilishni istasangiz - sizni seminarimizda kutib qolamiz!
#Investitsiyalar #VenchurKapitali #Startaplar #AI #SilikonVodiysi #ITParkUzbekistan
👍 Silkroad Angels Club together with IT Park Ventures, U-Enter and IT Park Uzbekistan invites you to a unique educational workshop dedicated to angel and venture capital investing.
If you are an entrepreneur or an investor, who is eager to increase your capital competently, get access to the top Silicon Valley startups and understand the intricacies of the venture capital market, this event is for you!
What's in store for you?
🔘 How do you know if venture investing is right for you?
🔘 Where to start, what knowledge and skills do you need?
🔘 How is an investment portfolio formed and deals structured?
🔘 How do angel clubs help investors get the best deals?
🔘 What is the “secret sauce” of Silicon Valley venture capitalists?
🔘 How is the AI boom changing the investment market and why is now the perfect time to enter?
🔘 How do I become part of a closed circle of investors with exclusive access to the best startups?
You will also enjoy networking with leading experts in an informal atmosphere!
🎤 Speakers
Aset Abdualiev - CEO and founder of Silkroad Innovation Hub and Silkroad Angels Club in Silicon Valley. Investor, leader, innovation expert.
Abay Absamet - Managing Partner at Silkroad Angels Club. Specialist in investments, venture capital and startup ecosystems.
📅 Date: February 11, 2025
⏰ Time: 16:30
📍 Venue: U-Enter
Participation is free, but places are limited!
Registration is mandatory: Fill in the application form (Applications will be selected on the basis of participants' interests and experience; Invitations are sent individually after selection).
If you want to be part of a closed investor club and learn how to get access to the best deals - we are waiting for you at the workshop!
#Investment #VentureCapital #Startups #AI #SiliconValley #ITParkUzbekistan