Dastamxon Hamzayev | Personal Blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

English teacher and non-stop learner.
IELTS: 7.5
Personal blog: 🏄🏂🪂⛷🚣🤽🏇⛹️
For discussion: https://t.me/discussiongruup
Channel : 05.Dec.2021.
D. M. - @DastamxonHamzayev

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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The pie chart and the line graph detail the percentage of water usage in Australia in 2004.

Overall, the main consumer of water was residential houses, followed distantly by residential apartments, industry and businesses, and the water consumption of government and others was even lower. Meanwhile, an almost equal percentage of water was used for Bathrooms and Gardens, the main users, in residential areas. Notably, the proportion of water spent in houses for washing clothes was ranked the third while toilets and kitchens required the least share of water, respectively.

As for the general water consumption in Australia, 57 % of water was used in residential houses in 2004, and the figures for residential apartments, industries and businesses were much lower, ranging between 13% and 10%. The smallest users of water were government and “others” at 6% and 3%, respectively.

In terms of water usage in Residential houses, Bathroom and Garden required about 27% for each, but around half of this amount was used in Toilets. 10 % of water in residential houses was used in kitchens, whereas washing clothes demanded twice as much as kitchens.

186 words


The pie charts detail the percentage of energy production in a certain country in the years, 1985 and 2003.

Overall, the proportion of the energy produced from Natural Gas, Coal and other renewable energy sources increased to varying degrees at the expense of Oil and Nuclear while the figures for Hydro remained unchanged. Notably, Oil was the main source of energy throughout although coal experienced the most significant growth. Despite the rise in percentages, other renewable resources stayed as the least important source of energy.

In detail, in 1985, just over the half of the energy was produced from Oil, followed distantly by Nuclear at 22% and Natural gas at 13%, and the remaining categories were lower with Coal ( 8 %), Hydro ( 4%) and other renewables ( 1%).

Over the following years, Oil remained the major source of energy despite declining in percentages by 13%, from 52% in 1985 to 39% in 2003. However, the most dramatic decrease was witnessed in the percentage of Nuclear energy, declining to 8 % in 2003. Meanwhile, Coal and Natural Gas increased by 14% and 10%, respectively until 2003. The figure for other renewable energy sources rose slightly to 4%, reaching the same level as Hydro which did not undergo any changes across the period.

212 words


Axiom gave this report 8.0, but I am not sure it evaluates correctly. Anyways, I can say that it is 7.0 +.

The pie charts detail the sales of five different types of books in a particular bookshop from 1972 to 2012.

Overall, the proportion of sales of Adult Fiction and Children fiction increased to varying degrees at the expense of travel, biography and other types of books. The same percentage of Adult fiction and Children’s fiction was sold in the beginning, and over the years the disparity grew considerably, with Adult fiction becoming the bestseller in 2012. In contrast, Biography and other types of books experienced the most significant downward trends: the former declined from the second bestseller to the least preferred option while the latter turned from the bestseller to the second least preferred.

In detail, “others” accounted for 25%, followed closely by Adult fiction, Children’s fiction and Biography at the same of figure of 20% and distantly by travel at 15%. Over the next four decades, the sales of adult fiction rose dramatically to 25% in 1992, 45% in 2012.

The figures for remaining categories were comparatively lower. Children’s fiction increased by only 2% over two decades from 20% in 1972 to 22% in 1992, and there was a moderate rise to 25% in 2012. Conversely, although there was a slight increase in the sales of travel books to 18% in 1992, the figure saw a sharp drop to 10% in 2012. The data for Biography and “others” decreased consistently. Biography dipped to 8% in 2012 while “others”, the most preferred type of books, halved over the following years, reaching 12% in 2012.

254 words


This is how close friends meet.

You also must have such a friend.

Assalomu alaykum, Everyone

If you are planning to take the CDI test in Jizzakh and need any assistance, feel free to contact @DastamxonHamzayev.


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The pie chart and the table detail the ethnic origins of the population in Australia and where they live.

Overall, the majority of the population in Australia consists of Australians, followed closely by the British and other nationalities, and New Zealanders, the Dutch and the Chinese have smaller proportions . Notably, the gap between urban residents and people living in the countryside is significant. Almost all of the Chinese people live in cities while Australians and the Dutch have the largest rural populations.

In detail, Australian people constitute the largest proportion of the population in Australia at 73%, with 80% living in urban areas and 20% in the countryside, respectively. As for the British and other nations, the former represents 7 %, with around a tenth living in the countryside, while the latter comprises of 14%.

The figures for New Zealanders, the Chinese and the Dutch were comparatively much lower, ranging from 1% to 3 %. In terms of their living areas, 99 % of Chinese people live in cities while this figure for New Zealanders makes up 90%, with 10 % of countryside residents. Similarly, only 17% of the Dutch live in the countryside as 87 % of them are the city dwellers.

204 words


The pie charts detail the proportion of forests and timer across five different continents in a given year.

Overall, the largest percentage of forest located in Africa, followed closely by North America and Europe, and distantly by South America and Asia. Meanwhile, the biggest proportion of timber was in North America while similar percentage of timber grew in South America, Asia and Europe. Notably, Africa was the smallest timber producer.

27% of the world forest was located in Africa, the highest figure for that year although the least percentage of timber was grown there. As for North America, the forestry area accounted for a quarter of the world’s forest, and the figure for timber constituted 30%, the biggest share among the continents.
The second least percentage of the forest in the world was in South America at 16% although the second biggest proportion of the timber grew in this region.

The percentages for Asia and Europe were lower. Europe and Asia had the least amount of forest at 18% and 14 %, respectively. Regarding the percentage of timber all over the world, Europe and Asia represented around a fifth.

189 words


The bar chart details the donation of British people across five different age groups in the years 1990 and 2010.

Overall, the percentage of donators aged up to 50 experienced downward trends while the figure for the older people decreased. The biggest proportion of people who donated to charities, were aged between 36 and 65, followed closely by those from the oldest and the second youngest age groups, and distantly by the youngest age group throughout.

In 1990, just over 40 % of the British at the age of 36-50 gave money to charities, the highest figure for that year, and then there was a moderate decline to 35 % in 2010. Meanwhile, the percentage of donators two oldest age groups increased noticeably: 51-65 age group rose by about 5%, from 35% in 1990 to around 40% in 2010 while the figure for the oldest saw a smaller increase, turning from 32% in 1990 to 35% in 2010.

The percentage of young British donators was lower. People who were at the age of between 18 and 25 accounted for about 17 % in 1990, there was a remarkable decrease to only 6% in 2010. The figure for 26-35 age group followed similar patterns, falling from 30% in 1990 to approximately 24% in 2010.

213 words


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#MockResults March 02 2025 💣💣💣


What kind of day is it today ?

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#MockResults March 02 2025 💣💣💣




If you have got a low score in the mock exam, go home and study.

You don't need to waste the next a few days stressing about your exam result

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