1. rural = the adjective for ‘countryside’
Ex: I come from a rural area originally, although these days I live in our capital city.
2. a backwater = an area of a country where little of interest happens
Ex: I used to live in an agricultural town, but frankly it was such a backwater that I moved to one of the larger cities.
3. rural depopulation = the long-term trend for people to migrate from the countryside to cities, leaving the rural areas with few people
Ex: Rural depopulation can cause huge problems with local infrastructure, as there aren’t enough people to run the services and transport.
4. country dwellers = people who live in the countryside (‘city dwellers’ = people who live in cities)
Ex: My parents were country dwellers when they first married, but now we all live in a coastal town.
5. a scarcity = a lack or shortage of something
Ex: The worst problem I experienced in the countryside was a real scarcity of sports events and music festivals.
6. rural unemployment = unemployment affecting rural workers specifically
Ex: Rural unemployment has been ameliorated by innovative Internet start-ups.
7. rural poverty = being extremely poor in the countryside
Ex: Rural poverty is a long-term situation exacerbated by lack of infrastructure and training.
8. material considerations = concerns about money and material possessions
Ex: You can’t only think of material considerations when deciding who to marry, I feel.
9. an abundance = a very high level of supply or availability of something
Ex: In the mountains, there’s an abundance of wild flowers and goats.
10. wildlife = animals living naturally in the wild
Ex: It’s surprising how much wildlife you can see in the suburbs in Australia.
11. forestry = the industry of growing and cutting trees
Ex: When I graduate, I want to work for a responsible forestry company.
Ex: I come from a rural area originally, although these days I live in our capital city.
2. a backwater = an area of a country where little of interest happens
Ex: I used to live in an agricultural town, but frankly it was such a backwater that I moved to one of the larger cities.
3. rural depopulation = the long-term trend for people to migrate from the countryside to cities, leaving the rural areas with few people
Ex: Rural depopulation can cause huge problems with local infrastructure, as there aren’t enough people to run the services and transport.
4. country dwellers = people who live in the countryside (‘city dwellers’ = people who live in cities)
Ex: My parents were country dwellers when they first married, but now we all live in a coastal town.
5. a scarcity = a lack or shortage of something
Ex: The worst problem I experienced in the countryside was a real scarcity of sports events and music festivals.
6. rural unemployment = unemployment affecting rural workers specifically
Ex: Rural unemployment has been ameliorated by innovative Internet start-ups.
7. rural poverty = being extremely poor in the countryside
Ex: Rural poverty is a long-term situation exacerbated by lack of infrastructure and training.
8. material considerations = concerns about money and material possessions
Ex: You can’t only think of material considerations when deciding who to marry, I feel.
9. an abundance = a very high level of supply or availability of something
Ex: In the mountains, there’s an abundance of wild flowers and goats.
10. wildlife = animals living naturally in the wild
Ex: It’s surprising how much wildlife you can see in the suburbs in Australia.
11. forestry = the industry of growing and cutting trees
Ex: When I graduate, I want to work for a responsible forestry company.