Islombek Zokirov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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IELTS 7.5 | 10.12.2022

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Xorijiy atamalarning o‘zbekcha muqobillari taklif etilmoqda

Atamalar komissiyasining ishchi kengashi – O‘zbekiston Fanlar akademiyasi O‘zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti olimlari tomonidan bir qancha variantlar koʻrib chiqilgan. Bu yakuniy variant emas, ishchi organ taqdim etilayotgan atamalarning milliy muqobillari boʻyicha boshqa fikr va mulohazalarni ham eshitishga tayyor.

Hozircha 30 ta atamaning o‘zbekcha muqobili taklif etilmoqda:

Aysberg —> Muztog‘
Bruschatka —> Yo‘lg‘isht
Diskussiya —> Bahs, munozara
Zona —> Hudud
Instrument —> Ish quroli
Intensiv —> Jadal
Kamera —> Bo‘lma
Konstruksiya —> Tuzilma
Koordinator —> Muvofiqlashtiruvchi
Koridor —> Yo‘lak
Lider —> Yo‘lboshchi, yetakchi
Marshrut —> Yo‘nalish
Progress, progressiv —> Ilg‘or, rivojlanish
Dostavka —> Yetkazish
Probeg —> Yurim
Set (ovqatlar seti bo‘yicha) —> To‘plam
Oprava —> Ko‘zoynak bandi
Polik —> To‘shama
Balansirovka —> Muvozanatlashtirish
Vnedorojnik —> Yo‘ltanlamas
Chelenj —> Chorlov
Navigator —> Yo‘llagich
Sеlfi —> O‘zchekim
Svеtofor —> Yo‘lchiroq
Ekspluatatsiya —> Foydalanish
Aksiya —> Yalpi harakat
Kulеr —> Suvlik
Kеshbеk —> Hadya-qaytim
Povеrbank —> Kuchlantirgich
Karving —> Meva bezakchiligi

Mana bu sahifada har bir atama bo‘yicha izohlar berilgan hamda siz ham o‘z fikringizni bildirsangiz bo‘ladi.

👉 @xushnudbek 👈

Wellness routine dan repost
Do'stlar yangi video YouTubega joylandi. Ko'rishingiz mumkin. Aytgancha Settings qismidan quality HD 1440p qilib ko'rish tavsiya etiladi.

P.S Comment yozib support qilish esdan chiqmasin😅


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
16-Fevral kuni Mirzo Ulug'bek ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabida bo'lib o'tgan TEDx dan video lavha.

Credits: @mahiiras


Anyone willing to come and watch, you are more than welcome! You should secure your spot as an attendee by filling in the form below.

TEDxMirzo Ulugbek School dan repost
Meet our speakers!

Our speakers were carefully chosen after a long selection process that consisted of multiple stages. Every single one of them is truly unique with significant achievements in their respective fields and beyond, with their talk topics ranging from quantum physics to psychology. Their profound knowledge and outstanding public speaking skills will ensure that our event will become a truly unforgettable experience.

The registration for the audience for our event will be open soon. We look forward to seeing you at TEDxMirzo Ulugbek School, so stay tuned.

Event date and time: February 16th, 5:00 PM.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
"Boshqaruvdan chiqqan samolyotni nazoratga olish juda qiyin" qariyb 20 yildan beri uchuvchi bo‘lib ishlayotgan Ulug‘bek Mavlonov bilan suhbatlashibdi. Juda ham qiziqarli ma'lumotlar va fikrlar almashilgan. Video so'nggida samolyot kabinasini ham qisqacha tushuntiribdi. Foydali bo'ladi ko'rish albatta.

📱Youtubeda ko'rish uchun:


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Yeah, most of the time I play Ping pong with excitement and emotions😅. I like having fun while playing.

P.S That was a terrible shot, though😅😅.

Wellness routine dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Wellness family Vibe😎. Follow us for more events and content:)


Habaringing bor, Wellness jamaomiz bilan dam olish kunlari sog'lom hayot turmush tarzini targ'ib etish uchun sport o'yinlari tashkil etib kelyapmiz. Bugun do'stlarimiz bilan Volleyball va Basketball o'ynadik. Yangi do'stlar ham ortirdik. Kelgan barchaga tashakkur....As the saying goes: Reading is to the mind, exercise is to the body.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I don't know why but I always get emotional when I lose the point😅or serve.

I also get excited when I win)


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Me, when I'm writing an essay 😁.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Credits: @el_Profesor_76


Why is it so hard to recycle paper cups?

To meet hygiene needs paper cups are made out of virgin materials, which means they could be recycled in theory. However, to be able to drink out of the cup, most cups need to have a lining to hold the liquid – traditionally being PE (polyethylene lining) which is non-recyclable and to separate the lining from the paper is very hard to do.

Don’t be a ‘wishcycler’ by putting cups in a paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bins – they won’t get recycled – and worse, will just contaminate recycling.

So to speak, it is not easy to recycle paper cups as we think. It may take from weeks to years to be fully recycled for use.


P.S I only drink black tea from time to time there. I neither like fast food nor Oqtepalavash. Plus, for the sake of tagline as well: Bardamlik uchun😁


Rahmonov Quvonchbek dan repost

Some interesting facts about cats:

The wealthiest cat is Blackie

Cats can run up to 48kph

Ancient Egyptians had cats as

Cats sleep 70% of their lives sleeping

P.S A random cat in the street. I just came across it on my way back home.

Just a meme
@IslombekZ is one of my few favourite websites. It is a platform where you can literally do whatever you want with your file.

Saytda ko'plab funksiyalar mavjud bo'lib, jumladan:

✅Pdf faylni Wordga o'zgartirish
✅Word faylni Pdfga o'zgartirish
✅Rasmlarni pdfga aylantirish
✅Fayllarni birlashtirish
✅Fayllarni ajratib olish

Va juda ko'plab fayl bilan editing qilish mumkin. Bu saytning yoqadigan tomonlaridan biri bu hech qanday ortiqcha reklamalarsiz va mutlaqo bepul. Teaching faoliyatimda dars uchun kitobdagi vazifa sahifalarini odatda shu saytda ajratib olib (split) share qilaman o'quvchilarim bilan. Umid qilamanki foydali bo'ladi.


I think someone put it on purpose😂. Still, it looked funny.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.