🦴 Fun facts about bones:
✅ Babies are born with over 300 bones
✅ The smallest bones are in the ear
✅ The broken bones will re-grow and repair themselves
✅ The longest bone in the human body is the thigh bone called femur
🦴 Suyaklar haqida qiziqarli faktlar
✅ Chaqaloqlar 300 dan ortiq suyak bilan tug'iladi;
✅ Eng kichik suyaklar quloqda joylashgan;
✅ Singan suyaklar qayta o'sadi va o'zini tiklaydi;
✅ Inson tanasidagi eng uzun suyak bu son suyagi bo'lib, femur deb ataladi.
✅ Babies are born with over 300 bones
✅ The smallest bones are in the ear
✅ The broken bones will re-grow and repair themselves
✅ The longest bone in the human body is the thigh bone called femur
🦴 Suyaklar haqida qiziqarli faktlar
✅ Chaqaloqlar 300 dan ortiq suyak bilan tug'iladi;
✅ Eng kichik suyaklar quloqda joylashgan;
✅ Singan suyaklar qayta o'sadi va o'zini tiklaydi;
✅ Inson tanasidagi eng uzun suyak bu son suyagi bo'lib, femur deb ataladi.