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🚀Jizzax viloyatida IT yo‘nalishidagi startap g‘oyalar tanlovi “IDEATHON 2025” tashkil etildi

40 jamoadan ishtirok etgan 60 nafar tashabbuskorlar sun’iy intellekt, IT ta’lim, raqamlashtirish, kiberxavfsizlik, xizmatlar sohasi, elektron tijorat bozori, ma’lumotlar tahlili (Data analysis), sog‘liqni saqlash, qishloq xo‘jaligi kabi sohalarda zamonaviy, innovatsion yechimlar taklif etuvchi g‘oyalarni taqdimot qilishdi.

Jamoalar tomonidan mamlakatda texnologiyar rivojiga sezilarli ta’sir ko‘rsatishi mumkin bo‘lgan qiziqarli va istiqbolli startaplar taqdim etildi.

Hakamlar hay’ati tomonidan g‘oyalarning dasturiy texnik va innovatsion yangiligi, dolzarbligi, afzalliklari, xarajatlar smetasining asoslanganligi hamda g‘oyani amalga oshirishning samaradorligi kabi xususiyatlar asosida baholash ishlari amalga oshirildi.

Tadbir yakunida 3 ta go‘lib bo‘lgan jamoalar hamda 3 ta nominatsiya (eng faol, eng yosh va eng innovatsion loyiha) egalari tashkilotchilar tomonidan esdalik sovg‘alar bilan taqdirlanishdi.

StartupBase dan repost
Barcha startaplarga murojaat! “GITEX EUROPE 2025” tadbirida ishtirok eting!

📍 Messe Berlin, Germaniya
📅 2025-yil 21–23-may

“GITEX EUROPE 2025” — Yevropaning yetakchi texnologik tadbiri bo‘lib, raqamli transformatsiya kelajagini shakllantirish uchun eng ilg‘or innovatorlar, startaplar va investorlarni birlashtiradi.

Nega ishtirok etishingiz kerak?
🟢Soha yetakchilaridan ilg‘or texnologik trendlar bo‘yicha tajriba oling
🟢Global hamkorlik va investitsiya imkoniyatlarini kashf eting
🟢Innovatsiyalaringizni xalqaro auditoriyaga taqdim eting

IT Park rezidentlari va startaplari uchun eksklyuziv imkoniyat! Bu sizning xalqaro miqyosda kengayish va qimmatli aloqalar o‘rnatish uchun imkoniyatingizdir.

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish muddati: 2025-yil 31-mart

Hoziroq ariza topshiring:

Calling All Startups! Join GITEX EUROPE 2025

📍 Messe Berlin, Germany
📅 May 21-23, 2025

GITEX EUROPE 2025 is Europe's leading tech event, uniting top innovators, startups, and investors to shape the future of digital transformation.

Why should you participate?
🟢 Gain insights from industry leaders on cutting-edge tech trends
🟢 Unlock global partnership and investment opportunities
🟢 Showcase your innovations to an international audience

Exclusive for IT Park members and startups! This is your chance to expand your global reach and make valuable connections.

Registration deadline: March 31, 2025

🔗 Apply now:

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Join Uzbekistan Connect: A Global Movement to Shape the Future of Our Tech Industry!

Dear compatriots,

Wherever you are in the world, your success is a testament to Uzbekistan’s incredible potential. You have built businesses, led groundbreaking projects, and made a name for yourself in the global tech industry. Now, we invite you to use your expertise, connections, and influence to shape Uzbekistan into a world-class IT hub.

With the launch of Uzbekistan Connect, we are uniting Uzbek professionals abroad and international allies who believe in Uzbekistan’s future. This is more than a program—it’s a movement to connect global expertise with local innovation and position Uzbekistan as a leading player in the digital economy.

We’re calling on global Uzbek professionals and foreign allies who are ready to:
🔸 Attract investments and open doors to global tech giants.
🔸 Support and mentor startups, helping them scale beyond borders.
🔸 Promote Uzbekistan’s IT sector internationally, showing the world our talent and potential.

Being part of Uzbekistan Connect means gaining exclusive access, resources, and opportunities to make a real impact:
🔹 Global Recognition – Media exposure and high-level PR support to enhance your professional brand.
🔹 Mission Funding – Up to $10,000 per year to support your initiatives.
🔹 Direct Access – Engage with top investors, policymakers, and industry leaders.
🔹 Exclusive Homecoming – Two fully funded trips to Uzbekistan for strategic meetings.
🔹 Strong Networking – Monthly strategy calls with key decision-makers in Uzbekistan’s tech sector.

If you’re ready to be part of Uzbekistan’s transformation, this is your chance to shape the future, create opportunities, and make a lasting impact.

🔗 Apply now:

Uzbekistan’s tech future is being built today. Let’s build it together.

#Uzbekistan #Technology

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🚀 Offshore Outsourcing Conference 2025: Key Takeaways

The Offshore Outsourcing Conference 2025, hosted by IT Park Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Digital Technologies, marked a significant step in Uzbekistan’s emergence as a global IT hub. The event brought together 280 participants from 250 companies, including 39 international firms representing 25 countries. Among them were Tech Mahindra, Armatis, Netskope, and SBL, companies with annual revenues ranging from $500M to $5.5B.

Discussions focused on Uzbekistan’s business-friendly environment, its growing IT talent pool, and expanding international partnerships. Key government programs—Enterprise Uzbekistan, Zero Risk, Softlanding, and IT Visa—were presented as strategic incentives for global businesses looking to enter the market.

