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✅ Useful

Eng ko'p ishlatiladigan iboralar! 1-qism

🇬🇧 Inglizcha/O'zbekcha 🇺🇿

📋 Salomlashish 🤝

🔸 Hello!/Goodbye! — Salom/Xayr
🔸 Good morning! — Hayrli tong!
🔸 Good afternoon! – Hayrli kun!
🔸 Good evening! – Hayrli kech!

📋 Tanishish

🔸 What is your name? – Ismingiz nima?
🔸 My name is… — Mening ismim…
🔸 Nice to meet you – Tanishganimdan hursandman.
🔸 How are you doing? – Qandaysiz?
🔸 Can you help me? – Menga yordam bera olasizmi?

📋 Ifodalar

🔸 Please/ Thank you – Iltimos/Rahmat
🔸 Sorry – Kechirasiz
🔸 I don't understand – Men tushunmadim.
🔸 Please speak more slowly – Iltimos, sekinroq gapirsangiz.
🔸 Could you repeat that? – Qaytara olasizmi?

📋 So'rash

🔸 Lets go to… — Keling boramiz
🔸 I'm looking for… — …ni qidirib yuribman
🔸 Where is …? — … qayerda?
🔸 How do I get to …? — …ga qanday yetib olsam bo'ladi?
🔸 How do you say that? – Mana buni sizlar nima deysizlar?
🔸 How much is this? – Mana bu nech pul turadi?
🔸 Can I ask you a question? – Savol so'rasam maylimi?

🔸 I am from … — Men …danman
🔸 Can you help me practice English? – Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanishimga yordam berolmaysizmi?
🔸 Could you write it down on paper- Buni qog'ozga yozib bera olmaysizmi?
🔸 What does this word mean? – Bu so'z nimani anglatadi?
🔸 How do you use this word? – Bu so'zni qanday ishlatasizlar?
🔸 Did I say it correctly? – To'g'ri aytdimmi?

📋 Hissiyotlar

🔸 I am hungry – Men och qoldim
🔸 I am thirsty – Chanqadim
🔸 I am cold – Men sovuqqotdim
🔸 I am feeling sick – Men o'zimni yomon his qilyapman

📋 Vaqt

🔸 What time is it? – Soat necha?
🔸 This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
🔸 I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak
🔸 Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/ Ertaga
🔸 Can you give me an example? – Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
🔸 Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting iltimos

📋 E'tiborni Tortish

🔸 Excuse me! – Кechirasiz! (E'tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
🔸 I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr so'rayman
🔸 Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapirmadimi?
🔸 I don't speak English very well — Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman
🔸 I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman!

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing✅

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ingliz tilida "Itdek ishladim" gapi qanday tarjima qilinadi?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#Lesson. Numbers 11 to 100
11 eleven [ilevn]
12 twelve [tvelf]
13 thirteen [Sòrtin]
14 fourteen [fòrtin]
15 fifteen [fiftin]
16 sixteen [sikstin]
17 seventeen [seventin]
18 eighteen [eyittin]
19 nineteen [nayntin]
20 twenty [tventiy]

30 thirty [sòrtiy]
40 forty [fortiy]
50 fifty [fiftiy]
60 sixty [sikstiy]
70 seventy [seventiy]
80 eighty [eyitiy]
90 ninety [nayntiy]
100 one hundred

!20 dan yuqori raqamlarga 1 dan 9 gacha sonlarni qòshib yozamiz va aytamiz. Misol uchun:
21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two
23 twenty-three
34 thirty-four
65 sixty-five

Biz bilan tez va oson òrganing

Rus tili | So‘zlashuv dan repost

Meni hammangiz eshitgansiz, lekin ko‘rmagansiz. Bilib qo‘ying siz gapirmaguncha men gapirmayman.
Diqqat bu nima?

