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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Uyat ee. Sharmanda . 😱

Nimaga tepadagi postda reaksiya buncha kam. Qani tez bosilachi 👆

Ramazon oyi uchun mos boʻlgan soʻzlar 🤩

☪️Ramadan – Ramazon
☪️Fasting – Ro‘za tutish
☪️Iftar – Iftorlik
☪️Suhoor (Suhur) – Saharlik
☪️Taraweeh – Tarovih namozi
☪️Eid al-Fitr – Ramazon hayiti
☪️Charity – Xayriya
☪️Zakat – Zakot
☪️Sadaqah – Sadaqa
☪️Call to prayer - Azon
☪️Sunset / dusk - quyosh botish payti
☪️Sunrise / dawn - quyosh chiqish vaqti

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995 0 23 1 81

MART va APREL Oyida bo'lib o'tadigan IELTS imtihonida tushishi mumkin bo'lgan savollar ✔️

MART Prediction MART Prediction
MART Prediction MART Prediction

Bu kanaldagi predictionlar to'g'ri chiqmoqda 😎

🔖🔠🔠🔠 da eng ko’p keladigan so’zlar. Har birini yodlab chiqing!

👆 Go straightTo‘g‘riga yurish
👈 Turn leftChapga burilish
👉 Turn rightO‘ngga burilish
📍 Next toYonida
↔️ OppositeRo‘parasida
📌 At the corner ofBurchagida
🔍 Near / Close toYaqinida
🚪 Main entranceAsosiy kirish eshigi
📁 ExitChiqish
🔄 AlongBo‘ylab
💡 Dead endKo‘cha oxiri
RoundaboutAylana yo‘l
BeyondO'tib/narigi tomonida
On the other side – Boshqa tomonda

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3.9k 0 167 2 140

🆕 Kundalik nutq uchun iboralar!

🔥 Hold your horses! — Tinchlaning/Xavotirlanmang!

🔥 I can't be bothered. — Boshqa chiday olmayman

🔥 What are you up to? — Nima qilyapsiz?

🔥 I'm stuffed. — Qornim toʻq

🔥 What is the craic? — Hayotingiz qanaqa?

🔥 Dark horse - yashirin qobiliyatlari bor odam

🔥 Chatterbox - koʻp gapiradigan odam

🔥 Wet blanket - doim noliydigan odam

🔥 Laid-back - begʻam, osonlikcha asabiylashmaydigan odam

🔥 Tearaway - bezori, ishkalchi odam

🔥 Wimp - oʻziga ishonmaydigan odam

🔥 Nerd - juda koʻp oʻqiydigan odam

🔥 Cheapskate - pulga ziqna odam

🔥 I’m easy! – Menga farqi yo’q!

🔥 Easier said than done! – Aytishga oson!

🔥 Let’s see. – Qani, ko’ramiz!

🔥 I dread to think! – Bu haqida hattoki o’ylagim ham

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3.9k 0 193 2 111

🚨 Advanced adverbs

⚠️B2 Consequently natijada

⚠️B2 Nevertheless shunga qaramay

⚠️B2 Precisely aynan|xuddi

⚠️B2 Honestly vijdonan

⚠️B2 Excellently a'lo darajada

⚠️B2 Automatically avtomatik tarzda

⚠️B2 Genuinely rostdan | chindan

⚠️B2 Unexpectedly kutilmaganda

⚠️B2 Enthusiastically chin dildan

⚠️B2 Alternatively yoki bo'lmasa

⚠️B2 Sharply keskin ravishda

⚠️B2 Annually yiliga|yilbay

⚠️B2 Patiently sabr bilan

⚠️B2 Evidently aftidan

C1 Energetically shijoat bilan

C1 Randomly tasodifiy tartibda

C1 Supposedly aytishlaricha

C1 Uncomfortably noqulay tarzda

C2 Undeniably shubhasiz

C2 Intensely kuchli ravishda

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4.1k 0 197 1 98

🍰🍕🍔🍪Food vocabulary

🥞 Junk food - zararli ovqatlar

🍰 Nourishing meal - to’yimli ovqat

🍩Homemade meal - uyda tayyorlangan ovqat

🍟Organic food - tabiiy, kimyoviy aralashmalarsiz ovqat

🍔 Ready meal - tayyor ovqat

🍗 Processed food - bosqichma bosqich usulda tayyorlanadigan ovqat

🍔 Additives - qo’shimchalar

🍔 Slap-up meal - katta portsiyali ovqat

🍔 Spoil appetite - ishtahani bo’g’moq

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4.9k 0 170 1 104


1. Over time - vaqt o'tishi bilan
- "Over time, her skills improved significantly."

2. Generally speaking - umuman olganda, odatda
- "Generally speaking, the project was a success."

3. Out of nowhere - kutilmaganda
- "He appeared out of nowhere just when I needed help."

4. Every now and then - ba'zida
- "I enjoy reading classic novels every now and then."

5. As far as I'm aware - men bilganim bo'yicha
- "As far as I'm aware, the rules haven't changed."

6. Consider - inobatga olmoq, o'ylab ko'rmoq
- "We must consider all factors before making a decision."

7. Honestly speaking - ochig'ini aytganda
- "Honestly speaking, I wasn't impressed by the presentation."

8. When all is said and done - oxir-oqibat, oxirida
- "When all is said and done, family is what matters most."

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6.6k 0 215 4 115

Phrases with "Day" ☀️

☀️ Daybreak - tong
— The landscape looks stunning at daybreak.

