The pie chart details the location of dance classes while the bar chart gives information about the number students aged up to 16 attending three different dance classes.
Overall, Private studios are the most common venue for dance classes while the fewest dance classes take place in collage-based studios. Notably, a nearly equal proportion of dance classes are held in school halls and community halls. In terms of student attendance, ballet is the most preferred type among the young aged under 11 while the reverse was true for modern dance, and tap attracts nearly the same number of youngsters from both age-groups.
Regarding the locations for dance classes, almost half of the classes are conducted in private studios whereas about a quarter of them are held in School halls. Community halls and college-based studios are less preferred with 18% and 10%, respectively.
As for the attendees of dance classes, 300 students aged between 11-16 participate ballet while it is twice as popular among the youngest students. Tap dance has a relatively balanced attendance, with 400 students in both age-groups. However, the age disparity is wider in Modern dance, attracting about 500 students at the age of 11-16 compared to 300 younger participants.
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Overall, Private studios are the most common venue for dance classes while the fewest dance classes take place in collage-based studios. Notably, a nearly equal proportion of dance classes are held in school halls and community halls. In terms of student attendance, ballet is the most preferred type among the young aged under 11 while the reverse was true for modern dance, and tap attracts nearly the same number of youngsters from both age-groups.
Regarding the locations for dance classes, almost half of the classes are conducted in private studios whereas about a quarter of them are held in School halls. Community halls and college-based studios are less preferred with 18% and 10%, respectively.
As for the attendees of dance classes, 300 students aged between 11-16 participate ballet while it is twice as popular among the youngest students. Tap dance has a relatively balanced attendance, with 400 students in both age-groups. However, the age disparity is wider in Modern dance, attracting about 500 students at the age of 11-16 compared to 300 younger participants.
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