Ingliz tilida ko'p ishlatiladigan SPEAKING qisqartmalar ✅
✅Gonna - going to
✅Gotta - got to / have to
✅Have gotta - have got to / have to
✅Wanna - want to
✅Lemme - let me
✅Gimme - give me
✅Outta - out of
✅Kinda - kind of
✅Imma - I am going to
✅Hafta - have to, must
✅Oughta - ought to
✅Shoulda - should have
✅Dunno - don't know/doesn't know
✅Nope/Nah/Naa - No
✅Betcha - bet you
✅Lotsa - lots of
✅Lotta - lot of
Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS 🔥😊😊
✅Gonna - going to
✅Gotta - got to / have to
✅Have gotta - have got to / have to
✅Wanna - want to
✅Lemme - let me
✅Gimme - give me
✅Outta - out of
✅Kinda - kind of
✅Imma - I am going to
✅Hafta - have to, must
✅Oughta - ought to
✅Shoulda - should have
✅Dunno - don't know/doesn't know
✅Nope/Nah/Naa - No
✅Betcha - bet you
✅Lotsa - lots of
✅Lotta - lot of
Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS 🔥😊😊