☀️ Daydreamer - orzu qiluvchi odam
— I’m a daydreamer; I often find myself lost in thoughts during the day.

☀️ Make the most of the day - kunni to'liq foydalanish
— Make the most of the day and enjoy every moment!

☀️ Sunny side up - yorqin, ijobiy
— Keep a sunny side up attitude throughout the day.

☀️ Daylight - kunduzgi yorug'lik
— We finished the hike before daylight faded.

☀️ Brighten up your day - kunni yorqinlashtirmoq
— A smile can really brighten up your day.

☀️ Day off - dam olish kuni
— I’m looking forward to my day off this weekend.

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8k 0 162 6 86


1. On the whole - Umuman olganda
- "On the whole, it was a successful event."

2. Out of nowhere - To‘satdan
- "The idea came to me out of nowhere."

3. Now and then - Vaqti-vaqti bilan
- "I visit my grandparents now and then."

4. Bear in mind - E'tiborga olmoq
- "Bear in mind that deadlines are approaching."

5. Frankly speaking - To‘g‘risini aytganda
- "Frankly speaking, I don't like this job."

6. At the end of the day - Nihoyat
- "At the end of the day, results speak for themselves."

7. In the blink of an eye - Bir zumda
- "Everything changed in the blink of an eye."

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8.7k 0 250 3 104

🚫 10 Cliche idioms should stop using! 🚫

1. Raining cats and dogs - 🌧 It's pouring.
2. Not my cup of tea - ☕️ Not my thing.
3. Piece of cake - 🍰 So easy.
4. Once in a blue moon - 🌕 Rarely happens.
5. Burn the midnight oil - 🌛 Working late.
6. Bob's your uncle - 🇬🇧 Simple as that.
7. Early bird catches the worm - 🐦 Get up early.
8. Cool as a cucumber - ☺️ Super calm.
9. Busy as a bee - 🐝 Very busy.
10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away - 🍏 Eat healthy.

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9.2k 0 128 2 109

HEALTH vocabulary  ✅

😷 Ache - ogʻriq

😷 Earache - quloq ogʻrigʻi

😷 Headache - bosh ogʻrigʻi

😷 Stomach ache - qorin ogʻrigʻi

😷 Toothache - tish ogʻrigʻi
😷 Cancer - saraton kasalligi

😷 Cold - shamollash

😷 Cough - yo'talmoq

😷 Flu - gripp

😷 Immune system - immunitet tizimi

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9k 0 193 1 148

📌Advanced words related to feelings & emotions 📌

😖 1. Despair – Umidsizlik, tushkunlik (Отчаяние)

🌕 Example: After losing his job, he felt a deep sense of despair.

😤 2. Resentment – Xafagarchilik, ichki g‘azab (Обида, негодование)

🌕 Example: She still feels resentment toward her boss for not promoting her.

😕 3. Ambivalence – Ikki xil his-tuyg‘u, ikkilanib turish (Двойственность)

🌕 Example: He felt ambivalence about moving to another country for work.

😓 4. Remorse – Peshonasi tirishib pushaymon bo‘lish (Раскаяние)

🌕 Example: After yelling at his friend, he was filled with remorse.

😠 5. Indignation – G‘azab, adolatsizlikdan jahl chiqish (Возмущение)

🌕 Example: She expressed indignation when she saw unfair treatment.

😔 6. Melancholy – G‘amginlik, xafalik (Тоска, меланхолия)

🌕 Example: The rainy weather filled him with melancholy.

🤨 7. Contempt – Nafrat, mensimaslik (Презрение)

🌕 Example: He looked at the dishonest politician with contempt.

😟 8. Apprehension – Tashvish, noaniqlikdan qo‘rquv (Опасение, тревога)

🌕 Example: She felt apprehension before starting her new job.

😮 9. Awe – Hayrat va hurmat aralash qo‘rquv (Благоговейный трепет)

🌕 Example: The beauty of the mountains filled him with awe.

🤯 10. Disillusionment – Haqiqatni anglash natijasida umidsizlik (Разочарование)

🌕 Example: He felt disillusionment after realizing his hero was corrupt.