❇️Javobi nima bo‘lishi mumkin👇👇


📌 Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar 📘

1. Desire - istak, hoxish
2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
3. Pumpkin - qovoq
4. Experience - tajriba
5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
7. Child - bola
8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
9. Regret - pushaymonlik
10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
16. Reflection - aks, tasir
17. Passion - ehtiros
18. Umbrella - soyabon
19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
20. Banana - banan
21. Animal - jonivor
22. Perfection - mukammalik
23. Mother - ona
24. Important - muhim
25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
27. Butterfly - kapalak
28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
30. Summer - yoz
31. Incredible - juda ajoib
32. Inspiration - ilhombaxsh
33. Honey - asal
34. Holiday - bayram, tatil
35. Faith -ishonch
36. Hope - umid, umid qilmoq
37. Love - sevmoq, sevgi
38. Consequences - oqibat
39. Extra - qo'shimcha
40. Father - ota
41. Dandelion - qoqio't
42. Innuendo - tuhmat
43. Pray - ibodat qklmoq
44. Paradise - jannat
45. Imaginary - xayloliy
46. Pleasure - mamnun bo'lish
47. Measure - o'lchamoq
48. Happiness - baxt
49. Simultaneously - bir vaqtda bolgan
50. Destination - belgilangan joy
51. Insatiable - tariflab bumaydigan
52. Sky - osmon
53. Magnificent - ajoib, zo'r
54. Miracle - mo'jiza
55. Pronunciation - talaffuz qilmoq
56. Hurricane - kuchli dovul
57. Lullaby - alla
58. Jubilant - haddan tashqari hursand
59. Reliable - ishonchli
60. Light - yorug'
61. Universe - borliq, olam
62. Volcano - vulqon
63. Rise - o'sish
64. Pure - toza, beg'ubor
65. Amazing - ajablanadigan
66. Forever - har doim
67. Believe - ishonch, ishonmoq
68. Crazy - telba, aqldan ozgan
69. Smart - aqilli
70. Fate - taqdir, qismat
71. Accomplishment - muaffaqiyatli tamomlash
71. Sensation - his hayajon
72. Sleepwalker - uyqusirab yuradigan
73. Multiplication - ko'paytirish
74. Infidelity - bevafolik
75. Success - muaffaqiyat
76. Honey - asal
77. Exciting - hayajonlantiruvchi
78. Satisfactory - qoniqarli
79. Mercy - rahm shavqat
80. Essential - muhim
81. Humanity - insoniy
82. Disclose - oshkor qimoq
83. Unfortunately - afsuski, baxtga qarshi
84. Liberty - ozod, erkin
85. Library - kutubxona
86. Beautiful - chiroyli
87. Betray - hiyonat qilmoq
88. Grateful - minnatdor
89. Unbelievable - ishonchsiz
90. Naive - sodda, go'l
91. Smile - tabassum
92. Behavior - hulq
93. Impressive - tasirli
94. Procession - marosim, tantana
95. Admit - tan olmoq
96. Sophisticated - nozik, nazokatli
97. Maintain - davom etmoq
98. Suave - hushmuomila
99. Guilty - ayb
100. Sadness - g'amgin

Kanalga obuna bo'ling👇


So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Sayohat qilish davomida ko'p qo'llaniladigan so'zlar

At the railway Station - Vokzalda

We're in time - Biz vaqtida keldik

Which platform is ours? - Biz qaysi platformada ketyapmiz?

On the Train - Poyezdda

We left on the dot - Biz roppa-rosa jadval bo'yicha jo'nadik

We are running to the schedule - Biz jadval bo'yicha ketyapmiz

We're behind schedule - Biz kechikib ketyapmiz

Bring me... - Marhamat olib keling

Travelling by Plane - Samolyotda sayohat

What time does the plane leave for Tashkent? - Samolyot Toshkentga soat nechada uchib ketadi

What time does the plane land? - Samolyot soat nechada qo'nadi?

How can I get to the airport? - Aeroportga qanday borishim mumkin?

Where should I register? - Ro'yhatga olish qayerda bo'ladi?

We're invited to register (to walk to the plane) - Bizni ro'yhatdan o'tishga (samolyotga chiqishga) taklif qilishayapti

Do I pay for my extra luggage? - Men ortiqcha yukimni pul to'lashim kerakmi?

