So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Sayohat qilish davomida ko'p qo'llaniladigan so'zlar
✅ At the railway Station - Vokzalda
We're in time - Biz vaqtida keldik
Which platform is ours? - Biz qaysi platformada ketyapmiz?
✅ On the Train - Poyezdda
We left on the dot - Biz roppa-rosa jadval bo'yicha jo'nadik
We are running to the schedule - Biz jadval bo'yicha ketyapmiz
We're behind schedule - Biz kechikib ketyapmiz
Bring me... - Marhamat olib keling
✅ Travelling by Plane - Samolyotda sayohat
What time does the plane leave for Tashkent? - Samolyot Toshkentga soat nechada uchib ketadi
What time does the plane land? - Samolyot soat nechada qo'nadi?
How can I get to the airport? - Aeroportga qanday borishim mumkin?
Where should I register? - Ro'yhatga olish qayerda bo'ladi?
We're invited to register (to walk to the plane) - Bizni ro'yhatdan o'tishga (samolyotga chiqishga) taklif qilishayapti
Do I pay for my extra luggage? - Men ortiqcha yukimni pul to'lashim kerakmi?
✅ On the Plane - Samolyotda
The altitude of the flight is 10 thousand metres - Uchish balandligi 10 ming metr
The cruising speed is about 900 km per hour - Odatdagi tezligi soatiga 900 km
You can lower the back of the seat - Kreslo suyanchig'ini tushurishingiz mumkin
The plane is landing - Samolyot qo'nyapti
May I have a cup of coffee (a glass of juice,...)? - Bitta chashka qahva (bir stakan sharbat) mumkinmi?
I'm a little airsick - Men o'zimni uncha yaxshi his qilmayapman
Will you show me my seat? - Joyimni ko'rsatib bering
⚡️ Sayohat qilish davomida ko'p qo'llaniladigan so'zlar
✅ At the railway Station - Vokzalda
We're in time - Biz vaqtida keldik
Which platform is ours? - Biz qaysi platformada ketyapmiz?
✅ On the Train - Poyezdda
We left on the dot - Biz roppa-rosa jadval bo'yicha jo'nadik
We are running to the schedule - Biz jadval bo'yicha ketyapmiz
We're behind schedule - Biz kechikib ketyapmiz
Bring me... - Marhamat olib keling
✅ Travelling by Plane - Samolyotda sayohat
What time does the plane leave for Tashkent? - Samolyot Toshkentga soat nechada uchib ketadi
What time does the plane land? - Samolyot soat nechada qo'nadi?
How can I get to the airport? - Aeroportga qanday borishim mumkin?
Where should I register? - Ro'yhatga olish qayerda bo'ladi?
We're invited to register (to walk to the plane) - Bizni ro'yhatdan o'tishga (samolyotga chiqishga) taklif qilishayapti
Do I pay for my extra luggage? - Men ortiqcha yukimni pul to'lashim kerakmi?
✅ On the Plane - Samolyotda
The altitude of the flight is 10 thousand metres - Uchish balandligi 10 ming metr
The cruising speed is about 900 km per hour - Odatdagi tezligi soatiga 900 km
You can lower the back of the seat - Kreslo suyanchig'ini tushurishingiz mumkin
The plane is landing - Samolyot qo'nyapti
May I have a cup of coffee (a glass of juice,...)? - Bitta chashka qahva (bir stakan sharbat) mumkinmi?
I'm a little airsick - Men o'zimni uncha yaxshi his qilmayapman
Will you show me my seat? - Joyimni ko'rsatib bering