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9.4k 0 241 1 111


1. Over time - vaqt o'tishi bilan
- "Over time, her skills improved significantly."

2. Generally speaking - umuman olganda, odatda
- "Generally speaking, the project was a success."

3. Out of nowhere - kutilmaganda
- "He appeared out of nowhere just when I needed help."

4. Every now and then - ba'zida
- "I enjoy reading classic novels every now and then."

5. As far as I'm aware - men bilganim bo'yicha
- "As far as I'm aware, the rules haven't changed."

6. Consider - inobatga olmoq, o'ylab ko'rmoq
- "We must consider all factors before making a decision."

7. Honestly speaking - ochig'ini aytganda
- "Honestly speaking, I wasn't impressed by the presentation."

8. When all is said and done - oxir-oqibat, oxirida
- "When all is said and done, family is what matters most."

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9.7k 0 283 2 171

Useful Phrases with "Moon" 🌕

🌕 Moonlit - oy nuri yoritgan
— The beach looks magical under a moonlit sky.

🌕 Over the moon - juda baxtli
— I was over the moon when I heard the news.

🌕 Catch the moon - erishish qiyin bo'lgan narsaga intilish
— Some people try to catch the moon, chasing impossible dreams.

🌕 Once in a blue moon - kamdan-kam hollarda
— We only meet up once in a blue moon, but it’s always special.

🌕 Moonlight - oydinda nurlanish
— The couple danced in the moonlight by the lake.

🌕 Reach for the moon - katta narsalarga intilmoq
— Always reach for the moon; even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

🌕 Supermoon - katta va yorqin oyni anglatadi
— Tonight’s supermoon is a rare sight; don't miss it!

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10.4k 0 258 4 184

Friends for topic-vocabulary 😉

🌟 Fair-weather friend - sotqin doʻst 😭

🌟To have a lot in common with - oʻxshash tomonlari koʻp ☺️

🌟 Enjoy each other company - birga vaqt oʻtkazish 🤳

🌟Near and dear to someone - kimdur uchundur yaqin kishi❓

🌟Shoulder to cry on - doimo muammolar payti turadigan kishi 👯‍♀️

🌟Be well-matched ( with sb) - juda ham mos tushmoq💻💻

🌟To be together through thick and thin - yaxshi va yomon kunlarida birga boʻlmoq 🌸

🌟A drift apart - uzoqlashib ketmoq🫥

🌟 Get on well with sb - yaxshi chiqishmoq👏

🌟 Fall for someone - sevib qolmoq ❤️

🌟 Ups and downs - yaxshi va yomon kunlar 🙃

🌟 Lose touch with somebody - aloqani uzilishi👊


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣100 ta har xil reaksiya


10.8k 0 269 2 131

🔔A1 va A2 leveldagi soʻzlarning C1 va C2 synonymlari

A1 Think           C2 ponder
A1 Call              C2 summon
A1 Keep            C2 retain
o'zida saqlab qolmoq
A1 Want           C1 desire
A1 Work           C1 labour
A1 Live             C1 reside
istiqomat qilmoq
A1 Meet           C1 encounter
uchrashib qolmoq
A1 Give            B2 supply
A1 Use             B2 utilize
A1 Ask             B2 inquire
A1 Change      B2 transform
A1 Mean          B2 signify
A1 Move          B2 relocate
A1 Stop            B2 cease
A1 Create        B2 generate

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10.5k 0 329 5 210

✅Kerakli iboralar✅

✅ I don't understand – Men, tushunmadim.
Please speak more slowly – Iltimos, sekinroq gapirsangiz.
Could you repeat that? – Qaytara olasizmi?
How are you doing? – Qandaysiz?
How do you say that? – Mana buni sizlar nima deysizlar?
How much is this? – Mana bu necha pul turadi?
Can I ask you a question? – Savol so‘rasam maylimi?
Could you write it down on paper? – Shuni qog‘ozga yozib bera olasizmi?
What does this word mean? – Bu so‘z nimani anglatadi?
I am feeling sick – Men o‘zimni yomon his qilyapman.
How do you use this word? – Bu so‘zni qanday ishlatasizlar?
Did I say it correctly? – To‘g‘ri aytdimmi?
What time is it? – Soat necha?
I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak.
Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting, iltimos.
I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr.
Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu erda kimdir rus tilida gapiradimi?
I don't speak English very well. – Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman.
I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman.

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS 🔥😊😊


11.1k 0 379 11 215

😀 Feelings and emotions

😡 Angry
😁 Happy
😔 Sad
😓 Depressed
😇 Motivated
😨 Scared
🙃 Bored
😬 Anxious
😱 Shocked
🥵 Tired
😳 Surprised
🤩 Excited
🤔 Worried
😋 Hungry
😨 Frightened
😥 Upset
🤭 Embarrased
🥰 In love
😡 Nervous
🤧 Sick
😢 Hurt
🤔 Frustrated
😕 Confused
🙈 Shy

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10.2k 0 167 7 212
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.