🔎 How is Uzbekistan shaping the future of IT outsourcing? Find out more:

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🚀Offshore Outsourcing Conference 2025: asosiy xulosalar

IT Park Uzbekistan va Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi tomonidan tashkil etilgan “Offshore Outsourcing Conference 2025” O‘zbekistonning global IT-habga aylanish yo‘lidagi muhim qadam bo‘ldi. Tadbirda 250 ta kompaniyadan 280 nafar ishtirokchi, shu jumladan 25 ta mamlakatdan 39 ta xalqaro korxona vakillari ishtirok etdi. Ular orasida yillik daromadi 500 million dollardan 5,5 milliard dollargacha bo‘lgan “Tech Mahindra”, “Armatis”, “Netskope” va “SBL” kabi yirik kompaniyalar bor edi.

Muzokaralar O‘zbekistonning qulay biznes qulay muhiti, o‘sib borayotgan IT-mutaxassislar salohiyati va kengayib borayotgan xalqaro hamkorlik aloqalariga qaratildi. Asosiy hukumat dasturlari — “ Enterprise Uzbekistan”, “Zero Risk”, “Softlanding” va “IT Visa” bozorga kirmoqchi bo‘lgan global kompaniyalar uchun strategik imtiyozlar sifatida taqdim etildi.

🔎 O‘zbekiston IT-autsorsing kelajagini qanday shakllantirmoqda? Batafsil ma’lumot:

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Plug and Play Tech Center” tomonidan tashkil etilgan 4-bosqich akseleratsiya dasturi Toshkent shahrida rasman boshlandi. Mazkur tashabbus IT Park Uzbekistan hamkorligida va O‘zbekiston Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi ko‘magida amalga oshirilmoqda.

Sinchkov saralash jarayonidan so‘ng 15 istiqbolli startap tanlab olindi. Ularning asosiy yo‘nalishlari fintech (moliyaviy texnologiyalar), korporativ yechimlar va sun’iy intellekt bo‘lib, ushbu 12 haftalik intensiv dastur doirasida ishtirokchilar bizneslarini kengaytirish hamda xalqaro bozorlarga chiqish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladilar.

🔗To‘liq maqolani o'qing:

The Batch 4
acceleration program by Plug and Play Tech Center has officially commenced in Tashkent, implemented in partnership with IT Park Uzbekistan and supported by the Ministry of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan.

Following a rigorous selection process, 15 promising startups—primarily focused on Fintech, Enterprise, and AI—have been chosen to participate in an intensive 12-week program aimed at scaling their businesses and expanding into international markets.

🔗Read full article:

👍Seuldagi IT Park Uzbekistan vakolatxonasi O‘zbekistonni istiqbolli IT-hab sifatida targ‘ib qilish orqali xalqaro hamkorlikni faol rivojlantirmoqda. Janubiy Koreyaga tashrif davomida O‘zbekistonda autsorsing, qo‘shma loyihalar va biznesni kengaytirish bilan qiziqayotgan yetakchi texnologiya kompaniyalari bilan uchrashuvlar o‘tkazildi.

IT Park vakilining Koreya kompaniyalari bilan muzokaralari hamkorlikka bo‘lgan yuqori qiziqishni tasdiqladi. Muhokama qilingan tashabbuslar, jumladan, hududlarda ofislar ochish rejalari sheriklikni rivojlantirishga o‘zaro tayyorlikdan dalolat beradi. Belgilangan loyihalarning amalga oshirilishi O‘zbekiston IT-ekotizimini mustahkamlashda muhim qadam bo‘lib, sohaning o‘sishiga va yangi ish o‘rinlarini yaratishga xizmat qiladi.

📖 Batafsil ma'lumot:

👍The representative office of IT Park Uzbekistan in Seoul continues to actively promote international cooperation, positioning Uzbekistan as a promising IT hub. As part of a visit to South Korea, meetings were held with leading technology companies interested in outsourcing, joint projects, and business expansion in Uzbekistan.

The negotiations conducted by the representative of IT Park Korea with South Korean companies reaffirmed a strong interest in collaboration. The initiatives under discussion, including plans to establish offices in Uzbekistan’s regions, reflect a shared commitment to fostering long-term partnerships. The successful implementation of these projects is expected to serve as a pivotal milestone in the enhancement of Uzbekistan’s IT ecosystem, driving sectoral growth, and generating new employment opportunities.

📖 Read more:

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👍 Termizda BPO markazi ochish loyihasiga start berildi

Surxandaryo viloyati, Termiz shahrida “Prime Samarkand Logistik” kompaniyasining yangi filiali ochilishiga bag‘ishlangan seminar bo‘lib o‘tdi. Tadbir Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi Surxondaryo viloyati hududiy shu’basi hamda IT Park filiali tomonidan tashkil etildi.

Tadbirda 300 nafarga yaqin ishtirokchi logistika sohasidagi zamonaviy tendensiyalar, innovatsion texnologiyalar va samarali boshqaruv usullari bilan tanishtirildi.

Batafsil: 👉

👍 The Launch of the BPO Center Project in Termez

A seminar dedicated to the opening of a new branch of Prime Samarkand Logistic was held in Termez, Surkhandarya region. The event was organized by the Regional Department of the Ministry of Digital Technologies and the IT Park branch.

Around 300 participants were introduced to modern trends in logistics, innovative technologies, and effective management methods.


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