On the Plane - Samolyotda

The altitude of the flight is 10 thousand metres - Uchish balandligi 10 ming metr

The cruising speed is about 900 km per hour - Odatdagi tezligi soatiga 900 km

You can lower the back of the seat - Kreslo suyanchig'ini tushurishingiz mumkin

The plane is landing - Samolyot qo'nyapti

May I have a cup of coffee (a glass of juice,...)? - Bitta chashka qahva (bir stakan sharbat) mumkinmi?

I'm a little airsick - Men o'zimni uncha yaxshi his qilmayapman

Will you show me my seat? - Joyimni ko'rsatib bering



👧Assalomu aleykum🧒
💻 Our new theme is :
Gardening tools

🪜 Ladder [leder] - Narvon

🔨 Hammer [hemmir] - Bolg'a

🪚 Saw [so] - Arra

🧱 Brick [brik] - G'isht

🪓 Axe [Eks] - Bolta

🧹 Swipper [sviper] - Supurgi

🛒wheelbarrow [viilberrov] - Arava

Cultivator [kultiveytr] - Yer taroq

Spade [speyd] -. Ketmon

Shovel [shavl] - Belkurak

Hedge shears [hej shirs]- tok qaychi

Hand fork [hendfork] - qo'l sanchqi

Biz bilan birga qoling

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Ingliz tilida matematik atamalar

Weight (Avoirdupois) - Ingliz og'irlik o'lchovi sistemasi

grain - gran

dram - draxma

ounse - unsiya

pound - funt

stone - stoun

ton - tonna

actual net weight - sof og'irlik

brutto - brutto

Length - Uzunlik

millimetre(mm) - millimetr

centimetre(sm) - santimetr

decimetre(dm) - desimetr

metre(m) - metr

kilometre(km) - kilometr

What's the length of this road? - Bu yo'lning uzunligi qancha?

English Linear Measures - Ingliz uzunlik o'lchovi sistemasi

inch - dyum

foot(feet) - fut

yard - yard

mile - mil

2,3 feet - ikki, uch fut

5 feet - besh fut

Square measure - Kvadrat o'lchovlari

square centimetre - kvadrat santimetr

square metre - kvadrat metr

square kilometre - kvadrat kilometr

are - ar

hectare - gektar

English Square Measure - Ingliz kvadrat o'lchovi istemasi

square inch - kvadrat foyle

square yard - kvadrat yard

acre - akr

square mile - kvadrat mil

Capasity - Hajm o'lchovlari

cubic centimetre - bir kub santimetr

cubic metre - bir kub metr

cubic kilometre - bir kub kilometr

litre - bir litr

Kasb nomlarini ôrganamiz


Hayvov nomlarini ôrganamiz


So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Ingliz tilida matematik atamalar

Fractions - Kasr

1/2 (one half) - yarim

1/5 (one fifth) - beshdan bir

1/4 (one fourth) - chorak, to'rtdan bir

1×2/3 (one and two thirds) - bir butun uchdan ikki

0,5 (nought point five) - nol butun besh

1,6 (one point six ) - bir butun o'ndan olti

3,05 (three point nought five) - uch butun yuzdan besh

Arithmetic Operations - Arifmetik amallar

Addition - qo'shish

Subtraction - ayirish

Division - bo'lish

Multiplication - ko'paytirish

Weight Ands Measures - Og'irlik va Uzunlik o'lchovlari

milligramme (mg) - milligram(mg)

gramme (g) - gramm(g)

killogramme(kg) - kilogram (kg)

ton (t) - tonna(t)

2, 3 grammes(kilogrammes, tons, litres - 2, 3gramm (kilogram, tonna, litr)

5, 6 grammes (kilograms, tons, litres) - 5, 6 gram(kolgram, tonna, litr)

How many kilogrammes (grammes, tons)? - Necha kilogram (gram, tonna)?

Will you weigh me...? - Menga ... tortib bering



Our new lesson: VEGETABLES

🥔Potato - kartoshka (poteto)
🧅Onion - piyoz (onyon)
🥕Carrot - sabzi (kerrot)
🍅Tomato - pomidor (to‘meto)
🥒Cucumber - bodring (kukambe)
🧄Garlic - chesnok (garlk)
🥬Cabbega - karam (kebbej)
🫑Green pepper - bulg‘or qalampiri (griin peper)
🌶Red pepper - garimdori (red peper)
Mushroom - qo‘ziqorin (mashruum)
🍆Eggplant - baqlajon (egplent)
🍠Radish - rediska (redish)
🌽Corn - jo‘hori (korn)
Pumpkin - qovoq (pampkn)
Pea - no‘hat (pia)

Biz bilan tez va oson òrganing


  •   Tish
  •   Og'iz
  •   Til
  •   Jag'
431 ta ovoz

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Ko‘p foydalaniladigan sifatlar

🎯 decent — odobli, yaxshi xulqli
🎯 indecent — beadab
🎯 honest — to‘g‘riso‘z
🎯 fair — to‘g‘riso‘z, adolatli
🎯 sincere — samimiy

🎯 dishonest — g‘irrom, noinsof
🎯 innocent — aybsiz, begunoh
🎯 guilty — aybdor
🎯 criminal — jinoyatchi
🎯 kind — mehribon

🎯 hostile — adovatli, dushmanlik
🎯 gentle — yuvosh, beozor
🎯 polite — odobli, xushmuomalali
🎯 rude — qo‘pol
🎯 generous — saxiy

🎯 close-fisted — qizg‘anchiq, qurumsoq
🎯 talkative — gapdon, ko‘p gapiradigan
🎯 sociable — kirishimli, dilkash
🎯 reserved — vazmin
🎯 docile — itoatli

🎯 disobedient — itoatsiz, gapga kirmaydigan
🎯 strict — talabchan
🎯 mild — yumshoq, muloyim
🎯 reliable — ishonchli
🎯 changeable — o‘zgaruvchan

🎯 brave — mard, jasur
🎯 courageous — mard
🎯 coward — qo‘rqoq
🎯 timid — jur'atsiz, tortinchoq
🎯 reasonable — ongli, idrokli

🎯 prudent — mulohazali, o‘ylab ish qiladigan
🎯 light-minded — yengiltak
🎯 cautious — ehtiyotkor
🎯 incautious — beparvo
🎯 truthful - rostgo‘y



Absent (yo'q) - present (mavjud)
Accident (tasodif) - intent (hushyor)
Achieve (erishmoq) - fail (muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq)
Adjacent (yaqindagi) - distant (uzoqdagi)
Admire (yaxshi ko'rmoq) - detest (nafratlanmoq)
Admit (tan olmoq) - reject (rad etmoq)
Adore (hurmat qilmoq) - hate (nafratlanmoq)
Advance (oldinga yurmoq) - retreat (chekinmoq)
Affirm (tasdiqlamoq) - deny (rad etmoq)
Afraid (qo'rqqan) - confident (o'ziga ishongan)
After (keyin) - before (oldin)
Aid (yordam bermoq) - hinder (xalaqit bermoq)
Alarm (vahima) - comfort (qulay)


Idishlar nomini órganamiz


Menga yoqqan fasl
Matnni tarjima qiling


* duck -o'rdak[dak]
* goose -g'oz[gus]
* hen -tovuq[hen]
* chick -jo'ja[chik]
* cock -xo'roz[ko'k]
* turkey -kurka[to'key]
* goat -echki[go't]
* rabbit -quyon[rebbit]

😊Post yoqgan bo‘lsa kanalimizga do‘stlaringizni taklif qiling !



Absent (yo'q) - present (mavjud)
Accident (tasodif) - intent (hushyor)
Achieve (erishmoq) - fail (muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq)
Adjacent (yaqindagi) - distant (uzoqdagi)
Admire (yaxshi ko'rmoq) - detest (nafratlanmoq)
Admit (tan olmoq) - reject (rad etmoq)
Adore (hurmat qilmoq) - hate (nafratlanmoq)
Advance (oldinga yurmoq) - retreat (chekinmoq)
Affirm (tasdiqlamoq) - deny (rad etmoq)
Afraid (qo'rqqan) - confident (o'ziga ishongan)
After (keyin) - before (oldin)
Aid (yordam bermoq) - hinder (xalaqit bermoq)
Alarm (vahima) - comfort (qulay)


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.